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APWH Essay Guide: SAQ, LEQ, DBQ Prompts

How-to: SAQ/LEQ/DBQ Prompts
Step-by-Step Instructions
Page 1: SAQ
Page 2-3: LEQ
Page 4-5: DBQ
Page 6-7: Maximize Points/Time Management
SAQ (Short Answer Question) Responses
1. Identify the focus of the prompt – what do you have to write about?
2. Identify the skill that the prompt is asking you to demonstrate
a. CCOT – changes and/or continuities over time (BSOC for change=from what, to what)
b. Comparison – similarities and/or differences
i. All comparison answers should include TWO examples within a single response
c. Causation – causes and/or effects
3. List pieces of evidence (either in your head or in the margins of your paper)
a. Make sure your evidence answers the prompt AND falls within the time period
4. Choose the best piece of evidence that you can fully explain
5. Categorize/classify the evidence so that you can be specific in your opening sentence (claim)
a. evidence = Hinduism, claim = religion; evidence = patriarchy, claim = gender roles/social structure
b. evidence = Republic, claim = political structure; evidence = compass, claim = technology
i. Categorizing your evidence allows you to be specific with your claim (and not just reword the
prompt) while not using your evidence in your Describe sentence.
Now that you have a claim and evidence, here is how to construct your answer in paragraph form.
• DESCRIBE – make a claim/argument that gives a specific answer to the prompt
o 1st sentence of the paragraph. Only ONE sentence.
o DO NOT just reword the prompt. You must add your own thoughts and go beyond the wording of the
prompt by telling me HOW or WHY.
o DO NOT include evidence (vocab terms) in a claim – this is why you “categorize” evidence
EVIDENCE – provide an example that supports the claim you made in your Describe sentence
o This is the 2nd sentence. Only ONE sentence. Write it immediately after the Describe sentence.
o The example you use needs to be a noun. Think of vocab terms and key concepts
PROMPT: Explain how various land-based empires expanded from 1450-1650.
Not specific: Land-based empires in Southwest Asia expanded from 1450-1750.
• This is not specific – you have not told me HOW or WHY they expanded
Describe a Specific Claim: Land-based empires in Southwest Asia expanded from 1450-1750 through
military conquest.
• “through military conquest” tells me HOW
Evidence (for the above prompt): The Ottomans defeated the Safavids at the Battle of Chaldiran in 1514
with their advanced technology of gunpowder.
EXPLAIN – explain your evidence AND explain how or why your evidence answers the prompt
o At least THREE sentences for Explain. ONE sentence explains your evidence and shows you know what
you’re talking about. TWO (or more) sentences explain how your evidence answers the prompt.
Explain sentences for the above evidence would explain the fact that gunpowder was an advanced
technology, and why it was an advanced technology, at that time. Sentences would also tell how
gunpowder allowed the Ottomans to expand their empire (remember to answer the prompt) by taking
land from the Safavids as a result of the victory Chaldiran.
Explain it to me like I’m a 5-year-old. Be clear and concise. No “fluff.”
LEQ (Long Essay Question) Responses
1. Identify the focus of the prompt: what do you have to write about?
2. Identify the skill that the prompt is asking you to demonstrate
a. CCOT – changes and/or continuities over time (BSOC for change)
i. Continuity – something that exists and continues to exist for the duration of the prompt
b. Comparison – similarities and/or differences (BSOC for difference)
c. Causation – causes and/or effects
3. List pieces of evidence (either in your head or in the margins of your paper)
a. Make a T chart on your paper
b. List evidence for both skills (make sure they are within the time period of the prompt)
c. Double check that your pieces of evidence actually answer what the prompt is asking
Continuities/Differences/Effects (alternative causes)
d. Whichever column you have more evidence for = these are your claims (A, B, and C)
e. Whichever column has fewer pieces of evidence = this is your counterclaim (CC)
4. Categorize/classify the evidence so that you can be specific in your thesis and claim paragraphs
a. Refer to the SAQ Directions 5a on the first page for help with this.
5. Refer to your thesis template and drop your claims in
a. Thesis MUST include ALL of these words AND be in this order
“Some say [include the skill you are using for CC and the wording from the prompt] citing an example
such as [insert example]. However, [use the wording of the prompt to make 3 claims A,B, and C].
