Topic / Title Newton’s First Law of Motion: Law of Inertia Grade Level Grade 8 Time Allotment 1 Hour and 30 minutes--* Performance Standard The learner shall be able to: Develop a written plan and implement a Newton‘s Olympics Learning Competency The Learners should be able to: Investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of the object to the amount of change in the object‘s motion (S8FE-Ia-15) Objectives: 1. Describe what happens to an object when an external force is introduced in its current state. 2. Define inertia. 3. Infer the relationship between inertia and the mass of an object. 4. Appreciate the importance of Newton’s First Law of Motion. ELICIT (3 minutes) EXPECTED STUDENTS’ RESPONSE MATERIALS Ask the students who among them are familiar with “The Lazy Song” by Bruno Mars. Play the song and encourage them to sing with the tune. Let the students share their insights about the song. Ask the question: What message does the song convey? Mp4 song/music video, Zoom App The song conveys that the singer is lazy or sluggish. ENGAGE (5 minutes) Use the song’s main thought to relate to the topic of inertia. PowerPoint presentation, Zoom App Introduce the idea that some people use the word “inertia” to refer to an emotional state. The word inertia comes from the Latin word iners which means “idle.” EXPLORE & EXPLAIN (35 minutes) Let the learners perform activities 1 and 2: “Leaving Me behind When You Go.” The learners execute the activity by following the procedures while being guided by the teacher through modeling. PowerPoint presentation of the activity procedures and materials needed. Zoom App Ask them to answer the Guide Questions. GUIDE QUESTIONS: A. What happened to the egg when the pie pan has been quickly pushed? The egg dropped inside the glass of B. What do you think is the reason for your observation? The egg resisted the change in its water. motion because of its inertia. C. What happened to the bottles when applied with identical forces through slightly kicking? Compare each bottle. (Activity 2) D. Compare the two bottles based on their masses. Prepared by: Joyce Ann B. Dalungan Teacher III The bottles covered different distances from their origin when slightly kicked. The empty bottle is lighter while the E. Which has more inertia? The empty bottle or the bottle filled with water? one filled with water is heavier. The bottle filled with water possesses greater inertia. F. From that simple activity, what can you infer regarding the relationship of mass and inertia? The greater the mass of an object, the greater is its inertia. G. Which is harder to move, an empty grocery cart or a cart full of grocery items? Why? The cart full of grocery items is harder to move because of its heavy weight; That means it possesses greater inertia and would likely to resist the force introduced through pushing than the empty cart. H. Define inertia operationally. Inertia is the tendency offered by a body to resist any change in its state of rest or motion. EXTEND (10 minutes) Ponder on these situations and justify. You are riding on a jeepney to your school. Along the way, you are comfortably seated when suddenly the jeepney driver steps on the brakes because a dog crossed the street. As a result, you tend to be thrown forward. What explains this phenomenon? Why? In the school quadrangle during your PE class, you are playing “luksong tinik” with your classmates. Infer why you often run from a distance before taking the jump? Administer a short game quiz “Draw Me Luck” to boost and energize the students while enhancing retention of learnings. 1. Which has the greatest inertia among the following? a. Pinch of Salt b. Belt c. Handkerchief d. Narra bed 2. Which has the tendency to be moved easily among the following? a. Pinch of Salt b. Belt c. Handkerchief d. Narra bed 3. Which has greater inertia? 1kg of Cotton or 1kg of Nails Prepared by: Joyce Ann B. Dalungan Teacher III The passenger remains in the state of motion due to its inertia. This is the reason for the passenger to lean forward when the bus stops suddenly. The reason why you run before taking a long jump is that you are bringing yourself in the state of motion and so it becomes easier for you to hurdle the “luksong tinik.” PowerPoint Presentation, Zoom App The Hat (Offline Draw App) D A SAME EVALUATION (7 minutes) Conduct a short quiz. 1.What is Newton’s First Law of Motion? Law of inertia 2. This is the tendency of an object to resist changes in motion. Inertia 3. The quantity that is considered as a measure of a body’s inertia. Mass 4. Which of these has greater inertia: A motorcycle or a 10-wheeler truck? 10-wheeler truck 5. Compared to 8 kg of feathers, what can you say about the inertia of a 6 kg iron? Inertia of lead is lesser than the feather. 6 – 7. two kinds of inertia Inertia at rest & Inertia in motion 8-10. State the first law of motion/law of inertia. An object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by external force. Prepared by: Joyce Ann B. Dalungan Teacher III PowerPoint Presentation, Zoom App ACTIVITY SHEET Name: ______________________________________ TOPIC: INERTIA ACTIVITY 1: LEAVING ME BEHIND WHEN YOU GO The word “inertia” is often used to refer to an emotional state. When people say that they have lots of inertia, they mean that they feel sluggish, and they have difficulty in getting themselves moving. The word inertia comes from the Latin word iners which means “idle.” OBJECTIVES: At the end of the activity, you should be able to: Investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of the object to the amount of change in the object‘s motion (S8FE-Ia-15) Describe what happens to an object when an external force is introduced in its current state. Define inertia. Infer the relationship between inertia and the mass of an object Appreciate the importance of Newton’s First Law of Motion MATERIALS: Cardboard tube, Pie pan, Eggs, Water, A large drinking glass, two 1.5 liters of soda plastic bottle PROCEDURES: 1. Perform the initial activity with the following procedures: Fill the large drinking glass about three-quarters full with water. &ved=0ahUKEwieNC9h6XbAhUMppQKHbvxDtUQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=662#imgrc=amYo gQSASsQNoM: Center a pie pan on top of the glass. Place the cardboard tube on the pie plate, positioning it directly over the water. Carefully set the egg on top of the cardboard tube. With your writing hand, smack the edge of the pie pan horizontally. Don't swing up, and don't swing down! It’s important that you hit the pie pan horizontally and use a pretty solid hit, so plan on chasing the plate and tube. Observe what happens. GUIDE QUESTIONS: A. What happened to the egg when the pie pan has been quickly pushed? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ B. What do you think is the reason for your observation? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Prepared by: Joyce Ann B. Dalungan Teacher III 3. Get the two plastic bottles. Keep the first bottle empty and the second bottle filled with water. Apply identical forces by kicking each of the bottles. Observe what happens. (Note: Just slightly kick the bottles) C. What happened to the bottles when applied with identical forces through kicking? Compare each bottle. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ D. Compare the two bottles based on their masses. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ E. Which has more inertia? The empty bottle or the bottle filled with water? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ CONCLUSION: F. From that simple activity, what can you infer regarding the relationship of mass and inertia? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ G. Which is harder to move, an empty grocery cart or a cart full of grocery items? Why? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ H. Define inertia operationally. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Ponder on these situations and justify. You are riding on a jeepney to your school. Along the way, you are comfortably seated when suddenly the jeepney driver steps on the brakes because a dog crossed the street. As a result, you tend to be thrown forward. What explains this phenomenon? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ In the school quadrangle during your PE class, you are playing “luksong tinik” with your classmates. Infer why you often run from a distance before taking the jump? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Joyce Ann B. Dalungan Teacher III