HOW CAN WE PRODUCE A GOOD BIOLOGICAL DIAGRAM? Is this an insect pollinated or a wind pollinated flower? Justify your answer. • Insect pollinated. Bees and moths are their main pollinator! • Bright petals to attract bees. Colourful Lily flowers tend to have rigid stamens to support the bee’s weight. • White Lily petals attract moths. White Lily flowers have more flexible stamens and a sweet scent. Look at the equipment and think… Lily dissection You will need… • Flowers • Scalpel • White tile • Vista foil & Sellotape • Seekers • Hand lenses What are the potential hazards? How are you going to minimise these hazards? Hint: use your notes from last lesson to help you with labelling… • Step 1: Scope Your Flower!- How many petals are there? How are the leaves shaped? What do you see inside? • Step 2: Petals and sepals- The outer ring of your flower consists of sepals, and the inner ring is of petals. • Step 3: The stamen- bust open an anther, is there any pollen in there? • Step 4: The Pistil (female Parts)- If you open it up, you can see the chamber inside, and the path down the style (the stalky part), and down to ovule. • Step 5: Ovary and Nectary- Right at the base of the style is the ovary, and is often a strong structure that contains all the wee little ovules that can become viable seeds if fertilized with pollen. What are the features of a good biological drawing? • Neat • Title and name of specimen (the type of flower) • Labelled in detail- don’t just write the structure, what is its function? • Name your specimen (the type of flower)