A Journey With Dragons!! A boardgame that correlates with the popular book: "Sir Cumference and the Round Table" by: Cindy Neuschwander and Wayne Geehan Game Rules: 1. Students choose a game piece from the different knights available. 2. Everyone starts at the beginning. The student with the shortest hair goes first by spinning the spinner. 3. The student turns over one of the cards. Everyone in the group finds the circumference using the information given on the card. If they all agree that the student who spun the spinner answered the problem correctly, that student may move their game piece the number of spaces the spinner landed on. 4. Play continues with the students going clockwise. 5. The game ends after all students have made it to the castle. To prepare the spinner: Use a large paper clip and a pencil. Place the pencil in the middle of the paper clip with the tip of the pencil in the center of the spinner. Flick the paper clip to cause it to spin in a circle around the tip of the pencil. A Journey with Dragons!! Begin your journey here. The dragon is coming! Move ahead 3 spaces!! The Dragon's flames hit you! Move back 2 spaces! You've been trampled by a stampede of wild unicorns. Go back 15 spaces. Created by Andrea Kerr www.fortheloveofteachingmath.com You've been offered a poinsonous apple. Lose a turn. You found a playful dragon! Bounce ahead 3 spaces! You fought off a mighty ogre. Run forward 4 spaces. You've been turned into an ugly frog. Lose a turn! Created by Andrea Kerr www.fortheloveofteachingmath.com r = 4 in r = 1 in r = 11 in r = 2 in r = 3 in r = 12 in r = 6 in r = 5 in r = 13 in r = 7 in r = 9 in r = 14 in r = 8 in r = 10 in r = 15 in d = 4 in d = 12 in d = 16 in d = 2 in d = 30 in d = 20 in d = 6 in d = 50 in d = 22in d = 8 in d = 18 in d = 24 in d = 10 in d = 14 in d = 26 in d = 44 in d = 120 in r = 16 in d = 62 in d = 36 in r = 17 in d = 64 in d = 54 in r = 20 in d = 86 in r = 18 in r = 26 in d = 100 in r = 24 in r = 30 in 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 1