The Carbon Footprint 2

The Carbon Footprint
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse emissions caused by a
person. The carbon footprint idea came from a discussion by two scientists.
They wanted to estimate how many “earths” it would take if everyone on the
planet consumed resources at the same level as another person. It is hard to
calculate the exact carbon footprint of a person. A carbon footprint begins
when a person uses forms of energy that add harmful pollutants on Earth.
There are many ways a person can reduce their carbon footprint. A person
should always try to lower their carbon footprint. Anyone can do this by
consuming less energy. You can unplug electronics when they are not being used.
People can walk or ride bikes to lower their need for transportation. This
decreases the amount of pollution that is created by fossil fuels. Coal is a fossil
fuel. Oil is a fossil fuel. Gas is a fossil fuel.
There are natural and human sources of emissions on Earth. Emissions
increase a person’s carbon footprint. Emit means to give out or off. Carbon
dioxide is emitted naturally. Natural emissions can be the decomposition of dead
plants or animals. Decomposition can be the waste of organisms. Humans are
responsible for most of the carbon emissions on Earth. Humans cut down
trees. Humans burn fossil fuels. Humans produce cement. We are increasing
carbon emissions into Earth’s atmosphere. People are contributing to global
warming. We are continually emitting carbon into Earth’s atmosphere at a
higher rate. 87% of carbon emissions are from the burning of fossil fuels. 9%
of carbon emissions are caused by the cutting down of trees on a large scale.
4% of carbon emissions are caused by the production of cement.
The increasing carbon footprint of humans has caused the Earth to warm.
Global warming and climate change are terms for the rise in the average
temperature of Earth. Scientists have observed this noticeable change. There
are many forms of evidence that prove that Earth is warming at a rapid rate.
Ice is melting at Earth’s poles at rates higher than ever before. Melting ice
means water is added to the world’s oceans in large amounts. This causes cities
and countries at sea level to flood. Precipitation changes when the sea level
changes. Weather is more extreme. There are more droughts. There are
stronger storms. Pollution added to Earth’s atmosphere causes problems. The
atmosphere makes somewhat of a blanket around Earth to protect it. It keeps
the Sun’s rays inside Earth to warm it. This causes temperatures to rise. It is
important to understand your carbon footprint. Humans must work to decrease
each of our carbon footprints. This will help keep Earth healthy.
Bow Tie Guy 2016