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Onion Cell Vesicle Motion Lab: Diffusion & Viscosity

NEXUS/Physics 131, Fall 2020
Lab 4: Examining Motion of vesicles in Onion Cells.
Lab 4: Examining Motion of vesicles in Onion Cells. Characterizing
the diffusion constant and viscosity of Onion Cells.
Plant cells store information, food, and waste in small bubbles called vesicles. These
vesicles are transported throughout cells using a variety of mechanisms. In some cases, cells utilize
processes of random motion, like diffusion. Diffusion is a low power mechanism for transport but
far too slow for transporting important packages.
So, cells have developed a series of complex mechanisms for directed motion. In many cells,
motor proteins transport vesicles along pathways framed by cytoskeletal fiber. One such process
involves vesicles being transported by myosin motors along actin filaments. Another involves
kinesin motors carrying vesicles along microtubules.
All of these types of motion can be observed in onion cells. Therefore, onion cells are a
cheap and simple experimental subject that allows us to make several interesting observations. By
looking at individual onion cells, we can make both qualitative and quantitative observations about
the different types of motion. Moreover, analysis of the work required to move the vesicle,
and the diffusion of vesicles can allow us to better understand the structure of onion cells,
including the effective viscosity and
diffusion constant inside a cell.
The lower cell membrane of
the skin that separates the layers of an
onion is composed of a single layer of
thick cells. It is relatively easy to
remove this layer from an inner layer
of an onion and prepare a simple slide
for viewing under a microscope. The
picture shown to the right gives an
example of what you would see.
You have been provided with a
couple of videos that capture the
activity of vesicles in the onion skin cells. You should see some variety in the nature of the
motion among different clusters of vesicles; some will be moving along paths of seemingly
directed motion, while others may be more stationary or undergoing Brownian or
confined/caged motion to some extent. Try to identify different forms of motion in the
video, discussing with your group to compare what you have found.
First as individuals, watch those videos and focus on the different types of
motion of vesicles in the cell. Identify vesicles that are moving randomly and those
moving directed, and others that don’t quite fit those labels.
NEXUS/Physics 131, Fall 2020
Lab 4: Examining Motion of vesicles in Onion Cells.
Come back with your group and discuss your observations. What might be
different mechanisms behind the different kinds of motions you observe? Why are
some moving rapidly while others aren’t? What might be the difference of vesicles
across the kinds of motion?
This investigation consists of several parts. Each week will consist of a different part
of this investigation.
Week 1. Random vs Directed Motion, the math, taking data.
Week 2. Building a model to describe the motion of vesicles undergoing directed
Week 3. Determining viscosity from directed motion
Week 4. Determining the diffusion constant from random motion.
1) Random vs Directed motion, the Math.
In order to examine diffusion or random motion we must first determine which
vesicles are undergoing random motion and which are undergoing directed. In the
previous lab, you were introduced to the diffusion equation,
< π‘Ÿ 2 > = 4𝐷𝑑
< π‘Ÿ 2 >∝ 𝑑
Where r is distance, D is the diffusion constant and t is time. You should also be
familiar with directed motion under constant velocity,
π‘Ÿ = 𝑣𝑑
Where r is distance, v is velocity, and t is time. For our purposes, it’s easier to
rewrite this equation as,
π‘Ÿ 2 = 𝑣 2𝑑2
π‘Ÿ2 ∝ 𝑑2
Notice now that we have two possible relationships between distance and
time. Either r^2 is proportional to t (in the case of random) or r^2 is proportional
to t^2 (in the case of directed motion). If we can then fit one of these functional
dependencies to our data, we can identify the type of motion and potentially, the type of
Test a fit for both random and directed motion. It’s possible to test both at once
using log-log plots http://umdberg.pbworks.com/w/page/48040885/Log-log%20plots
Examine the onion videos provided on ELMS. Choose vesicles that appear to be
undergoing random motion. Analyze them to determine if they are quantitatively
undergoing random motion.
NEXUS/Physics 131, Fall 2020
Lab 4: Examining Motion of vesicles in Onion Cells.
Perform a separate investigation for vesicles appearing to be undergoing directed
Things to think about:
● Should you use Manual- or Multi-tracker?
● How are you going to determine the nature of the motion (random vs
● What is the certainty in your final conclusion?
● Consider what else you know about these vesicles from your biological
2) Building the model of viscosity from directed motion.
Note: for each numbered part, write your answer down in a lab journal or a shared
google document.
Here are some useful parameters:
● Average size of a myosin motor 'step' = 10 nm, stepping along an actin filament.
● Average size of a kinesin motor 'step' = 8 nm, stepping across/along a tubulin
● One 'step' for a motor is equivalent to 1 ATP hydrolyzation cycle
(EATP = 23 kJ/mole, notice the units: you’ll need J/*molecule*)
● For both myosin motors and kinesin, the efficiency e (work produced ÷ energy
consumed) is 60%.
Unlike random motion and diffusion, which have an existing model, we have to
build the model describing the viscosity.
