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Organic Chemistry in Perfume Manufacturing

Industrial Applications of Organic Chemistry in Malaysia
: Application of Organic Chemistry in Manufacturing Perfume
Types of organic compound
Carboxylic acid
Structural isomerism
Importance of isomerism
10 - 12
Manufacturing Process of Perfume
13 - 16
Organic Compound Used in Manufacturing Perfume
17 - 18
Mechanism in Producing Ester
19 - 20
Benzyl Acetate
21 - 22
Chemical Sensitivities and Perfumes
23 - 24
Organic Chemistry research involves the synthesis of organic molecules and the study of
their reaction paths, interactions, and applications. Advanced interests include diverse topics
such as the development of new synthetic methods for the assembly of complex organic
molecules and polymeric materials, organometallic catalysis, organocatalysis, the synthesis of
natural and non-natural products with unique biological and physical properties, structure and
mechanistic analysis, natural product biosynthesis, theoretical chemistry and molecular
modeling, diversity-oriented synthesis, and carbohydrate synthesis.
The use of organic compound is very wide. Almost every manufacturing sector is able to
make full use of it. In this report, we will discuss on ' The Application of Organic Chemistry
in Manufacturing Perfume ' .
Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oils or aroma compound, fixatives and solvents.
Perfume has one main usage, which is to be used to give the human body, animals, food,
objects, and living spaces " a pleasant scent.
Perfumes have been known to exist in some of the earliest human civilizations, either through
ancient texts or from archaeological digs. Modern perfumery began in the late 19th century
with the commercial synthesis of aroma compounds such as vanillin or coumarin, which
allowed for the composition of perfumes with smells previously unattainable solely from
natural aromatics alone.
The most practical way to start describing a perfume is according to the elements of
the fragrance notes of the scent or the "family" it belongs to, all of which affect the overall
impression of a perfume from first application to the last lingering hint of scent.
In the challenging global consumer market, product designers must keep up with the ever
changing dreams and demands of their target customers to stay at the forefront of their
industries. Consumer products today must be both functional and desirable. Fragrance gives
the soul to your product creating its unique scent to trigger consumers emotions and
memories. Being a fragrance oil manufacturer and perfume fragrance supplier Equipped with
the state-of-the-art equipments and a comprehensive library of essential oils and aroma
chemicals, our perfumers and fragrance designers are committed to create fragrances that are
distinctive and inspirational.
Nomenclature of carboxylic acid
The IUPAC system of nomenclature assigns a characteristic suffix to these classes. The –
e ending is removed from the name of the parent chain and is replaced -anoic acid. Since a
carboxylic acid group must always lie at the end of a carbon chain, it is always is given the #1
location position in numbering and it is not necessary to include it in the name.
Many carboxylic acids are called by the common names. These names were chosen by
chemists to usually describe a source of where the compound is found. In common names of
aldehydes, carbon atoms near the carboxyl group are often designated by Greek letters. The
atom adjacent to the carbonyl function is alpha, the next removed is beta and so on.
The name counts the total number of carbon atoms in the longest chain - including the one in
the -COOH group. If you have side groups attached to the chain, notice that you always count
from the carbon atom in the -COOH group as being number 1.
Physical properties carboxylic acid
Structure of the carboxyl acid group
Carboxylic acids are organic compounds which incorporate a carboxyl functional group,
CO2H. The name carboxyl comes from the fact that a carbonyl and a hydroxyl group are
attached to the same carbon.
The melting and boiling points for a homologous group of carboxylic acids having from one
to ten carbon atoms. The boiling points increased with size in a regular manner, but the
melting points did not. Unbranched acids made up of an even number of carbon atoms have
melting points higher than the odd numbered homologs having one more or one less carbon.
In general, dipolar attractive forces between molecules act to increase the boiling point of a
given compound, with hydrogen bonds being an extreme example. Hydrogen bonding is also
a major factor in the water solubility of covalent compounds.
Structure of Alcohols
The structure of an alcohol resembles that of water. With both alcohol and water, the bond
angles reflect the effect of electron repulsion and increasing steric bulk of the substituents on
the central oxygen atom. The electronegativity of oxygen contributes to the unsymmetrical
distribution of charge, creating a partial positive charge on hydrogen and a partial negative
charge on oxygen. This uneven distribution of electron density in the O-H bond creates a
Nomenclature of alcohols
1. Find the longest chain containing the hydroxy group (OH). If there is a chain with
more carbons than the one containing the OH group it will be named as a subsitutent.
