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UDL Assessment: Principles & Application

Brittany Shipp
IRIS Universal Design for Learning
1. Briefly describe Universal Design for Learning. Make sure to include the three principles of
UDL is curriculum development that gives all individuals the ability to learn. It works as a
blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for
all students. The three principles of UDL are representation, action and expression, and
2. When they develop goals using the principles of UDL, what is the main thing that teachers
need to keep in mind?
Teachers need to keep in mind that learning goals do not have to specifically say how the
goal will be achieved. By allowing students the opportunity to choose how they will achieve
the goal, it gives students the means to access knowledge and demonstrate the understanding
in the way that works best for them.
3. Next week, Mr. Schlotzsky, an eighth-grade social studies teacher, will begin a chapter on
colonial America. He’ll lecture, write notes on the chalkboard, and give his students
handouts. To assess their knowledge, Mr. Schlotzsky will ask his students to research
colonial America in greater depth on the Internet and to give a three-to-five-minute oral
Help Mr. Schlotzsky to evaluate the traditional materials and media he plans to use. For each
a) list any potential barriers, and b) suggest UDL solutions.
Lecture/ notes on
Requires students to:
 See and hear
 Identify key points
 Process aural
 Process visual
UDL Solution
 Allow students to use
graphic organizers for
note taking.
 Give the option to
assess the information
through digital text.
Digital text can be
manipulated for easier
visual access or can be
converted to speech.
Requires students to:
 See
 Decode and comprehend
written text
 Process visual
Internet research
Requires the students to:
 See
 Identify key points
 Process visual
 Decode and comprehend
digital text
Oral report
Requires the students to:
 Talk
 Identify key ideas
 Organize key ideas into
a presentation
 In addition to printed
text, provide students
with the option of
accessing the
information through
digital text. Digital
text can be
manipulated for easier
visual access or can be
converted to speech.
 Allow students of
different ability levels
to work on content
that is challenging for
 Give students the
ability to present their
information in a way
that is easier for them.
For example,
presentation, 3D
model, etc.
 Allow students of
different ability levels
to work on content
that is challenging for
4. Imagine that you are a second-grade teacher beginning a unit on plants. You wish to make
certain that you address the three principles of UDL. Describe the instructional methods you
would use to present the information, assess your students, and maintain their engagement in
the subject.
For teaching a unit about plants, I would begin the unit by letting the students watch a video
about plants and how plants grow. After watching the video, the students will be put into
groups utilizing flexible grouping. The students will discuss the video together. Later in the
unit, the students will be put into these groups again and they will work together to create a
plant project that shows their understanding of what they have learned about plants. The
students will be allowed to express their learning in any way that they want. Including, but
not limited too, creating a picture, story, or a model.
5. At the beginning of the year, Ms. Hamilton, a tenth-grade biology teacher, collected
information about her students’ learning preferences and learning needs. Of her twenty-nine
students, twelve prefer to learn new information through visual means, ten prefer to hear the
information, and seven prefer to learn it using a hands-on-approach. Additionally, two
students struggle with reading and several have difficulty planning and organizing writing
assignments. Help Ms. Hamilton to design a lesson about DNA. Make sure to state the
learning goal and to identify materials, instructional methods, and assessment techniques.
Learning goal- Students will learn about and present information on their understanding of
Instructional materials- the students will use digital text and video to learn about DNA.
Students will use a variety of materials to show their understand of DNA.
Instructional methods- Students will begin learning by watching a video on DNA. They will
then use digital text to explore the topic of DNA on their computers. After learning about
DNA they will discuss their finding in groups. The groups will utilize flexible grouping.
After the group discussions, the students will demonstrate their understanding of the lesson
using a variety of methods. Some students may want o create a 3D model, while other may
want to create and present a PowerPoint presentation. Students will be allowed to present the
information in a way that works best for them.
Assessment- the students will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate their understanding
of DNA.
What was learned?
I have never heard of UDL learning before this module. I learn a lot about the UDL process of
creating and implementing lessons. I think the biggest thing I learn from these reading and
assignment is the importance of setting goals that do not limit students to one particular way of
Why is it important?
UDL is important because it gives all kids the opportunity to learn in a way that is best for them.
It also makes teachers more aware of their students needs.
How student will apply what was learned in his or her practice (must contain a minimum of
three examples)
I plan to use UDL in my classroom because my students are all on such different levels, and
UDL allows for students to be different. One way that I will use UDL in the classroom is by
setting goals based on the UDL process. Another way that I will use the UDL process in my
classroom is by allowing my students to demonstrate their understanding using any opportunity
they want. The final way that I will implement UDL in the classroom is by using more digital
text in the classroom. I currently use a lot of print text, and I think that using digital text in the
classroom would be great for my students.
The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements. (2009). Universal design for learning: Creating a
learning environment that challenges and engages all students. Retrieved on [June, 30,
2014] from http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/udl/
Zimmer, K. Differentiation through technology: Understanding UDL. (PowerPoint slides).
Retrieved June 30, 2014 from