Electrical Field Simulation for Segmented Excitation of Electrical Capacitance Tomography. Shahrulnizahani Mohammad Din , Ruzairi Abdul Rahim and Leow Pei Ling Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor. hani-md@utm.my Abstract—This paper presents verification of calculated electrical field of Electrical Capacitance Tomography. The electrical field was calculated mathematically along the paths of the electrical field. The model was derived from linear (x-ray) tomography. The modeling and simulation was done by using COMSOL Multiphysics to reconstruct the electrical field. The simulation was done for single and 4- electrode to analyses the distribution of electrical field inside the pipe. In general, the electrical field and electrical potential for segmented excitation is greater than single excitation method; which may contribute to better image reconstruction. I. INTRODUCTION Tomography is defined as slice of a picture [1]. Initially, Process tomography was applied for medical applications [2], After twenty years of its development, tomography application is not restricted to medical application only, the concept of tomography had been applied for various field, such as archaeology, biology, geophysics, oceanography, material science, astrophysics and process applications. [3] The benefits of tomography to industrial application are also diverse. Tomography is one of the few feedback tools that give information about what is actually happening inside that industrial process. The significant contribution of tomography in reducing production costs through enhancing efficiencies, producing better yields and enhance process efficiently. It also helps to simplify process and improve products. [4] The selection type of sensor usually depends on the properties or characteristic of the flow material such as electrical conductivity and permittivity (liquid, gas or solid). The selection also depends on the need or purpose of the experiment and the size of the environment. [5] II. ELECTRICAL CAPACITANCE TOMOGRAPHY The application in the industry is relevant and wide – from medical purposes to understanding the flow of industry pipelines. ECT is widely used in industrial multiphase process validation and visualization, especially for petroleum industry and electrical insulation materials application. From the perspective point of view, it is possible to image vessels or pipes of any cross section; most of the research to-date more focuses on circular vessels. [6] The principle of ECT is based on the capacitances measurement placed outside the pipe and by measuring variations in the dielectric permittivity of the material inside the pipe.[1]. The capacitances are measured between single pairs of electrodes where the first electrode is selected as the transmitter electrode while others electrodes are all detector (grounded) and the currents which flow into these detector electrodes are measured. Then, the second electrode is selected as the transmitter electrode and these sequences are repeated until all possible pair of electrode capacitances has been measured. The formula for independent measurement values, M can be calculated by; where N is the number of electrodes at the boundary of the pipe or vessel; M N ( N 1) 2 (1) ECT is suitable for imaging industrial multi-component processes which involve non-conducting flow materials .An ECT system consists of three main components; the sensors, the data acquisition system and the image reconstruction system [7]. The advantages of the ECT are it is non-invasive [8] without disrupting the wall of the tested vessel and disturbing the flow of the process. Electrodes are affordable and high temperature and high pressure resistance. [9]. However, there are some disadvantages of ECT; it is limited to non-conductive material and produces low resolution images. [10]. The relationship between capacitance and dielectric properties can be given: C 0 r A (2) dp Where, C = capacitance (F) ε0 = permittivity of free space εr = permittivity of the dielectric A = area of the plate dp = the distance between those plates III. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD A. Segmented Excitations This paper will focus on the ECT low resolution image problem. To overcome the problem, the number of electrodes needs to be increased. However, by doing so, the image quality at the centre of the pipe will be decreased due to the reduction of the electrode surface area. [11] [12]. To improve the image quality, the number of electrodes excites at the same time could be increase by implementing segmented techniques. [13]. From the equation (1), the value of capacitance ( c) will increase as the area (A) of the plate in increased. Olmos et. al [14] reported the comparison between single and 4-electrodes segmented excitation method. Better image reconstruction produced when applying the segmented sensor. This paper will concentrate for 4-electrode segmentation excitation. B. Fan Beam Projections The arrangement of parallel and fan beam projection are different. For parallel projection method, each transmitter and receiver only corresponds to each other. While for the fan beam projection method, the receiver’s may be more than one depending to a single or multiple transmitter configurations. In the switch-mode fan beam method, the transmitters and receivers can be arranged alternately [15]. C. ECT Modelling Zimam et al. demonstrated the simulation of fan-beam projection using portable 16-electrodes ECT system to compare between single excitation