2. Place the OH on the lowest possible number for the chain. With the exception
of carbonyl groups such as ketones and aldehydes, the alcohol or hydroxy groups
have first priority for naming.
3. When naming a cyclic structure, the -OH is assumed to be on the first carbon unless
the carbonyl group is present, in which case the later will get priority at the first
4. When multiple -OH groups are on the cyclic structure, number the carbons on which
the -OH groups reside.
5. Remove the final e from the parent alkane chain and add -ol. When multiple alcohols
are present use di, tri, et.c before the -ol, after the parent name. ex. 2,3-hexandiol. If a
carbonyl group is present, the -OH group is named with the prefix "hydroxy," with the
carbonyl group attached to the parent chain name so that it ends with -al or -one.
Properties of Alcohols
Hydrogen bonding and solubility
The physical properties of alcohols are influenced by the hydrogen bonding ability of the OH group. The -OH groups can hydrogen bond with one another and with other
molecules. Hydrogen bonding raises the boiling point of alcohols. This is due to the
combined strength of so many hydrogen bonds forming between oxygen atoms of one
alcohol molecule and the hydroxy hydrogen atoms of another. The longer the carbon chain in
an alcohol is, the lower the solubility in polar solvents and the higher the solubility in
nonpolar solvents.
Aldehyde, any of a class of organic compounds, in which a carbon atom shares a double
bond with an oxygen atom, a single bond with a hydrogen atom, and a single bond with
another atom or group of atoms (designated R in general chemical formulas and structure
diagrams). The double bond between carbon and oxygen is characteristic of all aldehydes and
is known as the carbonyl group. Many aldehydes have pleasant odours, and in principle, they
are derived from alcohols by dehydrogenation (removal of hydrogen), from which process
came the name aldehyde.
Aldehydes are also useful as solvents and perfume ingredients and as intermediates in the
production of dyes and pharmaceuticals. Aldehydes vary in smell with most of the molecular
weight smelling bad (rotten fruits), yet some of the higher molecular weight aldehydes and
aromatic aldehydes smell quiet pleasant and are thus used in perfumery.
Nomenclature of aldehydes
The IUPAC system of nomenclature assigns a characteristic suffix -al to aldehydes. For
example, H2C=O is methanal, more commonly called formaldehyde. Since an aldehyde
carbonyl group must always lie at the end of a carbon chain, it is always is given the #1
location position in numbering and it is not necessary to include it in the name. There are
several simple carbonyl containing compounds which have common names which are
retained by IUPAC.
Also, there is a common method for naming aldehydes and ketones. For aldehydes common
parent chain names, similar to those used for carboxylic acids, are used and the suffix –
aldehyde is added to the end. In common names of aldehydes, carbon atoms near the
carbonyl group are often designated by Greek letters. The atom adjacent to the carbonyl
function is alpha, the next removed is beta and so on.
Naming :
1. Aldehydes take their name from their parent alkane chains. The -e is removed from
the end and is replaced with -al.
2. The aldehyde funtional group is given the #1 numbering location and this number is
not included in the name.
3. For the common name of aldehydes start with the common parent chain name and add
the suffix -aldehyde. Substituent positions are shown with Greek letters.
4. When the -CHO functional group is attached to a ring the suffix carbaldehyde is added, and the carbon attached to that group is C1.
Ketone is organic compound which incorporate a carbonyl functional group ( C=O ). The
carbon atom of this group has two remaining bonds that may be occupied by alkyl
substituents. Ketones generally have a pleasant smell and they are frequently found in
perfumes. The example for ketone it is muscone in musk-smelling colognes.
Muscone it is example for cyclic ketones. These compound are known to have sex
pheromone activities in mammal, such as muscone (1-methyl-cyclopentadecan-3-one). The
muscone contains aring of 15 carbonatoms. This compound is obtained from a small gland of
the Himalayan male musk deer and is an attractant for the female of the species. It is also the
base of many expensive perfumes. In large amounts it has a powerful, disagreeable odor, but
when sufficiently dilute it appears to elicit the same response from the human male toward
the human female that it does from the female musk deer toward the male of her species.