Step 1: Draw a Freebody Diagram for a vesicle attached to a motor, moving with some
speed through fluid. What force is driving it forward? Are there any forces pulling it back?
Any forces perpendicular to the line of motion?
Using Newton’s Second law, write an equation describing the forces acting on
the vesicle. (Hint: Remember viscous force, 𝐹𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑐 = 6πœ‹πœ‡π‘Ÿπ‘£)
β–‘ Check-in with your TA before moving on.
Vesicles undergoing directed motion are being moved by protein motors, either Kinesin
or Myosin. In physics and engineering we use efficiency to describe machines like motors and
engines. This is the ratio of the amount of work done by the motor vs the amount of energy put
into the motor. In other words:
NEXUS/Physics 131, Fall 2020
Lab 4: Examining Motion of vesicles in Onion Cells.
𝐸𝑖𝑛 comes from ATP hydrolyzation; given the energy value stated above, how much energy
E is consumed by a single motor molecule to take a single step on the dimer or filament?
Step 2: Derive an expression for π‘Šπ‘œπ‘’π‘‘ produced in a single step in terms of the (onemolecule, one-step) input energy E, the efficiency e, the driving force created by the motor Fapp,
and the step size s. Remember work = force * distance (π‘Š = 𝐹 ∗ 𝑑).
β–‘ Check-in with your TA before moving on.
We don’t know and can’t measure directly the force that the motor puts on the vesicle. So, what
do we do?
Refer back to your Freebody Diagram and your 2nd law equation…. if our vesicle is
moving at a roughly constant velocity, what does that tell you about acceleration?
Given that, what is the relationship between the driving force and the drag force?
Step 3: Rewrite your expression for π‘Šπ‘œπ‘’π‘‘ in terms of the drag force variables, viscosity ,
object size r, and terminal velocity v, leaving the others (E, e, s) in place.
What can we say about the object size r ? Obviously the motor + vesicle object isn’t a
sphere, but we’ll pretend it is for simplicity (we already did by using 𝐹𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑐 = 6πœ‹πœ‡π‘Ÿπ‘£; this
introduces a tiny discrepancy, but shouldn’t affect the result on the scale of our
uncertainties); how can we determine a proper object size from our resources?
Which velocity is this v ? Do you already have it somewhere?
β–‘ Check-in with your TA before moving on.
Step 4: Rearrange your equation to solve for viscosity μ. This should be your model for the
following analysis.
Which values are constants? Which variables are held constant during the motion?
Which variables are from measurement? Reframe (at least mentally…) your model
equation in terms of the independent variable vs everything else.
Which step size s are you going to use? Do you think these are kinesins on actin
filaments or myosins on tubulin dimers?
β–‘ Check your final equation with your TA.
NEXUS/Physics 131, Fall 2020
Lab 4: Examining Motion of vesicles in Onion Cells.
3) Determining viscosity from Directed motion.
In this part of the lab, you will focus on determining the viscosity of Onion cell structures.
Using the data you obtained in the first week, determine the average velocities of your motor
molecules (if you haven’t already). Use this data to with your viscosity model equation to analyze
the vesicles undergoing directed motion of the Onion cell and determine an estimate for the
viscosity  of the cytosol.
Here are some questions for you to think about:
● What specifically is it you want to calculate?
● How should you handle acceleration (changes in speed OR direction) present in
the tracks?
● Do you need to keep track of x- and y-components?
● Should your velocity algorithm rely on adjacent/subsequent position data or a
“cumulative” comparison, always with the initial position?
● What are the uncertainties present in your data? Were there any uncertainties
present before you started, from the recording of the video that someone else did
for you?
● Are there any uncertainties important enough to significantly affect your resulting
velocity values?
β–‘ Check your method with your TA.
4) Determining the diffusion constant from random motion.
This week you will focus on determining the diffusion constant of Onion cell structures.
Using the data you obtained in the first week, analyze the vesicles undergoing random motion
for the diffusion constant D of the cytosol in the onion cell. Remember how you determined the
diffusion constant in lab 3.
Here are some questions for you to think about:
● What specifically do you want to calculate? More specifically, what is the formula
for mean-squared displacement and how does it relate the data you have taken?
● do you need to keep track of components?
● What are the mathematical properties of mean-squared displacement?
● Do the number values that result from your algorithm have the correct properties
to be <r 2> values?
● What would you expect to see in an <r 2> vs time plot if the motion is truly
● Would using log plots be a helpful alternative?
● What are the uncertainties present in your data?
NEXUS/Physics 131, Fall 2020
Lab 4: Examining Motion of vesicles in Onion Cells.
● Were there any present before you started, from the recording of the video that
someone else did for you?
● Are there any uncertainties important enough to significantly affect your resulting
<r 2> values?
At the end of today’s lab you will turn in a full lab report. Make sure to explain clearly
how you decided that (or if !) your vesicles are undergoing random or directed motion, how you
developed the model to find the viscosity, and how you analyzed your data to determine
viscosity and the diffusion constant.