Uploaded by Courtney Costello

Understanding Irony: Worksheet on Situational, Dramatic, Verbal

Watch “What Is Irony?”
Situational Irony- What happens is the _____________________ of what is expected
Dramatic Irony- The audience knows something the character ___________________
Verbal Irony- Writer/speakers says the ____________________ of what is meant
Bold the following that are ironic:
-Rain on your wedding day
-No smoking sign on smoking break when working at a cigarette factory
-Song about irony that does not use irony
Watch Irony: 3 Types
Situational Irony- What actually happens is not what is _____________________
Verbal Irony- What someone says is not what they actually ___________________
Ex. Sarcasm
Dramatic Irony- The ______________________ knows something the character does not
In the video decide which type of irony is in each clip:
_______________________ Clip 1- Romeo and Juliet
_______________________ Clip 2- Doritoes Commercial
_______________________ Clip 3- Friends (Ross and Rachel/baby)
Watch Situational Irony
A sidekick dropping the cake at the beginning of the video is NOT ironic. What would make the
situation ironic?
Watch Verbal Irony
Sarcasm is verbal irony + ___________________
Is it verbal irony if it is raining, windy, and cold and someone says “Lovely weather.”?
Is it verbal irony if someone says “Those cookies look delicious” when the cookies are very
Watch Dramatic Irony
Builds the ________________________ and ________________________
Drives the story forward and keeps the _____________ progressing
The audience is in on a _____________________ the characters don’t know