Brood X 2021 Webquest 1. What is a cicada? How would you differentiate between annual and periodical cicadas? 2. Are they dangerous to people, pets or plants? 3. What is a periodical cicada brood? What does the term “17 Year Magicicada Brood II” mean? 4. How is the life cycle of a periodical cicada different from the life cycle of annual cicadas? How is it similar? 5. What do scientists know about how cicada nymphs keep track of time underground? Describe how experiments with trees in greenhouses under shortened daylight cycles are helping scientists understand how cicadas keep track of time. 6. What are the nymphs doing during that time underground? 7. What is the history of periodical cicada emergence in your region, if any? 8. Whom could you interview about what it was like to be part of periodical cicada emergence in the past? 9. How far back in local history can you find documentation of cicada emergence? How did your local newspaper cover it? 10. What can you learn about the emergence of cicadas in the past? 11. What have scientists learned about cicadas over the years? How did people in 1894 use the cicadas they found?