Uploaded by Cynthia Broughton

Mars Patel Choice Board: Text, Social Media, Travel, Comic

Text Messages
Character Profile
Create a text conversation
between any two characters . The conversation
should be at least 12 texts
Create a social media profile for
a character in your book.
Be sure to:
Write from the point of
view of the characters
Include questions and
answers that they would
ask each other
Include thoughts and
feelings about events in
the story
Be sure to include the following:
A profile picture
Background information
(birthdate, city, family status, education, work etc.)
Friends (can be from the
book or made up)
Places (favourite places to go,
places they have been)
Likes (music, shows, hobbies,
sports, etc.)
At least two detailed “posts”
that include personal
thoughts and feelings about
significant events with pictures.
of Mars Patel...
Season Two:
Name: ______________________________
Travel Brochure
Make a travel brochure
Comic Strip
Write a journal from the point of view
of one main character. Choose im-
the colony on Mars.
portant events and write about them
Remember that the goal of a
in sequence. You should have at least
Create a comic strip of one episode from
the story. This may be created on poster
paper or on computer. Your story board
must include:
travel brochure is to encourage
3 ‘dated’ entries, at least one para-
potential travelers to visit your
graph long. Each journal entry
At least 8 panels, in sequence
should include the day’s events, as
well as the characters thoughts and
Captions explaining each picture
Dialogue and/or thought bubbles
Some reference to the character’s
Include the following:
A description of the colony
A persuasive paragraph about
why someone would want to
live there
A list of items someone would
see and do they came to live
feelings about those events. You may
include sketches or drawings if you
would like to.
thoughts and feelings during this
Make sure your comic is colorful
and neatly done!