BRAC Bank Limited and it’s subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 31 December 2018 Particulars Note PROPERTY AND ASSETS Cash Cash in hand (Including foreign currency) Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s) (Including foreign currency) 2018 Taka 2017 Taka 3 22,394,474,142 6,674,699,654 15,719,774,488 18,301,854,032 6,109,792,050 12,192,061,982 4 44,651,943,921 41,918,719,170 2,733,224,751 43,355,772,365 39,974,980,085 3,380,792,280 Investments Government Others 6 35,133,273,327 27,925,905,144 7,207,368,183 26,889,161,707 19,193,023,616 7,696,138,091 Loans and advances Loans, cash credit, overdrafts etc. Small and medium enterprises Bills purchased & discounted 7 238,400,399,660 139,883,617,667 80,422,409,963 18,094,372,030 203,431,019,401 116,620,559,298 81,064,166,152 5,746,293,951 Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures Other assets Non-banking assets 8 9 10 6,265,160,203 9,665,434,144 66,471,775 5,610,423,547 9,314,360,181 63,430,075 Goodwill 11 1,427,468,911 1,350,628,757 358,004,626,083 308,316,650,065 22,958,478,616 8,344,796,525 255,073,828,613 80,225,826,007 1,528,433,733 38,320,761,103 133,388,177,229 1,610,630,541 23,210,933,175 5,595,585,766 2,850,148,000 2,700,000,000 216,929,919,763 83,474,319,154 1,013,749,416 35,100,923,580 95,556,881,123 1,784,046,490 Balance with other banks and financial institutions Inside Bangladesh Outside Bangladesh Money at call on short notice Total property and assets LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Liabilities Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents Borrowings from Bangladesh Bank Convertible subordinated bonds Money at call on short notice Deposits and other accounts Current accounts and other accounts Bills payable Savings deposits Fixed deposits Other deposits Other liabilities 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total liabilities Capital and shareholders' equity Paid up capital Share premium Statutory reserve Dividend equalization fund Revaluation reserve on govt. securities Assets revaluation reserve Fair value reserve Translation reserve Surplus in profit and loss account/Retained earnings Total shareholders' equity Non controlling interest Total equity Off Balance Sheet Items 2018 A N N U A L R E P O R T 22.1 22.2 Total liabilities and equity 382 18.2 18.7 19 20 21.1 21.2 B R A C B A N K .CO M 29,927,337,027 28,600,220,470 316,304,440,781 279,886,807,174 10,725,002,850 3,853,767,032 6,428,088,086 355,218,455 5,593,264 478,558,600 78,920,073 (17,674,822) 13,342,589,185 35,250,062,723 8,552,096,940 3,738,490,072 4,813,606,868 355,218,455 23,306,557 516,373,535 (5,825,691) 8,606,876,878 26,600,143,614 6,450,122,579 41,700,185,302 1,829,699,277 28,429,842,891 358,004,626,083 308,316,650,065 BRAC Bank Limited and it’s subsidiaries Consolidated Profit and Loss Account For the year ended 31 December 2018 Particulars Note 2018 Taka 2017 Taka Interest income 25 27,463,966,939 21,734,412,978 Interest paid on deposits and borrowing etc. 26 11,660,482,140 8,200,931,514 15,803,484,799 13,533,481,464 Net interest income Investment income 27 2,782,984,186 2,914,699,537 Commission, exchange and brokerage 28 7,226,644,875 6,881,929,480 Other operating income 29 194,608,406 371,289,964 26,007,722,266 23,701,400,445 Total operating income (a) Salaries and allowances 30 6,436,945,569 5,865,172,038 Rent, taxes, insurance, electricity etc. 31 1,532,970,820 1,424,790,306 76,193,857 45,674,049 Legal expenses Postage, stamps, telecommunication etc. 32 321,719,919 300,037,460 Stationery, printing, advertisement etc. 33 2,169,679,696 1,392,850,352 Chief executive's salary and fees 34 13,971,499 13,309,000 Directors' fees and expenses 35 3,009,464 3,311,536 Auditors' fee 36 6,305,738 5,251,088 Depreciation and repairs to bank's assets 37 2,026,717,532 1,525,706,898 Other expenses 38 4,026,750,022 3,702,838,829 16,614,264,116 14,278,941,556 