Competing Behavior Pathway Desired Behavior -leave work on desk -complete the agenda, quiz or independent work Maintaining Consequence -praise -token/point on behavior chart -other reward Hypothesized Function of Behavior Escape/ Avoidance Setting Event -possible family conflict -too many friends and sports activities -fairly new 10th grader at the school -during science class and with Science Teacher Antecedent -asked to work on agenda book, class given a quiz, class asked to write in agenda book; all independent activities Challenging Behavior Maintaining Consequence -student rips up independent assignments, quizzes, and agenda book -student has flipped desk -student disrespectful language -below grade level for reading and writing Alternative Behavior -take a 60 sec step out -take work into hallway -not do work -sit quietly during independent work Short-Term Goal -student goes to lunch detention -student referral to office -student has desk moved closer to the teacher