Therefore, there are more [identify the skill of your claims and use the prompt wording to finish
stating your claim].”
b. Breaking it down part-by-part (your thoughts/writing is given in blue)
c. Sample Prompt: Evaluate the extent to which state formation differed in Europe and Asia from 14501750.
i. Some say [there were continuities in state formation between Europe and Asia from 1450-1750]
citing an example such as [the use of (CC) religion to legitimize rule].
ii. However, [state formation in Europe and Asia changed due to (A) the introduction of new
political structures, (B) the development of new social hierarchies, and (C) the increased use of
trade networks].
iii. Therefore, there are more [changes than continuities in state formation in Europe and Asia from
d. Notice that, in the thesis above, the text in red corresponds with the order and topics of your 4 body
6. After you have written your thesis, the next paragraph should be context.
a. Before the period of the prompt
b. Focus on the broader historical context
iv. Take Question #1 in this checklist and write about the focus of the prompt prior to the time
7. Use your thesis to help you order your 4 body paragraphs. The order should be
a. Counterclaim
v. The opening sentence of this paragraph should be the same as the opening sentence of your
Thesis statement.
b. Claim A
c. Claim B
d. Claim C
vi. In your Thesis, the sentence that begins with “However, …” should list claims in order of A, B,
and then C.
vii. The corresponding paragraphs for Claims A, B, and C should be in the same paragraph order as
the order they are listed in the Thesis.
8. All four claim paragraphs (CC + A, B, C) should be written in DEE format.
a. We do not write conclusion or summary sentences at the end of paragraphs.
b. We do not write conclusion or summary paragraphs at the end of the essay.
c. All claim paragraphs should be a minimum of 5 sentences. Good paragraphs with multiple pieces of
evidence can be as long at 8-10 sentences.
Things NOT to do on the LEQ
• You must be specific, if you don’t add any extra words to what the prompt says, you won’t get any credit for
your thesis
• You do NOT need to give an extent or measurement with a single word
o They transformed trade “significantly” – you don’t need to do that
Things to Remember About the LEQ:
• You are much more likely to score high on the AP Exam by performing well on the essays rather than the MCQ
• <1% of the essays receive the complexity point (this is why its known as the “unicorn” point)
DBQ (Document-Based Question) Essay
If you have any questions or need more information about the steps below, refer to the above section about the LEQ.
1. Identify the focus of the prompt and the skill that the prompt is asking you to demonstrate
2. Read the documents
a. Make a quick list #1-7 and write the basic argument/content of each document
i. For example, if the prompt asks about similarities and differences, group the docs by the skill
they show. Feel free to write on the documents themselves!
3. Use the documents to formulate a counterclaim and 3 claims
a. Categorize/classify the documents (evidence)
b. Make sure you have used ALL SEVEN documents
4. Refer to your thesis template and drop your claims into the mad lib template.
5. Write a context paragraph that gives background information BEFORE the time period of the prompt.
6. Write you counterclaim and 3 claim paragraphs using CEI format.
CLAIM – make a claim/argument that gives a specific answer to the prompt
o Use the verbiage of the prompt and then add a specific example telling “how” or “why”
PROMPT: Evaluate the extent to which the Enlightenment affected colonial America in 1700s.
Not specific: The ideas of the Enlightenment had a major influence on the colonists.
• You have not told me HOW or WHY
Describe a Specific Claim: The Enlightenment produced many new ideas and ways of thinking that
ultimately inspired the Declaration of Independence and subsequent American Revolution.
• “Decl. of Ind. and American Revolution” gives specific examples of HOW
EVIDENCE – use the documents (try to use at least 2 per paragraph) to argue/support your claim
o Describing the contents of the documents may take multiple sentences.
▪ If you accurately describe at least 3 documents, you earn 1 evidence point
▪ To earn 2 points, you need to show how the evidence in at least 6 documents supports the claim
that you made
• The in-depth analysis of a document will serve to connect what the document says and
why it supports your claim
• If you argue with document (not as in “the document is wrong” but instead, “the
document demonstrates X”), this essentially becomes your interpretation
o Do not “quote” the documents, but make sure you choose parts of the document that support your claim
o Cite your documents using the simple format: (doc #)
INTERPRETATION – explain how the info in the docs supports your claim
o The interpretation sentences should serve as a link back to the claim sentence.
o This is where you need to provide your own personal thoughts about what the documents are telling
you. Offer your analysis of what the documents say.
▪ If you struggle with Interpretation, answer the question, “why did I choose this document to
support my claim” and use the word “Therefore” to show analysis.
• Think about it in the format of:
o The document says X. Therefore, Y happened as a result.
Though we do not write conclusion sentences in our essays, your
interpretation of the document is similar to how you would write a
conclusion (tie it back to what you initially argued)
Keep in mind you need to interpret 6 documents to earn 2 evidence points (so I would say do this for all
7 documents)
Interpretation The excerpt from Locke’s social contract theory (doc 4) outlines why a rebellion against a
government is justified…. The political leaders in Colonial America agreed with Locke and believed their
social contract with Britain had been violated by King George. Therefore, the American colonists believed
they had a just cause to rebel, based on the ideas presented by Locke, so they decided to declare
independence from Britain and prepared to wage war for their cause. (notice the reference back to the
Declaration and the Revolution that was mentioned in the claim).
