Uploaded by Fernando Sherwin Bejarin

Caregiving NCII Test: Child Development

Third Quarter
Caregiving NCII
Grade 12
PRE TEST (1 whole intermediate paper )
What is social development?
process by which a child learns to interact with others around
they also gain skills to communicate with other people and process their actions.
Social development most often refers to how a child develops friendships and other
relationships, as well how a child handles conflict with peers.
What is Intellectual Development?
 Cognitive or intellectual development means the growth of a child's ability to think
and reason.
 It's about how they organize their minds, ideas and thoughts to make sense of the world
they live in.
What is Creative Development?
Creative play develops preschooler confidence, language, physical and thinking skills,
imagination and emotional understanding. Dramatic play helps preschoolers make sense of the
world. Arts and craft activities encourage self-expression and decision-making.
What is Emotional Development?
 Emotional development involves learning what feelings and emotions
 understanding how and why they occur
 recognizing your own feelings and those of others
 developing effective ways for managing those feelings.
Activity 1 Answer the following questions. 1 whole intermediate paper
1. Why is early childhood the ideal age to learn skills?
2. How can you help the child build self esteem?
Use the following words into sentence:
1. restraint
2. coaxing
3. detrimental
4. balky