9,393,458,150 9,422,458,889 1,915,700 14,332,840 - (18,366) 9,395,373,850 9,436,773,363 Loans and advances 683,745,138 992,782,725 Diminution in value of investments 116,400,000 (72,224,112) Off balance sheet items (37,000,000) 131,315,329 Other provisions (10,762,161) 100,490,994 752,382,977 1,152,364,936 8,642,990,873 8,284,408,427 2,994,171,667 3,570,883,968 (21,249,563) (784,891,580) 2,972,922,104 2,785,992,388 5,670,068,769 5,498,416,039 Total operating expenses (b) Operating profit (c = a-b) Share of profit/(loss) of associates Gain/(loss) on disposal/loss of control of subsidiaries 39 1.2.5 Profit/(loss) before provisions (d) Provision for loans/Investments: Total provision (e) 40 Total Profit/(loss) before taxes (f= d-e) Provision for Taxation: Current tax expense Deferred tax expense / (income) Total provision for Taxation (g) Net profit/(loss) after taxation (f-g) 384 2018 A N N U A L R E P O R T B R A C B A N K .CO M 41 BRAC Bank Limited and it’s subsidiaries Consolidated Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31 December 2018 Particulars Note A. Cash flows from operating activities Interest receipts Interest payment Dividend receipts Fees and commission receipts Recoveries on loans previously written off Cash payments to employees Cash payments to suppliers Income tax paid Receipts from other operating activities Payment for other operating activities 2017 Taka Taka 28,506,784,368 (9,444,568,536) 130,303,495 9,734,938,068 783,059,719 (6,442,614,761) (4,474,810,215) (6,237,375,921) 1,274,506,265 (4,741,384,440) 23,845,509,932 (7,843,426,431) 125,764,206 6,959,743,854 1,039,185,296 (5,781,431,137) (2,502,587,138) (2,525,997,559) 1,890,333,780 (4,744,293,106) 9,088,838,042 10,462,801,697 (35,188,943,781) (519,357,959) 2,253,364,069 36,223,010,234 (1,382,610,506) 1,385,462,057 10,474,300,099 (28,265,949,664) (1,490,251,550) 1,738,848,780 34,750,597,331 4,178,314,409 10,911,559,306 21,374,361,003 B. Cash flows from investing activities Treasury bills Bangladesh Bank Bills Treasury bonds Sale/ (Investment) in shares Investment in Bonds Redemption of BBL Bond Acquisition of fixed assets Disposal of Fixed Assets Net cash flows from/(used in) investing activities (b) (12,328,600,474) 2,497,936,800 1,096,934,546 (591,052,996) 927,000,000 (2,706,965,700) (1,472,629,813) 62,349,104 (12,515,028,533) (1,137,623,369) (2,497,936,800) 1,399,779,844 (1,674,766,424) (67,000,000) (2,083,299,438) 83,940,294 (5,976,905,893) C. Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from issue of convertible preference shares Share Premium Cash Dividend paid Net cash flows from/(used in) financing activities ( c) 7,444,202,254 (347,296) 7,443,854,958 4,614,731 (696,157,876) (691,543,145) 44 45 Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities (i) Increase/decrease in operating assets and liabilities Loans and advances Other assets Deposits from other banks/borrowings Deposits from customers Other liabilities Cash utilized in operating assets and liabilities (ii) Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities (i+ii) (a) Net increase/(decrease) in cash (a+b+c) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Effect of Exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalent Adjustment for disposal of biTS Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year: Cash in hand (including foreign currency) Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agents bank(s) (including foreign currency) Balance with other banks and financial institutions Prize Bond The annexed notes 1 to 48 form an integral part of these financial statements. 388 2018 2018 A N N U A L R E P O R T B R A C B A N K .CO M 43 5,403,126,524 14,705,911,965 61,659,571,597 (15,182,458) 67,047,515,663 46,977,708,909 28,633,697 (52,682,974) 61,659,571,597 6,674,699,654 15,719,774,488 6,109,792,050 12,192,061,982 44,651,943,921 1,097,600 67,047,515,663 43,355,772,365 1,945,200 61,659,571,597