Stimulated by the economic advantage of obtaining an improved and less-expensive
substitute for muscone, many chemists have prepared a number of large-ring compounds and
studied their properties, and now large-ring compounds like muscone and civetone can be
prepared more cheaply synthetically than through the slaughter of animals.
Nomenclature of ketones
The IUPAC system of nomenclature assigns a characteristic suffix of -one to ketones. A
ketone carbonyl function may be located anywhere within a chain or ring, and its position is
usually given by a location number. Chain numbering normally starts from the end nearest
the carbonyl group. Very simple ketones, such as propanone and phenylethanone do not
require a locator number, since there is only one possible site for a ketone carbonyl function
The common names for ketones are formed by naming both alkyl groups attached to the
carbonyl then adding the suffix -ketone. The attached alkyl groups are arranged in the name
Naming :
1. Ketones take their name from their parent alkane chains. The ending -e is removed
and replaced with -one.
2. The common name for ketones are simply the substituent groups listed alphabetically
+ ketone.
3. Some common ketones are known by their generic names. Such as the fact
that propanone is commonly referred to as acetone.
Properties of aldehydes and ketones
A comparison of the properties and reactivity of aldehydes and ketones with those of the
alkenes is warranted, since both have a double bond functional group. Because of the greater
electronegativity of oxygen, the carbonyl group is polar, and aldehydes and ketones have
larger molecular dipole moments (D) than do alkenes. The resonance structures on the right
illustrate this polarity, and the relative dipole moments of formaldehyde, other aldehydes and
ketones confirm the stabilizing influence that alkyl substituents have on carbocations (the
larger the dipole moment the greater the polar character of the carbonyl group). We expect,
therefore, that aldehydes and ketones will have higher boiling points than similar sized
alkenes. Furthermore, the presence of oxygen with its non-bonding electron pairs makes
aldehydes and ketones hydrogen-bond acceptors, and should increase their water solubility
relative to hydrocarbons.
Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular formula, but have a different
arrangement of the atoms in space. That excludes any different arrangements which are
simply due to the molecule rotating as a whole, or rotating about particular bonds. Isomerism
can be divided into 2 groups, which is Structural isomerism and Stereoisomerism.
- In structural isomerism, the atoms are arranged in a completely different order. It can be
divided into 3 types:
1. Chain Isomerism
- Chain isomers are molecules with the same molecular formula, but different
arrangements of the carbon ‘skeleton’. For example:
2. Position Isomerism
Position isomers are based on the movement of a ‘functional group’ in the
molecule. The basic group remains unchanged. For example:
3. Functional isomerism
- Also referred to as functional group isomers, these are isomers where the molecular
formula remains the same, but the type of functional group in the atom is changed.
This is possible by rearranging the atoms within the molecule so that they’re bonded
together in different ways. For example:
- In stereoisomerism, the atoms making up the isomers are joined up in the same order, but
still manage to have a different spatial arrangement. It can be divided into 2 types:
1. Geometric isomerism (cis/trans)
- Involves a double bond, usually C=C, that does not allow free rotation about the
double bond (unlike a C-C single bond). They are not superimposable. For example:
2. Optical isomerism
- Involves an atom, usually carbon, bonded to four different atoms or groups of atoms.
They exist in pairs, in which one isomer is the mirror image of the other. These
isomers are referred to as enantiomers. The central carbon atom to which four
different atoms or groups are attached, is called an asymmetrical carbon atom. For
example, butan-2-ol:
- Isomers of the same molecule have the potential to have different physical or chemical
properties. These differences can have some important implications. For instance, look at the
case of optical isomerism. The two possible isomers can also be referred to as ‘enantiomers’
of each other. A prime, and well cited example of enantiomers with differing properties is
that of the compound ‘carvone’. In its (R) form, it is found in mint leaves, and is the principle
contributor to the aroma. However, in its S form, it is found in caraway seeds, and has a very
different smell.
A. Collection
Before the manufacturing process begins, the initial ingredients must be brought to the
manufacturing center. Plant substances are harvested from around the world, often handpicked for their fragrance. Animal products are obtained by extracting the fatty substances
directly from the animal. Aromatic chemicals used in synthetic perfumes are created in the
laboratory by perfume chemists.
