Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that enables machines to think and process like a human, which provides independence for it to do a human task. AI has helped humanity presently, but in future, they could become a threat. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, James Barrat, Jaron Lanier, Max Tegmark, Nick Bostrom, Stephen Hawking, Vernor Vinge and many more famous people (including those in IT or top business leaders) have warned that AI could soon take a wrong step. I chose the topic "Will Artificial intelligence go in an unexpected direction?" for my report because it could be the most threatening/disastrous invention to humanity if not taken seriously. Then the solution to the problems could flip the question into 'Why Artificial intelligence can be trustworthy.?" and those issues are according to global, national and local perspectives. Issues: 'The attention not provided to AI while it was developing' is the issue I have chosen. There are many factors related to the subject. I have only selected a few of them that are the most reasonable and to have the most efficient effect. Those main issues are Childhood, Security and Background. There are other issues which are not major: Program and Misuse. Childhood: We have heard that what happens in the past, becomes a lifetime memory and lesson. If we look at a child and a mother and if the child does something wrong, there are two options for the mother; First, to let the child go and Second, to make sure the that he does not repeat the same mistake. Examination held by International Educators to observe which age group of students had learned significantly from there mistakes. 40 students were interview by 5 interviewers. Less than one year: 0%, 1-3 years: 2.5%, 4-10 years: 35%, 11-20 years: 40%, More than 20 years: 22.5%. The age group between 11-20 years had learned most from there mistakes. A full AI development has a similar mind of a human. If we guide the AI in the wrong direction, it may affect its thinking in the future. 1975, a test concluded that children that have delinquent parents are most likely to become a criminal. The study of British boys (West and Farrington, 1973; West and Farrington, 1977) also showed that criminal parents tend to produce criminal children. Children like Johnson, 1979; Osborn and West, 1978; McCord, 1979, has been involved in crime due to parents being a criminal as they teach incorrect knowledge in there childhood. It causes it to be a lifetime memory, as they grow up, they ignore the right things and continue doing the wrong things. The UNDOC has globally called leaders around the world to discuss how to prevent children from doing crime. It is a global issue as it happens all around the world. UNDOC has released an article on child abuse, which affects childhood, affecting the future. The UK is nationally the safest environment for children. The environment of children has become more secured by the UK government. Although the evidence suggests that 95% of criminals have come from a bad childhood, many countries have not taken any strict action against it. Security: People nowadays provided security not only to families but also to the nation. It is an essential part of our daily lives, as our both our emotions and thinking are affected. Without security, there is an incurable fear which can force you into crimes. For example, our sympathetic nervous system (SAS), makes us attack to defend ourselves from the thing we fear. People before becoming criminals have a particular fear about there future due to there past. Fear makes them conduct crimes; they develop a habit of doing crime for there survival. For example, a person is living in a town full of criminals and no law enforcement, making a person concerned about his security, causes him to commit crimes like murder. Psychology Today has released an article informing that lack of security. A person may emotionally and mentally be disturbed. Not much research has happened about the emotions and thinking on lack of security, and, most cases have not been reported or publicly revealed. So if the action is not taken earlier on the growing AI, it could be soon emotionally and mentally ill, causing incorrect decisions to be made by it. Background: Pakistan is in the top 7 for terror hotspots. Children who are surrounded by negativity tend to copy the same behaviour making it a daily routine. A youtube channel called; It's Me Or The Dog, has 99% of dogs that act according to their past background. In 2020, Veronica Ekelund (Research Analyst at European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS)) had proposed a question; Why is Pakistan still a member of this council (UNHRC)? CNN in February 2019, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi admitted that UN-designated terrorist and chief of Jaish-e-Mohammad Masood Azhar resides in Pakistan. BBC in March 2019, Mr Qureshi confessed that his government and Jaish-e-Mohammad maintained official contact. In July 2019, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan told the US Institute of Peace in Washington that his country hosts 40,000 terrorists. In June 2020, Prime Minister Imran Khan referred to Al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden as a 'Martyr' in the country's Parliament. So due to Pakistan not taking any action against terrorist living in its nation for safety and shelter, children are receiving a terror background. These things brainwash children to become a terrorist. Also, an AI has the same mind as a human mind, so having an improper environment could have a different outcome. Program and Misuse: An AI and a human have the main difference between them, is that an AI is reprogrammable, but a human is not. When an AI 'program' and 'data' is tweaked, it will follow the instruction and take action according to the instruction provided. It will use the data and guidance to perform the task allotted to it. Recently, a Uber self-driving car killed a pedestrian. It had errors in its program and data. When software is programmed, trial and error happen. Once the program finalised from trial and error, then it is published to the public. Another main difference between AI and human is that AI can be misused. As AI are programmable, they tend to follow the instruction provided to them. For example, an AI made by the US government and a terrorist has gained access to the AI. The terrorist can use AI against the US government. The movie: Chappie, has a story in which an AI law enforcement robot had fallen in the wrongs hands causing the crime rate in a city to increase intensely. Not all AI are bad as China has an AI which tracks criminals through CCTV camera. Globally artificial intelligence used to develop technologies. Many shreds of evidence and case study have shown solutions on the issue 'The attention not provided to AI while it was developing'. The first solution is that programmers should provide attention to the AI when they are developing as they will then continue the same behaviour and may become a habit. If the childhood of children is perfect then without their parents, their future will be safe. The reason their future will be secured, as they will be able to take decisions. The second solution is that security should be available to every AI as it decreases the crime rate and makes the AI feel safe. The relax of the AI allows the decision to be appropriate. The third solution is that the AI should not be in an inappropriate background as it causes to disturb its program and its aim. For example; not hurting other people is the AI goal, but having an environment of negativity may brainwash its program into hurting people. Bibliography: al_Educators_Reflect,age%206%20become%20lifel ong%20memories.,intense%20emotions%20and%20 impulsive%20reactions.