Uploaded by Crystal White

Lesson Plan: Autobiography vs. Biography

C.Cadwell Pre-Observation Questions:
Focus for Learning:
What is the focus of this lesson?
-This week we have studied a variety of genres in literature, movies, and music. The focus of the lesson
is for students to become proficient in their understanding of the difference between an autobiography
and a biography. Students will also be interviewing a partner in which they will ask typical questions for
a biography. While conducting their interviews students will be recording their partners answers on a
separate document in which the students will then use to craft their final writing piece, the biography.
Students will be typing the biography on the computer using proper sentence structure and transitions.
The biographies of the students will then be displayed on the bulletin board for a short period of time.
Assessment Data:
What assessment data was examined to perform this lesson planning?
-Students have bell work every day in my classroom, in which some day’s bell work is used for preassessments and for review of previous information as well. Upon asking students the difference
between nonfiction vs. fiction & biography vs. autobiography, I became aware that the majority of
students did not recall the difference in these ideas. I also meet with Mrs. Coleman, the 6th grade ELA
teacher once a week to discuss various topics and when I asked her about this, I realized the students
had not spent much time “genres” last year. With the information I had gathered, I decided it would be
very beneficial to spend a few days going over “genres” as a refresher.
Prior Content Knowledge/ Sequence Connections:
What are the connections to previous and future learning?
-The 6th grade standard RL.6.9 is to compare/contrast texts in different genres. This is something that
Mrs. Coleman and I spoke of and decided the students would benefit from further instruction on genres
due to 7th (RL.7.9 Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of a time, place, or character and a
historical account of the same period as a means of understanding how authors of fiction use or alter
history.) h and 8th grade standard ( RL.8.9 Analyze how a modern work of fiction alludes to themes,
patterns of events, or character types from myths, traditional stories, and religious literary texts, such as
(but not limited to) the Bible and The Epic of Gilgamesh, including describing how the material is
rendered new) building upon comparing and contrasting genre types. Understanding the genre of a text
is also very important for students because it can give them direction as to what the story/writing is
Lesson Delivery:
How will the learning goals be communicated to the students?
-The learning goals will be communicated to the students by reviewing as a class, and by having it
written on the board, as well as having a rubric.
How will the instructional strategies address all the students’ needs?
-The instructional strategies will address all students’ needs by accommodating students who are visual
learners with a paper copy of the directions/interview questions, this way students will be able to easily
input their data into their formal writing document on Google Classroom. I will also be verbally
explaining directions and meeting with each partner group to make sure they understand the
assignment. I will also provide extended time or those students in need, as well as small group
instruction for my inclusion period. I will also be providing examples to interview questions.
Assessment of Student Learning:
How will you look for student understanding during the lesson?
-I will look for student understanding during lesson by making sure all students are actively engaged,
asking questions, prompting their fellow partner for more information and taking notes during their
interview. In the beginning of the lesson I will go over the difference between autobiography and
biography again, and display it on the board to ensure all students understand the meaning of the two.