B. Distillation
Distillation relies on evaporation to separate the solids from the various, volatile elements
present in a blend. A mixture of water and odoriferous plant material is heated.
The steam , carrying with it the odoriferous elements of the blend, escapes into the distillation
column, where it is chilled and then collected in a florentine flask. After a period of
decantation, the water separates from the odoriferous elements which are collected and
named "essences".
C. Extraction
Oils are extracted from plant substances by several methods : steam
solvent extraction, enfleurage, maceration, and expression.
1) Steam distillation
a) With the plant material being hold in a still, the essential oil turns into gas when steam
is passed through it.
b) The gas is then passed through tubes, cooled and liquidified.
c) There is also another way to obtain the oil from the plant. Simply by boiling the plant
substance(petals) in water.
2) Solvent extraction
a) flowers are put into large rotating tanks or drums and benzene or a petroleum ether is
poured over the flowers, extracting the essential oils.
b) The flower parts dissolve in the solvents and leave a waxy material that contains the
oil, which is then placed in ethyl alcohol.
c) The oil dissolves in the alcohol and rises. Heat is used to evaporate the alcohol, which
once fully burned off, leaves a higher concentration of the perfume oil on the bottom.
3) Enfleurage
a) The flowers are spread on glass sheets coated with grease.
b) The glass sheets are placed between wooden frames in tiers.
c) After 24 or 48 hours ( 72 hours for the tuberose), the spent petals were carefully
d) This process was repeated several times, until the fat was saturated with floral oils.
4) Maceration
a) This process is similar to enfleurage except that warmed fats are used to soak up the
flower smell. As in solvent extraction, the grease and fats are dissolved in alcohol to
obtain the essential oils.
5) Expression
a) The oldest and least complex method of extraction.
b) By this process, now used in obtaining citrus oils from the rind, the fruit or plant is
manually or mechanically pressed until all the oil is squeezed out.
Examples of fragrance oil
Amaryllis - A lily-like plant with umbrella flowers. The oil is commonly combined
with rose and neroli in many perfume blends.
Bergamot - A tangy oil that is expressed from the nearly ripe, but inedible
bergamot orange. The citrus scent is important to many fine perfumes and colognes.
Cedarwood Oil - Distilled from the North American cedar, it offers a woodsy
undertone. This oil provides a good base note for many men's colognes.
Citronella - Derived from a Sri Lanka grass, this oil offers a pleasantly warm,
woody, and surprisingly sweet odor - used to impart an aroma of dewy leaves to
many fragrances.
Galbanum - A gum resin that contains aromatic oil, used to create the green note.
Geranium - The oil is derived from the leaves and steams, it is one of the most
widespread perfume oils produced.
Hyacinth - The strong scent of this flower is only released just as the flower first
appears on the plant. The odor of the oil is a powerfully sweet scent.
Jasmine - One of the most significant of all the perfume oils, jasmine is extremely
potent and imparts a smoothness plus energy to a fragrance.
Lavender - An oil common in perfumes and aromatherapy.
Lemon Oil - Expressed from the rinds of a special variety of lemon tree, this oil
employs the top note in countless perfume types.
Rose - One of the finest of the perfume oils, it takes approximately 4,000 rose
petals to extract one pound of fragrant oil.
D. Blending
Once the perfume oils are collected, they are ready to be blended together according to a
formula determined by a master in the field, known as a "nose." It may take as many as 800
different ingredients and several years to develop the special formula for a scent.
After 24 or 48 hours ( 72 hours for the tuberose), the spent petals were carefully removed.
This process was repeated several times, until the fat was saturated with floral oils. The scent
is then mixed with alcohol. The amount of alcohol in a scent can vary greatly. Most full
perfumes are made of about 10-20% perfume oils dissolved in alcohol and a trace of water.
Colognes contain approximately 3-5% oil diluted in 80-90% alcohol, with water making up
about 10%. Toilet water has the least amount—2% oil in 60-80% alcohol and 20% water.
E. Aging
Fine perfume is often aged for several months or even years after it is blended. Following this,
a "nose" will once again test the perfume to ensure that the correct scent has been achieved.
Each essential oil and perfume has three notes:
a) Top notes - have tangy or citrus-like smells
b) Central notes (aromatic flowers like rose and jasmine) - provide body
c) Base notes (woody fragrances) - provide an enduring fragrance.
