lOMoARcPSD|8241664 Bo M 105 MCQ 2019 pattern-converted Mba (Savitribai Phule Pune University) StuDocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by 932 Sumit BORE (sumitbore777777@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|8241664 Basics of Marketing (105) MCQ: 2019 Pattern Chapter 1 – Introduction to Marketing Q1) When backed by buying power, wants become ________. a. demands b. self-esteem needs c. social needs d. physical needs Q2) The ________ concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction better than competitors do. a. product b. production c. marketing d. equity Q3) The ________ concept holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organization’s products. a) production b) selling c) marketing d) holistic marketing Q4) If actual performance exceeds the expected performance of the product, then customer is ____________ a) Satisfied b) Dissatisfied c) Delighted d) Neutral Q5 The term marketing myopia was coined by ------a) Philip Kotler b) Henry ford c) Theodore Levitt d) None of these Q6 Which of the following would be an appropriate definition for a need? a. The form taken by a human need as shaped by culture and individual personality b. Human wants that are backed by buying power c. Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another d. A state of felt deprivation Downloaded by 932 Sumit BORE (sumitbore777777@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|8241664 Q7 The most crucial and first step in marketing process is________________ a. Designing a marketing strategy b. Create customer delight c. Understanding customer needs and wants d. Capturing value from customers Q8) Which of the following marketing management concepts is most likely to lead to marketing myopia? a. customer-driving marketing b. selling c. societal marketing d. production Q9) The ________ concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction better than competitors do. a. product b. production c. marketing d. holistic Q10) The ________ concept holds that firms must strive to deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the consumer's and society's well-being. a. equity b. selling c. marketing d. societal marketing Chapter 2:- Marketing Environment Q11) The ___________ consists of the factors that affect consumer purchasing power & spending patterns. a. demographic environment b. economic environment c. cultural environment d. consumer environment Q12) Which of the following is not part of the microenvironment? a. Cultural forces b. Intermediaries c. Customers d. Suppliers Downloaded by 932 Sumit BORE (sumitbore777777@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|8241664 Q13) Which of the following is not a trend in the natural environment of concern to marketers? a. Changing consumer spending patterns b. The increased cost of energy. c. A shortage of raw materials. d. Increased pollution. Q14) Company's microenvironment does not include _____________ 1. The company 2. The marketing intermediaries 3. Demographic forces 4. The organization's suppliers Q15) The groups within a company such as top management, finance, and R&D are called as ………….. 1. External environment 2. Demographic environment 3. internal environment 4. macro environment Q16) Which of the following factors do not affect the economic environment for organizations? a. Value added tax. b. Inflation. c. Exchange rates. d. Disposable income. e. Donations to charities. Q17) Which of the following statements on the technological environment is incorrect? a. The technological environment is changing rapidly. b. There is increasing regulation pertaining to new innovative technologies. c. The growth of the Internet is well structured and regulated. d. Research and development is critical to innovation. Q18) Firms that take aggressive actions to affect the public’s and forces in their marketing environment are embodying a ___________________ a. b. c. d. Marketing management perspective. Selling concept perspective. Marketing concept perspective. Environmental management perspective. Q19) Taking a defensive approach to managing existing products rather than bear the expense of introducing new technologies is typical of which trend in the technological environment? a. b. c. d. Increased regulation. High R&D budgets. The fast pace of technological change. Concentration on minor improvements. Downloaded by 932 Sumit BORE (sumitbore777777@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|8241664 Q20) The process of collecting information about the external marketing environment is ___________ a) b) c) d) environmental management. environmental scanning. marketing management. marketing research. Chapter 3:- Segmentation, Target Marketing and positioning Q21) ________ is the set of benefits a company promises to deliver its consumers to satisfy their needs. a) A value proposition b) USP c) Niche marketing d) Target marketing Q22) Market positioning can be defined as: a. Arranging for a brand to occupy a clear place relative to competing products in the minds of consumers. b. Classifying distributors according to the status they give to the products they carry. c. Organizing markets into different levels of desirability for the company to target. d. Promoting a brand to appear to be something consumers want. Q23) Social class, lifestyle and personality are the segmentation variables in which category? a) Geographic b) Behavioural c) Demographic