Na Midterm Exam (Hourly – II Spring – 2021) Subject: Logistics Management Submission Day: Tuesday Instructor: Muhammad Zahid Malik Submission Date: May 04, 2021 Program: MBA Submission Time: 15:15 to 18:15 Max. Marks: 10 Department of Business Administration Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Read and attempt all the questions carefully. Organize your work clearly, neatly, and legibly with page numbers in footer. You are not allowed to change the sequence of questions or any part. This exam will test your ability to examine, explain, modify or develop concepts discussed in class. Exam answers will also be checked through Turnitin for originality. Do not share your answer with any classmate or member. Otherwise, you will be penalized by deduction in your marks. Each student has to submit complete question paper with answers on a Word Document and submit. Your answer should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper A4. (8.27″ x 11.69″) with 1″ Normal margins on all sides. You should use a clear font that is highly readable; 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Name Muhammad nazeer Student ID 11032 Subject Logistics management Faculty Zahid Malik Question 1. (Word Limit 250 – 350 words for each question) [05] a) The logistics function can add value to an organization in a number of ways. Identify and explain the time-based opportunities for adding value. [2.5] ANSWER It is vital to specialise in the availability chain of the organization as of the fast dynamical within the demand of client. The supply is that the domain which will perpetually be the on the highest notch to cater the strain and fulfil them consequently. it's vital to stay an eye fixed on the advance and worth addition towards the organization for the opportunities. Logistics cost: Considers the complete array of prices to form merchandise obtainable to the ultimate client, particularly transport, reposition, and transfer. The conception of price is relative since its importance is regarding the worth of the wares being carried. price issues tend to concern additional pack merchandise with a coffee worth, like commodities, than high-value merchandise. Transit time An element that is being considered rapidly as it strongly affects the costs and inventory cycle time that is being taken on inventory in supply chain management. Therefore, for cargo that has high price or is idle, priority will be given to the routing option which is fastest and/or lowest. The post-code, e-commerce industry faced a tremendous change, logistics has given a new dimension to the industry. An efficient logistics added supply chain ensures maximum value added services to consumers, attracts consumers to products and ensures that they are available in adequate quantities and quality to meet customer demands.. b) Elucidate the stages involved in developing a segmented supply chain strategy. [2.5] Answer The segmented supply chain is designing and operating end to end value chains from customers to suppliers optimizing with the unique customer value along with the product attribute, manufacturing and supply capabilities, and business value considerations. There are four stages that need to elaborate while developing the segmented supply chain strategy. 1. 2. 3. 4. Supply Management Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Integration Demand-Supply Network Collaboration Supply Management: The initial stage to build and internal MRP system that has a lead time. Which will only include the TIER one suppliers. The vendor interaction is to through the documentation and seldom status reporting. Communications are transactional and include quoting, purchase orders, and releases. Supply Chain Management The stage of management has more scope as it includes the TIER-2 suppliers and beyond. The reporting status also increases along with the data sharing among the participants hence flow of information is increased. Supply Chain Integration The integration benefits all the members in the chain because of the strategic planning risk and initiates the involvement of the members. Communications at this level go well beyond transactions and data and include information of all types Demand-Supply Network Collaboration Cooperative interaction and proactive behavior based on critical information that flows freely and simultaneously throughout the supply network. Question 2. (Word Limit 250 – 350 words for each question) [05] a) Through good customer service organizations take competitive advantage over their competitors. Define the term efficient customer response (ECR) and explain its main aims with at least one example. [2.5] ANSWER The comprehensive logistics strategy requires additional value for competitive advantage by the chain and customer service, which satisfies the customer. Expecting demand for future supply services and managing the resources of the entire supply chain (where to reach). This plan is in the context of overall corporate goals and projects chain. The value chain has to ensure improvement in consumer satisfaction in the product and quality segments. It also makes it clear that logistics is to harness china's maximum performance. The main objective of ECR is to improve the flow of products by reducing the inventory of supply chain. The aim is to provide better facilities, better products, better quality, better choice of goods and build "one-one" relationships between the companies concerned. (i.e. every company of a supply chain wins and gains profits). The Shan masala has recently faced a customer complain over the bad ingredients or some problem with the packaging they Guy posted that complain on the social media over the voice of customer. Shan masala team approached the complainer and resolve the complaint within 24 hours a day and gift them a bucket of their SKUs, this leads to the permanent clientele without losing a single moment. The better the customer responsiveness the better the efficiency. b) Many areas of the world say that they need more ports, with up-to-date facilities. Provide evidence(s) to agree / disagree with this view. [2.5] ANSWER Everyone in the world benefits from shipping, without realizing that as the world's population grows, especially in developing countries, low cost and efficient maritime transport plays an important role in development and sustainable development. Shipping is sea transport which is the backbone of trade and economy. The latest convenient ports mean that trade and a stable economy will be just as beneficial. As we have just heard, the EverGand cargo ship had blocked the Panama Canal. Only a few days and they cause billions of dollars in damage to countries. The more the ports one country have with the updated facilities, the jobs will be created and transportation system will be upgraded across the country for dry docking to the wet docking. During last few months Pakistan’s Karachi port has handled the most cargo in a single day that leads to more usage in the ware housing with the facilities to cater the more container and more cargo. Good Luck