Many modern perfumes contain synthesized odorants. Synthetics can provide fragrances
which are not found in nature. For instance, a compound of synthetic origin, imparts a fresh
ozonous metallic marine scent that is widely used in contemporary perfumes. Synthetic
aromatics are often used as an alternate source of compounds that are not easily obtained
from natural sources. For example, linalool and coumarin are both naturally occurring
compounds that can be inexpensively synthesized from terpenes. Orchid scents (typically
salicylates) are usually not obtained directly from the plant itself but are instead synthetically
created to match the fragrant compounds found in various orchids.
One of the most commonly used classes of synthetic aromatics by far are the white musks.
These materials are found in all forms of commercial perfumes as a neutral background to the
middle notes. These musks are added in large quantities to laundry detergents in order to give
washed clothes a lasting "clean" scent.
Basic ingredients: 80%-90%: ethyl alcohol, essential oils from plants, fruit flavours
Nowadays perfumes consist of 500-600 chemical substances.
Only 5% of today’s perfumes are derived from natural compounds.
The most important organic compound that used in perfume is Ester.
The Family of Ester
They are products of the “esterification” reaction occurring between alcohols and acids.
Water is separated as a second product. The reverse reaction is called “hydrolysis.”
Esters have small molecular weight and very nice odour. They are responsible for the
pleasant odour of jasmine, roses, etc. and for the odours of apples, bananas, strawberries, etc.
The higher the molecular weight, the weaker the odours they carry are. Unsaturated esters
have stronger odour than the saturated ones.
Fischer esterification reaction reaches equilibrium after a few hours of refluxing.
The position of the equilibrium can be shifted by adding more of the acid or of the alcohol
depending on cost or availability. The mechanism of the reaction involves initial protonation
of the carboxyl group, attack by the nucleophilic hydroxyl group of the alcohol, a proton
transfer, and loss of water, followed by deprotonation to give the ester. Because each of these
steps is completely reversible, this process is also, in reverse, the mechanism for the
hydrolysis of an ester.
Esters are used in the fragrance and flavouring industries. They also have implication as
fixatives and carrier solvents.
Examples of Esters and Their Fragrance
Mechanism Involved in Producing Ester
A. Reaction between carboxylic acid and alcohol
B. Reaction between Acyl Chloride with Alcohol
1) Addition reaction
2) Elimination
3) Removal of hydrogen ion
C. Reaction between Acid Anhydride with Alcohol
1) Nucleophilic Attack by the Alcohol
2) Deprotonation by pyridine
3) Leaving group removal
4) Protonation of the carboxylate
Benzyl Acetate in Perfume
Perfumes have changed from a luxury product to a commodity product. They have become
an essential part of people’s lives by representing people’s characters and sending certain
Obtaining synthetic fragrances has developed the perfume industry dramatically and has
made it possible for more people to enjoy beautiful and diverse scents.
Benzyl Acetate is one of thousands of esters that can be used for perfume ingredients. It is an
extremely significant perfumes-set compound because it provides a basic odour that can be
found in many of the perfumes and other cosmetic products.
Properties of Benzyl Acetate
Physical properties:
Molecular mass: 150.2 g/mole
Odour: sweet floral; fruity; fresh jasmine
Clear colourless liquid
Pungent, bitter taste
Very low solubility in water
Stable under ordinary conditions
Found naturally in many flowers
Benzyl acetate is a primary constituent of the essential oils from the flowers jasmine and
ylang-ylang. Therefore, it is widely used in perfumery and cosmetics for its aroma and in
flavourings to stimulate apple, banana, strawberry, and pear flavours.
In a process not industrially conducted, benzyl acetate is produced by reaction of toluene,
acetic acid, and oxygen in the presence of a catalyst.
Uses of Benzyl Acetate
Since benzyl acetate makes up 40% of the picked jasmine flower, it is widely used in
synthetic perfumery. It imparts fruit flavours like those of banana, strawberry, pear and apple
and is thus used in the flavouring industry.
Benzyl acetate plays role as a chemical intermediate for the production of other organic
compounds. It also acts as a solvent to resins, plastic, polishes, and ink.
The use of benzyl acetate in the US for a year amounts to 1 million kg. There are 33
industrial suppliers of the compound and 75 worldwide.
