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Epic EHR Glossary: Core & Ancillary Applications

Glossary (Epic Focused)
*Epic Core Applications (EpicCare is the Prefix used in certifications) are the primary
applications used for Clinical Care within the Epic EHR (Electronic Health Record). These
applications include areas such as the Emergency Room, Nursing Documentation, Provider
(Physicians and Nurse Practioners/Physician Assistants) Orders/Documentation and Ambulatory
(Physician offices and clinics).
* ASAP = name for the Emergency Department (ED) Epic application. The ED workflow
is not intended for long term care. ASAP is used for trauma care and Emergency Room type
visits. This application is used almost exclusively within the Emergency Department of a
hospital or at times within an Urgent Care facility. Once a patient moves to another level of
care (such as being admitted to the hospital or being sent home to follow up with a primary
care or specialty clinic), other Epic applications will be utilized for that respective workflow.
* EpicCare Inpatient (Clin Doc) = primarily used for patients who are admitted into the
hospital for care. The documentation is centered around the workflow used by nurses and
shared by the team caring for the patient within the hospital setting such as Respiratory
Therapist. Often this application, is in part, supported by the IT team who are familiar with
hospital workflows such as nurses or respiratory therapist.
* Epic Orders (Orders) = this is the primary application utilized by Providers (Physicians,
etc.) to direct others in the care of the patient. These ‘Orders’ may drive daily care such as Diet,
Radiology (Xray), Labs needed, often the patients’ vital signs must be taken, etc.
* EpicCare Ambulatory = the workflows for visits to an Ambulatory (such as a Doctors
visit) within a clinic. EpicCare Ambulatory focuses on the Documentation/Orders used while a
patient visits his or her doctor. For example, a nurse documents your vital signs and weight
upon arriving for your visit, a physician documents your history and then orders your care such
as lab work you may need or prescribing medication. This application may also be used for an
Outpatient clinic which may have a geographical location in the hospital, but the patient is not a
patient admitted for care. This may be referred to as an HOD (Hospital Outpatient Department).
*Epic Ancillary Clinical Applications are the specialty driven Clinical applications within the Epic
EHR. These applications include areas such as the Operating Room, Laboratory, Cancer or
Cardiac care as examples.
* Optime and Anesthesia = Optime is the terminology used for the Operating Room.
Anesthesia is documentation used within the Operating Room by an Anesthesiologist or
Anesthetist who sedates/puts you to sleep during a procedure/operation. Optime is
used by the nurses/providers to document your preparation for surgery such as the
History and Physical and Orders for medications before and after surgery.
* Beacon = Epic application used for care of Cancer or Blood Disorder patients. This
allows documentation by all clinical users and tracing of the patient through their care
journey. This includes care which is regimented through treatment plans and
chemotherapy treatments for Inpatient or Outpatients.
* Beaker = Epic Application for everything LAB. This is the application which integrates
with all the different machines used to evaluate specimens (blood, urine etc.) and
provide a result. This often integrates with the Blood Bank and Clin Doc (Inpatient
documentation) used within a facility (Epic does not have a specific Blood Bank
* Clinical Case Management = often referred to simply as ‘Case Management’. This is
often used to care for patients who need transition from one level of care to another.
One example would be for a patient who needs rehab and needs care in a long-term
care (nursing home) facility. This workflow ensures the continuum of care for the
patient is followed to another facility or within a non-acute setting.
* Cupid = Epic application which is used for Cardiac (Heart) Care – most often within a
hospital setting with a focus in the Cath Lab area. This is an area which completes
procedures such as Cardiac Catherization’s and has similarity to the Optime/Anesthesia
* Epic Access Applications are the applications which support patient information such as
name/age/insurance. These applications also include patient medical records known as the
Health Information Management (HIM) department.
* Prelude = Epic application used to input patient information such as demographics.
When a patient arrives for a visit (whether emergent or within any area), he or she will be
asked for their name, age, insurance etc. and this information is placed within Epic Prelude.
This information feeds into all other applications for patient identification.
* Grand Central/ADT = this is the application which supports a patients Admittance,
Discharge and Transfer (ADT) throughout a visit. For example, when the Emergency
Department (in ASAP) places an order for a patient to be admitted to Inpatient care/room,
Grand Central will help ensure that room is available, etc. and the patient visible to the
caregivers in the receiving area.
* Cadence = Epic application which is centered around scheduling. For example, when a
patient needs a visit to their doctor’s office, Cadence is used to determine the doctor’s hours
available to schedule a patient visit. Cadence is also used for all things scheduling within a
Hospital Outpatient area such as Radiology (Xray) and/or Lab.
*Epic Resolute = the Epic applications used for billing of patients/insurance/payment within a
Hospital system.
* Resolute Hospital Billing and Claims (HB) is used to collect, review charges, bill
insurance/patients for care by the Hospital (not including Provider charges).
* Resolute Professional Billing and Claims (PB) is used for reviewing/collecting and billing
professional (aka Physician/Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner) charges. This may be used
for all areas yet is most often used within the Ambulatory setting.
*Misc. Applications/Terminology = Epic applications/terminology which support
workflows/analytics/regulatory requirements as below.
* Haiku is the Mobile App used by Providers to view/act upon patient care from the
providers cell phone. This includes both Android and I Phones.
* Canto is the Mobile App used by providers to view/act upon patient care using IPad’s
* EpicCare Link – Epic application used by providers/offices who are not on a Healthcare
Organizations ‘instance’ of Epic. For example, a doctor’s office (frequently a specialist such as
an Orthopedist) who have privileges/see patients in a facility but are not ‘employed’ by that
facility use EpicCare Link to view and act upon their patients from their offices. There are
limitations of its use and not all Orders placed from an office using EpicCare Link are available
to the provider.
* Healthy Planet is the Epic Application used to focus analytics for patient populations.
* MyChart is the Patient Portal for Epic. This meets regulations which require a patient
to be able to access their medical records/see lab and Xray results and communicate with their
provider from mobile devices etc.
* Epic Training personnel consists of CT’s and PT’s. Credentialed Trainers (CT’s) focus
upon ‘end user’ training such as day to day classroom training. Principal Trainers (PT’s) develop
the curriculum and often work with the IT analyst to make changes in the curriculum as changes
are made within Epic.