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Ethics for Everyone: Business Ethics & Responsibility

Ethics: Ethics for Everyone
Darren Kennedy
course description
The topic of ethics has been around a long time, all the
way back to Plato and Aristotle who were the founders of
what's called virtue ethics—that ethics is a virtue to be
sought after. But when it comes to business how do we
apply “playing fair”? Well there’s more to it than that.
Let’s take a look at a definition of business ethics.
the ethical way
Tell the truth.
Don’t take what isn’t yours.
Act without bias.
Keep commitments.
Treat people with respect.
Treat property with respect.
Be a good organizational citizen.
Follow processes.
why do we need ethics
Loss of jobs and customers
Employee termination
Personal price
why does unethical behavior occur
Short-term convenience over long-term benefits
Peer pressure
the responsibility
Behave ethically.
Read Code of Conduct.
Stay ahead of policy changes.
Don’t condone unethical behavior.
Report unethical behavior.
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