method with 4-electrodes excitation at the same time [17]. The modelling was done by using the COMSOL Multiphysics simulator as refer to the ECT system design in the laboratory. The Electrical field and potential field of 4-electrodes excitation is better than the single excitation. COMSOL Multiphysics allows better understanding of various segmented excitation configurations and shows the distribution of electrical field and electrical potential inside the pipe. The COMSOL Multiphysics design process for ECT sensor models can be divided into following approach: (a) Choosing the mode in the electrostatics module (b) Geometry modeling according to dimension to be simulated (c) Generating the mesh (d) Set electrical properties in the domains (e) Set the boundary conditions Boundary conditions used are ground, port and distributed capacitance. The equations used for the boundary and subdomain conditions as follows; , for ground (3) , for port (excitation electrode) ( ) ( ) (4) , for distributed permittivity (5) where; C is the capacitance value Q is the charge of the two conductors V is the voltage difference between the two conductors D. Electrical Field There is several researches conducted focus on electrical field of ECT [18]. Loser et. al. [19] reported the development of the electrical filed using mathematical modeling. The sensor size and the sensor’s fixture size affected the number of sensors used, the resolution increase along with the number of sensors installed. [16]. The fan-beam projection is better from the parallel projection because it covers wider area of the pipe or vessel. Identify applicable sponsor/s here. (sponsors) Figure 1. Loser et.al test model with three droplets of water. The FEM grid for the numerical calculation of the electrical field inside the pipe was developed using the commercial software package ANSYS 5.5. Three droplets of water were used inside the pipe to represent the different permittivity as shown in Figure 1. The calculated the electrical field inside the pipeline by using the Poisson equation which is given by; ( Where; ( ( ( ) ( ) ( ) IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS (6) ) = the electrical permittivity ) = the electrical potential ) = the charge distribution. Figure 3. Single and segmented excitations for uniform permittivity (air) The changes of electrical permittivity and changes of electrical potential will gives the electrical charge distribution. From figure 1, the line white line indicates the electrical field generated. This paper will focus on the development of electrical field using COMSOL Multiphysics. The preliminarily result will use single excitation, later; the multiple excitation will be introduced to compare the electrical filed and electrical potential. Figure 3 shows the simulation result of simulation test to reconstruct the electrical field. Figure 3 (a) and (b) show the single and segmented excitations for uniform permittivity (air). The electrical potential is uniformly or linearly distribute from the transmitter to the receivers’. However, the electrical field in figure 3(b) is greater than figure 3(a). This shows that the segmented excitation methods may contributes to better image reconstruction at the center of the pipe. D. Electrode indications Figure 2 shows the indication of the electrodes for the excitation purposes. The simulation considers single excitation as to verify the calculated electrical field. Segmented excitation will be done to compare with the single Figure 4. Single and segmented excitations for multiple permittivity (air and water) The three droplets of water was introduced for figure 4 (a) and (b). Figure 3(a) shows the same single excitation as Loser test in figure 1, the distribution of distortion is likely the same. The distortion of electrical field indicates that the ECT system could detect the existence of the droplets of waters. Extension to Loser et. al. test, the segmented switching is introduced. The distortion of electrical field in figure 4 (b) is more significant compared to figure a(a) as the electrode 1 until 4 are excited at the same time. Figure 2. Indication of the electrodes The red color electrical potential in the figure 3and 4 shows the highest potential while the blue color shows the lowest electrical potential. Figure 3(a) shows the distribution of electrical potential near the electrode; however, in figure 3(b) the distribution of electrical potential is wider. It covers almost up until the center of the pipe. The greater of electrical field and electrical potential may contributes to better image reconstruction in the pipeline. [9] [10] V. CONCLUSIONS [11] The electrical field was reconstructed using COMSOL Multiphysics to verify the result of calculated electrical field. Extended to the electrical field reconstruction for single excitation, the multiple segmented switching is introduced. The electrical field shows significant distortion to detect the different permittivity inside the pipe. The electrical potential also shows greater distribution inside the pipe for multiple segmented switching. The electrical field degree will increase when the permittivity increases. The greater electrical field and electrical potential may contributes for better image reconstruction. [12] [13] [14] [15] ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to the financial support from Research University Grant of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Grant No. Q.J130000.2823.00L03). 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