However, usage of benzyl acetate can also bring harm.
1. Fire hazard - combustible
2. Explosion hazard - above 90°C explosive vapour/air mixtures may be formed.
3. Skin hazard - dry skin
4. Inhalation hazard - burning sensation , confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, sore throat
5. Eye hazard - redness
6. Ingestion hazard - burning sensation. convulsions. diarrhoea. drowsiness. vomiting.
Chemical Sensitivities and Perfumes
Fragrance Sensitivity
A growing number of people are claiming that exposure to certain fragrances, including
perfumes and scented products, adversely impacts their health. More than 5,000 different
fragrances are in products that are used on a daily basis. These products include health and
beauty aids, laundry aids, household cleaners, paper products, oils and solvents, drugs, paper
products, plastics, industrial greases, and even foods. Since fragrance formulas are considered
trade secrets, manufacturers only have to state fragrance on the label and do not need to
identify the chemical makeup.
How fragrances can affect the body
Fragrances can enter the body through the nose by inhalation, the mouth by ingestion, or the
skin by absorption. Fragrance chemicals can affect many parts of the skin. The lungs, the
nose, the skin, the eyes, and the brain can all be affected. Studies have shown that shortness
of breath or asthma-like symptoms have been caused by fragrances. Most of the fragrance
chemicals consist of volatile organic compounds that are known to be respiratory irritants.
Being a chemical receptor, the nose can also be affected with sneezing and sinus problems.
Studies have shown that inhaling fragrances can also cause circulatory changes and electrical
activity in the brain. These changes can trigger migraine headaches, the ability to concentrate,
dizziness, and fatigue. The number one cause of adverse skin reactions to cosmetics and
laundry products is fragrance. The skin reactions to fragrance chemicals can produce rashes,
hives, dermatitis, or eczema. Other symptoms can include watery eyes, nausea, sore throat,
cough, and chest tightness. Some fragrance materials, studies have shown, are absorbed by
the skin and then broken down into materials that are stronger sensitizers than the original
Fragrance free or unscented does not guarantee they do not contain fragrance chemicals: they
imply they have no perceptible odor. A product labeled “unscented” may contain a masking
fragrance. If fragrance is added to a product to mask or cover up the odor of other ingredients,
it is not required to be put on the label. A product must be marked “without perfume” to
indicate that no fragrance has been added. Ninety-five percent of the chemicals used in
fragrances are petroleum-based synthetic compounds. Here are some principal chemicals
found in scented products and the health risks that can be involved:
Acetone — when inhaled, it can cause mild central nervous system disturbances such
as dizziness, nausea, lack of coordination, slurred speech, and drowsiness. It can
irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and skin.
Alpha-pinene — can be a moderate irritant to skin, eyes, and mucus membranes.
Alpha-terpineol — can cause excitement, loss of muscular coordination, hypothermia,
central nervous system and respiratory depression, and headache.
Benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, benzaldehyde, camphor, ethanol, and others. Most
fragrance chemicals are not tested for safety.
The manufacturing of perfume nowadays is wider compared to last time. Instead of using the
natural compound found in plants, synthetic organic compound is mainly used to produce
perfume. Synthetic fragrances has developed the perfume industry dramatically and has made
it possible for more people to enjoy beautiful and diverse scents.
Although it is beneficial to use synthetic compound for the manufacturing perfume, several
side effects are sure to be seen.
Thus, researches are continuing everyday to obtain a compound that is environmental
friendly as well as suitable to be used in the manufacturing sector of perfume production.
1. Graham S.Robert, A. and Francis Gingrich and Maitland Jones Organic Chemistry,
2. Corine Jasper D. Caracas and Marie Louise Emille M. Largoza, Nucleophilic Acyl
Substitution: The Synthesis of Esters, Institute of Chemistry, University of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City1011 Philippines
3. http://chemwiki.ucdavis.edu/Organic_Chemistry/
4. http://www.erin.utoronto.ca/~w3chm243/ESTERIFICATIONmicro4Spring07.pdf
5. http://www.osmoz.com/static/manufacturing-techniques
6. http://www.madehow.com/Volume-2/Perfume.html
7. http://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Monographs/vol71/mono71-65.pdf
8. http://allnaturalbeauty.us/chemicalsensitivities_jrussell.htm