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Personality Types: Locus, Narcissism, Mach, Self-Monitoring

Personality types:
1. Locus of control:
The degree to which people believe that they are master of their own luck is
called locus of control
There are two types of locus of control
1. Internal locus of control:
Individuals who believe that events in their life derive primarily from their own
actions: for example, when receiving exam results, people with an internal
locus of control tend to praise or blame themselves and their abilities. They
think they are powerful. They are highly productive , they put in their own
efforts and they are hardworking. They have good negotiation skills. They
take responsibility even if they failed.
2. External locus of control:
Individuals who believe that whatever happens to them is controlled by
outside forces. for example: when receiving exam results, people with
an external locus of control tend to praise or blame external factors such
as the teacher or the exam. They think they are powerless. Their negotiation
skills are bad. Leaders and managers when successful take credit
themselves and in case of failure they put blame on others. They don’t take
2. Narcissism:
One of several types of personality in which people have an inflated sense of their
own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration (center of
They don’t work but they exaggerate things and show that they have
worked a lot.
They show extreme confidence but they cannot take even the slightest
They want others to follow their decisions
They are poor performers
Boss, managers dislikes such kind of personalities
They can be harmful for any type of negotiations and they can destroy
3. Machiavellianism or Mach:
They believe that ends or results can justify the means. Such a person
approaches situations with high level of competitiveness and wile. Basically they
are manipulative and deceptive. Their motivation is for personal gain. They are
high performers and they can be successful and suitable for negotiation process.
4. Self-monitoring:
An individual’s ability to adjust his or her behavior according to the situation. It is
a leadership quality or top rankers. They are highly successful in their careers.
They are very flexible and moldable towards the situations .i.e. they have the
ability to access the situation and mold themselves according to the situation.
They take maximum advantage out of situations.
5. Type A and B personalities:
Type A personalities are
They move walk and eat rapidly
They can think or do more than two or more things at once ( multi-tasking
more competitive
highly organized
highly aware of time management they feel guilty if they are sitting free.
Type B personalities are
easy going
they enjoy their free/ leisure time
love travelling
Hoteling etc.
6. McClelland's Theory:
McClelland Theory of Need also known as three needs theory. According McClelland's
there are 3 types persons or needs.
 Need for achievement (n Ach)
 Need for power (n Pow)
 Need for Affiliation (n Aff)
Need for achievement (n Ach):
People with a high need for achievement (nAch)
they are moderate risk takers
They seek personal responsibility for finding solutions to problems.
They need rapid feedback on their performance but they have the ability to take
criticism positively because they can improve
They are highly capable. they put in efforts and they are hard workers
They are most suitable for winning they are self-monitoring type
Need for power (n Pow):
They need to make other behave in a way that they want. They want control and
command, dominating people. They have no empathy for others.
Need for Affiliation (n Aff):
Those with a high need for affiliation (nAff). It is a kind of social need.
They need to have harmonious relationships with other people
They need to feel accepted by other people.
They prefer work that provides significant personal interaction.
They perform well in customer service and client interaction situations.
They prefer cooperation over competition.
They strive to make and keep relationships with a high amount of trust and
mutual understanding.