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Argument Mapping: A Visual Way to Teach Critical Thinking

Argument Mapping: A Visual Way to Prove Your Point
Posted August 25, 2020 in Classroom Management, ELA, Teaching Strategies
We’re in an age when people form opinions as quickly as they can read a headline. For this reason and others, it’s more essential than
ever that educators teach students not what to think, but how to think. Critical, mindful thinking is a skill that ushers students through
college and sticks with them through all their pursuits in life.
Argument mapping is a great way to challenge students to show their thinking and arrive at conclusions in a logical, reasoned manner.
In this article, we’ll look at what argument mapping is, the benefits and drawbacks of it, and how to use it in the classroom.
Argument Mapping Defined
Especially when dealing with complex or controversial issues, it can be difficult to think clearly and logically. Argument mapping
gives students a visual way to break down and clarify their thoughts to see if they’re coming to the best conclusion. According
to ReasoningLab.comopens in new window:
Argument maps are box-and-line diagrams that lay out visually reasoning and evidence for and against a statement or claim. A good
map clarifies and organizes thinking by showing the logical relationships between thoughts that are expressed simply and precisely.
Argument maps are driven by asking, “Should I believe that? Why or why not?”
Similar to mind mapping, students begin an argument map with a central idea, or contention, and then draw branches off that
contention to show why their argument is valid. Here are the different parts of an argument map in more detail:
Contention: The central argument, idea, or position the student is examining. Also sometimes called
the conclusion, argument, or claim.
Reasons: The foundational ideas supporting the contention. Also sometimes called the premises.
Objections: Reasons one might object or argue against the contention.
Counterarguments: Arguments against the objections.
Evidence: The statistics, studies, or other resources backing up reasons, objections, or counterarguments.
Conclusion: A brief summary of the major findings in the argument map.
Benefits of Argument Mapping
Argument mapping has many benefits opens in new window, including the following:
Gives a full-picture account of all sides of an argument: Like most people, students can easily become fixated on the side of
an argument they agree with. Argument mapping forces them to engage with opposing viewpoints.
Provides clearer thinking and sharpens reasoning skills: When you’re making a complex argument, it can be difficult to
keep your points clear and distinct. Argument mapping helps students define their reasoning and organize their thoughts so
they can communicate their points more easily.
Helps teachers introduce new concepts: Some topics lend themselves to teaching them from many different angles.
Assigning students to construct an argument map on the topic can be a great way to introduce it (see the Argument Mapping in
Action section for ideas).
Locates flaws in logic: If students are missing evidence for their reasoning or fail to address objections, an argument map will
quickly point out these issues so they can work to address them.
Promotes rational solutions in heated debates: Some contentions can spark deep emotions in people. Argument mapping
provides a dispassionate way to examine these contentions and try to arrive at the most logical conclusion.
Drawbacks of Argument Mapping
As beneficial as argument mapping can be, it might not work for every student or every assignment. Here are some instances when
you might not want to use argument mapping:
Auditory and kinesthetic learners: Argument mapping is a visual medium, so it may not “click” as well for auditory and
kinesthetic learners. That’s why it’s important not to depend solely on the visual diagram when teaching how to form
arguments. Instead, make sure to let your auditory learners talk about their arguments aloud, or let your kinesthetic learners
move around or use objects to represent the different parts of their argument.
Group work: Argument mapping is not always effective for group work. Students may be able to construct a map together
(i.e., come up with reasons and evidence together), but teachers should keep an eye on groups to make sure they don’t become
ideological echo chambers or hostile to other groups’ positions.
Hot-button issues: Argument mapping is designed to help people look past emotions and make rational claims. However,
some issues are so loaded and controversial that students might become contentious discussing them regardless of the method
you use.
Argument Mapping in Action
Here are some examples of how you might use argument mapping in the classroom:
Teaching the Parts of an Argument
When students hear the word argument, they likely think of emotional disagreements, not reasoned debates. Argument mapping can
be a great way to illustrate to students the importance of having multiple reasons and pieces of evidence behind any argument they
make. Simply drawing a map and defining each part can help you teach students the different components of an argument and give
them a blueprint for how to think through issues in writing and conversation.
Starting and Revising an Essay
Writing a persuasive or argumentative essay is an essential skill for students’ future education and work. Some students struggle to
grasp concepts such as using evidence to support claims or refuting objections to their argument. An argument map is a perfect way to
outline an essay or identify gaps in a weak essay.
Teaching Historical Debates
It’s sometimes difficult for students to remember or understand controversial issues in history because they aren’t comparable to the
types of issues we face today. Argument mapping can be a great way to help students understand both sides of historical debates (and
thus better understand the historical period more generally). For example, you could assign students to draw an argument map for the
debates between:
Tories vs. Patriots
Hamilton vs. Jefferson
Lincoln vs. Douglas
Preparing the Next Generation of Readers and Thinkers
Today’s middle and high school students have grown up surrounded by astonishing levels of communication and technological
advancements, and they’ve also experienced some of the biggest cultural shifts in recent history. They have news and opinions coming
at them as quickly as they can think, so giving them the skills to read effectively, break down arguments, and think clearly and
logically will pay dividends for years to come.
If you’re looking for more in-depth strategies to help your students learn to read, write, and argue effectively, check out these
professional development courses from Advancement Courses:
Preparing Students for College: Teaching Writing Across Content Areas: Writing is one of the most important skills students
need to succeed in college and beyond. No matter what subject you teach, this course gives you the right methods and
materials to prepare students for writing at the college level.
Close Reading: Close reading enables students to be critical consumers of information. Develop strategies for modeling close
reading using fiction and nonfiction, complex and rigorous texts, and visual and digital texts, so students can confidently
interpret any type of text they encounter.
Active Reading vs. Passive Reading: Teaching Students to Become Better Readers: Getting students to block out all
distractions and focus on a single task—especially reading—can be quite challenging. Explore techniques to strengthen your
students’ reading skills and inspire deeper learning and a greater love of reading.
Teaching Research Writing in the Digital Age: With an emphasis on writing for college and the workplace, learn how to guide
students through the entire process of writing a research paper, including developing ideas, researching, analyzing information,
writing, and fine-tuning a presentation.
Why Argue: Teaching the Art of Oral and Written Argument: Learn best practices for engaging students in the rich process of
developing, presenting, and defending an argument, from class-wide inquiries to small-group data analysis and individual
writing tasks.
In addition to these, Advancement Courses offers more than 280 online, self-paced PD courses covering both foundational topics and
emerging trends in K–12 education. Courses are available for both graduate and continuing education credit for your salary
advancement or recertification needs.