7. Source at least 1 document in each claim paragraph for a total of 4 (successfully sourcing 3 docs earns the
a. This is a continuation of any claim paragraph and serves to add to your interpretation
b. Explain the value/limitation of the document through analyzing:
i. Historical Situation/Intended Audience/Purpose or Motive/Perspective or POV
• Cheat Sheet (Perspectives and Motives):
o Priests: THEIR religion
o Politicians/ruler/official: power
o Merchants: money
o Women: respect/equality
Sourcing John Locke lived in Europe during a time of absolute monarchs and Kings who ruled by
divine right. As part of the Age of Enlightenment, it would make sense that Locke would support
the ideas of a social contract and reason that power should be taken from oppressive kings and
8. Add Outside Evidence to one of your paragraphs
a. Any outside evidence must support your claim in order to earn 1 point
i. This is also a continuation of your interpretation
b. Provide one piece of additional specific evidence BEYOND the evidence found in the documents that
SUPPORTS of one of your claims.
c. Think about “evidence” from LEQs – vocab terms that you used for evidence in the LEQ
i. Don’t forget to EXPLAIN your evidence.
ii. You will not earn the point for just adding in a vocab term. You must explain it and explain how
it supports your claim.
Things NOT to do on the DBQ
• Do not quote multiple lines of the document. Write what the document says in your own words.
o AP Exam readers already know what’s in the documents, so you don’t need to quote it back to them.
Things to Remember About the DBQ:
• 1 point on the DBQ essay is worth almost 5 MCQs on the AP Exam
• You are much more likely to score high on the AP Exam by performing well on the essays rather than the MCQ
• Global average on the DBQ is between 2-3
• <1% of the essays receive the complexity point (this is why its known as the “unicorn” point)
Maximize Points/Time Management
LEQ Rubric
• 1 pt
• 1 pt
• 2 pts
• 1 pt
• 1 pt
Thesis: respond to the prompt with a historically defensible claim that establishes a line of reasoning
Context: describe the broader historical context of the prompt
1 pt
accurately give 3 pieces of historical evidence that is relevant to your topic
2 pts accurately give 3 pieces of historical evidence that support your claim
Analysis & Reasoning: demonstrate a historical reasoning skill (change) and support it with evidence
Complexity: demonstrating the opposite skill (continuity) and support it with evidence
DBQ Rubric
• 1 pt
• 1 pt
• 3 pts
• 1 pt
• 1 pt
Thesis: respond to the prompt with a historically defensible claim that establishes a line of reasoning
Context: describe the broader historical context of the prompt
1 pt
accurately describe 3 documents
2 pts accurately support your claim using the information in 6 documents
3 pts earn the 2nd point, then give Outside Evidence (not from the docs) that support your claim
Sourcing: explain the historical setting, intended audience, POV, or perspective for 3 documents
Complexity: demonstrating the opposite skill (continuity) and support it with evidence
It’s important to remember that these essays account for 40% of your total exam score, so maximize points efficiently!
LEQ: I don’t have enough time!!! What should I do to get the most points possible?
• Remember you can skip down on your essay and leave blank spaces to go back and fill in those missing
paragraphs later if you have time
1. Thesis
2. Claim A
3. Claim B
a. College board only requires 2 claims. We do 3 in class in case one claim doesn’t earn points.
4. Counterclaim
a. this can potentially earn you the complexity point as well as be your 3rd piece of supporting evidence.
You should support this CC and not say “but this isn’t a very good argument” or something of that
nature. Make it sound AWESOME.
If you can write 4 paragraphs including a thesis, counterclaim, and 2 claims (that have a total of 3 pieces of supporting
evidence), you could earn 4/5 points out of 6, even though you only wrote 4 paragraphs. This is why your DEE skills are
so important!
1. If there is time, add a Claim C with supporting evidence.
o Remember: you can always ADD MORE EVIDENCE to your paragraphs. There is no rule that each claim
can only have 1 piece of supporting evidence. Feel free to add more.
5. If there is time, add a context paragraph.
a. Keep in mind that you need to give the setting of the prompt as it occurred BEFORE the time period of
the prompt. This helps to show how historical events and actions evolve over time.
DBQ: I don’t have enough time!!! What should I do to get the most points possible?
• Remember you can skip down on your essay and leave blank spaces to go back and fill in those missing
paragraphs later if you have time
1. Thesis
2. Claim A
3. Claim B
a. College board only requires 2 claims. We do 3 in class in case one claim doesn’t earn points.
4. Counterclaim
a. this can potentially earn you the complexity point as well as be your 3rd piece of supporting evidence.
You should support this CC and not say “but this isn’t a very good argument” or something of that
nature. Make it sound AWESOME.
5. If there is time, add a piece of outside evidence that supports a claim that you made.
a. Remember that the evidence you give cannot be anything mentioned in the documents provided to you
by College Board
6. If there is time, add a context paragraph.
a. Keep in mind that you need to give the setting of the prompt as it occurred BEFORE the time period of
the prompt. This helps to show how historical events and actions evolve over time.
7. If there is time, source 3 of the documents and tell why their audience, perspective, motive helps support you
8. If there is time, add a Claim C with supporting evidence.