d) Psychographic Q24) ………….. is the assessment of total sales opportunities (entire market size) existing in a specific market segment. a) Market positioning b) Market share c) Market potential d) Value Proposition Q25) …………………… is a statement that describes how your product or company is different (and hopefully better) than the competition. a) Target Marketing b) Unique Selling Proposition (USP) c) Market Positioning d) Value Proposition Downloaded by 932 Sumit BORE (sumitbore777777@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|8241664 Q26) Selecting which segments of a population of customers to serve is called ________. a. customization b. market segmentation c. target marketing d. positioning Q27) The groups of people who affect the company prospect directly in micro environment are ________ a. Customers b. Suppliers c. Competitors d. All of the above Q28) Niche marketers' objective is to understand their customers' need so well following which the customers are ________ a) Willing to pay a premium b) Reluctant to pay a premium c) Not willing to buy at even discounts d) None of the above Q29) __________ represents the percentage of an industry, or market's total sales, that is earned by a particular company over a specified time period a) Market positioning b) Market share c) Market potential d) Value Proposition Q30) A firm following a ___________ strategy attempts to convince customers to pay a premium price for its goods & services by providing unique & desirable features. a) Target Marketing b) Differentiation c) Market Positioning d) Value Proposition Chapter 4:- Consumer Behaviour Q31) Which of the following is not a role in the business purchase decision process? a. Influencer. b. Decider. c. Player. d. Initiator. Downloaded by 932 Sumit BORE (sumitbore777777@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|8241664 Q32) Which of the following is not a stage in the consumer decision-making process? a. Evaluation of alternatives. b. Post-purchase evaluation. c. Purchase decision d. Perception of need. Q33) ……………… refers to the research which is conducted online about a product or service before taking any action i.e. searching for mobile reviews before making a purchase a) Moment of Truth b) Zero Moment of Truth c) First Moment of Truth d) Actual Moment of Truth Q34) Listing alternatives that will solve the problem at hand and determining the characteristics of each occurs during which stage of the final consumer’s decision process? a) Information search b) Purchase c) Evaluation of alternatives d) Post purchase Q35) Mr. Lopez buys goods and services for use in the production of products that are sold and supplied to others. The behaviour of Mr. Lopez is called as ________. a) consumer buying behaviour b) post-purchase dissonance c) retail buyer behaviour d) business buyer behaviour Q36) The buying process starts when the buyer recognizes a _________. a) Product b) an advertisement for the product c) a salesperson from a previous visit d) problem or need Q37) ________ is the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants. a) Target marketing b) Psychographic segmentation c) Product Differentiation d) Consumer behaviour Downloaded by 932 Sumit BORE (sumitbore777777@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|8241664 Q38) Institutional markets consist of people who buy products and services for personal use. a) True b) False Q39) Which of the following is not a step of the buyer decision process: a) Information search b) Brand identification c) Evaluation of alternatives d) Post purchase behaviour Q40) Dissonance reducing buying behavior means _____________ a. When the consumer is angry b. When the consumer is dissatisfied with his purchase c. When the consumer is satisfied d. None of these Chapter 5:- Marketing Mix Q41) The set of tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market is called the ________. a. TQM b. marketing effort c. product mix d. marketing mix Q42) McCarthy’s four broad types of marketing mix tools include Product, Price, Place & ………… a. People b. Process c. Promotion d. Physical evidence Q43) The stage of the PLC where number of competitors increase is …….. a) introduction b) decline c) competition is always there d) growth Q44) Broadly defined, products include all of the following except…….…. a) experiences. b) services. c) ideas. d) Persons Downloaded by 932 Sumit BORE (sumitbore777777@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|8241664 Q45) A PLC curve that rises rapidly then falls quickly is indication of a …… a) fashion product b) scalloped c) fad d) style Q46) The term marketing mix was coined by -----a) Kotler b) Taylor c) Neil H Borden d) Theodore Levitt Q47) A …………. is a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything. a) service b) demand c) need d) physical object Q48) The product life cycle describes the stages a new product goes through in the ……….. a) introduction phase b) test market c) product development d) market place Q49) During the introduction stage of the PLC, sales gradually increase and ………... a) competition becomes tough b) Profit is minimal c) more investors are needed d) sales people are brought to push the product Q50) The marketing objective for the maturity stage of the PLC is to …………….. a) maintain brand loyalty b) stress differentiation c) harvest d) deletion of products Downloaded by 932 Sumit BORE (sumitbore777777@gmail.com)