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Antigone Guided Reading: Prologue - Episode 2

Antigone Guided Reading (Prologue - Episode 2)
Prologue and Entry Ode (Parodos)
1. What is the setting?____________________________________________________
2. How are Antigone and Ismene related? How are they similar and different? _______
3. Who are the two brothers mentioned and how and why are they killed? ___________
4. What is King Creon's decree? ____________________________________________
5. What does Antigone plan to do? Why is this task so important to her and what
consequences will she face? ______________________________________________
6. What is Ismene's decision regarding Creon's decree? __________________________
7. What is Ismene's view of the relationship between men and women? _____________
8. What word does Ismene use to describe Antigone? ___________________________
9. What conflict in Greek values does Antigone's desire to bury her brother represent?
10. What general purpose does the chorus play in Greek tragedy? ___________________
11. What does the Chorus compare Polyneices to in the Parados (Entry Ode)? _________
12. What side did the Chorus favor in the war? __________________________________
13. The Chorus mentions 4 gods: Name them and their duties. ____________________
14. What does the Chorus compare Thebes to? __________________________________
First Episode and Ode 1
15. Why has Creon called the Chorus together? What does he share with them? _______
16. What crime has Polyneices committed in Creon's opinion? _____________________
17. Why does Creon order Eteocles be buried with honors and Polyneices be left to rot on field?
18. How does he justify this? ________________________________________________
19. What is the chorus' attitude toward Creon's decree? ___________________________
20. What news does the sentry bring to Creon? __________________________________
21. How does Creon believe the act of burying Polyneices was carried out? ___________
22. What does Creon demand that the sentry do? ________________________________
23. According to Ode 1 - what is the most wonderful of all the world's wonders? _______
24. What wind has man not secured himself against? _____________________________
25. List man's accomplishments according to Ode 1. _____________________________
Second Episode and Ode 2
26. Who has the sentry captured and brought to Creon? ___________________________
How did the guards happen to catch Antigone? _________________________________
How did she react to being captured? _________________________________________
What reason does she give for defying Creon's decree? ___________________________
What is the Chorus' opinion of her now? _______________________________________
Who else does Creon have arrested in connection with the crime of burying Polyneices?
Why is Antigone angry with Ismene? _________________________________________
Besides being Antigone's uncle - how else is she related to Creon? __________________
What is to be Antigone's punishment for burying her brother and honoring the gods?
What is Creon's opinion of women? __________________________________________
According to Ode 2, who is the fortunate man? _________________________________
According to Ode 2, who is the god who must not be made angry? _________________
Antigone Guided Reading (Episode 3 - Epilogue)
Third Episode and Ode 3
1. When Haemon arrives, what is the first question that Creon asks him?_____________
2. What is the reason Creon gives when he claims that it is necessary for him to
condemn Antigone? What further points does Creon make to his son? ____________
3. What is the point that Haemon is attempting to make to Creon by the analogies of the
tree and the ship? ______________________________________________________
4. By refusing to listen to his son, what does Creon reveal about himself? ___________
5. What threats does Haemon make to his father? _______________________________
6. Does gender bias (against women) and age bias (against youth) affect Creon's
decision to punish Antigone? Does Haemon feel the same way about women that his
father does? __________________________________________________________
7. How does the city feel about Antigone's crime? ______________________________
8. What is Creon's death sentence for Antigone? How is this different from what he
originally said he would do? _____________________________________________
9. What is the focus of the third stasimon? ____________________________________
Fourth Episode and Ode 4
10. Whose fate does Antigone compare to her own? What do they have in common? ____
11. What is the intent of the chorus' response to Antigone's comparison of herself to Niobe?
12. What does the chorus suggest brought on Antigone's trouble? ___________________
13. What does Antigone blame for her terrible misfortune? ________________________
14. What is the purpose of the three mythological examples in this episode? What do all
of the examples have in common? _________________________________________
15. What do the 3 myths have to say about Antigone's future? ______________________
Fifth Episode and Ode 5 (Exodus)
16. What omen causes Tiresias to approach Creon? ______________________________
17. What happened when the blind prophet began "the rites of burnt-offering at the altar?
18. What opinion does Tiresias express to Creon? _______________________________
19. How does Creon react to his advice? _______________________________________
20. What warnings does Tiresias give to Creon if he refuses to heed the prophesies?
21. What is the effect of Tiresias' warnings to Creon? ____________________________
22. What advice does the chorus give to King Creon once Tiresias leaves? ___________
23. How does he react to this advice? What does he do as a result? __________________
Epilogue and Choral Dialogue
24. The chorus prays to a "God of many names." What are some of these names?______
25. Who does the messenger claim is a walking "dead man"? ______________________
26. How has Tiresias' prophecy that Creon would pay the gods "flesh of [his] own flesh"
come true? ___________________________________________________________
27. Who is Eurydice? ______________________________________________________
28. When Creon left to make right his wrong deeds, he was on his way to release
Antigone. Is that what he did? ___________________________________________
29. What were Creon and the messenger doing when they prayed to Hecate and Pluto?
30. Describe what Creon saw when he looked through the crevice into Antigone's tomb.
31. What did Haemon do upon seeing his father? ________________________________
32. What happened after the messenger relayed the news about Haemon and Antigone to
Eurydice? ____________________________________________________________
33. How Eurydice's suicide fulfill Tiresias' prophecy and what were her final words?
34. What dramatic change takes place in Creon's character as a result of the tragedies?
35. Explain the final words and judgment of the chorus (hubris and the gods)