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Research Paper Outline: Internet & Gadgets on Academics

Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Settings
-Statement of the Problem
-Hypotheses of the Study
-Significance of the Study
-Scope and Limitation
-Definition of Terms
Chapter 2: RRL
-Foreign Literature and Studies (at least 5 for both)
-Local Literature and Studies (at least 5 for both)
Chapter 3: Methodology
-Research Design
-Respondents of the Study
-Data Gathering Procedure
-Research Instruments
-Statistical Tools
-Interpretations Used in the Study
Chapter 4: Presentation, Discussion and Interpretations of Data
-tables and graphs lang eto with minimal interpretation saka foreign and local literature/studies
para mag-support
Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation
-Summary of Findings (answers the statement of the problem from chapter 1)
-Conclusion (supports the proven hypotheses of the study)
-Recommendation (what can we recommend for the people that will benefit our study and to the
future researchers)
The Effects of Internet Connectivity and the Presence of Gadget to the Academic Performance of
Chapter 1 – ako
Chapter 2 – Macadangdang, Manalo, Lacambra
Chapter 3 – Gascon