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Incumbent banks have a good chance of being the real winners of the COVID-19
digital revolution because Incumbent banks are aware of the challenge,and have a
bigger widow to respond.In a more digital environment, incumbent banks continue to
find changes they need to make to their current processes to operate..Whether by
developing this in-house or partnering with other companies that can bring in the right
capabilities, they would have time to experiment with new CVPs.It is also important
to note that the start of the licensing process for digital banking is likely to coincide
with the release of the eKYC (electronic know your customer) guidelines . Using
digital proof of identity through eKYC could radically change the role of branches in
banks.While eKYC will provide the foundation for branchless digital banking models,
it is also a key enabler for incumbent banks’ own digital transformation. The
incumbent banks will be able to adopt eKYC immediately, unlike applicants for
digital banking license who are delayed by the start of the application process.
Second is becoming profitable as a digital bank is more challenging than
ever.Globally, with entrants focusing on customer acquisition and creating a
compelling CVP, digital banking models are still evolving as they seek to create a
niche that they can monetize in the long term.With many digital banks focusing on the
more affluent customer segments and adopting a lifestyle-based CVP, the continued
relevance of the digital bank CVP will be significantly affected by fundamental
changes in customer behaviour and spending patterns.For a digital bank focused on
the less affluent B40 (the bottom 40% income group in Malaysia) and the Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) segments, in line with the requirements of
Bank Negara Malaysia, would devote their attention to those segments of society
most affected by the pandemic.Taking into account the fact that the pandemic has
threatened the profitability of many small and medium-sized businesses, this can
result in lower incomes and greater risks for the banks that support them. We're
looking at these in the next segment.
Third is banking fundamentals,funding and risk management have become more
important.banks in Australia with a natural funding base from deposits were able to
dominate the lending market as wholesale funding sources disappeared.Even through
a downturn, incumbent banks with a proven deposit base are more likely to continue
their lending sector.With Bank Negara Malaysia’s requirement that digital banks
focus on the under served and unbanked including the B40 and the MSME segments,
this means that their core customers will have lower deposits than the average
Malaysian customer.In addition, Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) focusing
on similar segments of customers usually expand their deposit base by providing term
deposits at competitive rates that increase their funding costs. In order to continue to
expand their lending businesses, digital banks will need to draw deposits from
consumers outside the under served target market. The pandemic, and any subsequent
softer economic climate, will drive increased credit demand, but economic instability
makes it far more difficult to assess risk. For example a company that seemed viable
only a few months ago might face major risks today. Increases in non-performing
loans would require rigorous processes to ensure that as much as possible is
recovered.. Incumbent banks with established risk procedures are likely to have
greater resilience to survive the crisis.
Lastly is Malaysia digital banks can still be competitive if they create a
differentiated CVP.COVID-19 has not changed the reality that a digital bank will
succeed when it understands the behaviour of its customers and creates a compelling
CVP that meets the needs of its customers.Customer access, or a technology platform
alone is not sufficient. The delay in the application process provides the opportunity
for players preparing to apply for the digital banking licence to reconsider their CVP
and to test whether it really offers a unique service to the consumer that can not be
duplicated by the incumbent banks.
I agree that Incumbent banks have a good chance of being the real winners of the
COVID-19 digital revolution because digital banks are more advanced and
sophisticated they include using technology in every banking operation, method and
stage in the delivery of banking products and services, with the intention of making
customer experience more smooth, effective and efficient and thereby removing the
need for a physical place.Digital banks rely heavily on technology and leading
practices such as big data, machine learning, and a high degree of automation, cloud
leverage, analytic and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve consumer experience
beyond traditional credit and debt banking transactions.Second is Effective digital
banks position customers at the forefront while planning business processes and
ensuring that appropriate consumer data security plans are in place. They also
concentrate on the value proposition of the customer when developing their business
plan, strategy and target business model.Third digital bank offer different experience
to the customer.Digital banks use data in a very different way than virtual banks when
assessing risk.Through the use of data analytic and enhanced processing of data,
digital banks can potentially understand customer needs better. Using data and
analytic, digital banks,can generate small amounts of money, with very low risk, all
while helping save people from money lenders that take very high margins.
Annis shakirah, Mohd muslimin. “Digital Banks Are On the Rise In Malaysia.”
https://www.comparehero.my/banking-finance/articles/digital-bank-malaysia, July 29,
2020, https://www.comparehero.my/banking-finance/articles/digital-bank-malaysia.
Joe Devanesan |. Malaysia is gearing up for a digital banking revolution, © 2020 Tech Wire
Asia, 11 June, 2020,
Lum Kar Hoe. COVID-19: Opportunities and Challenges for Digital Banks, Lum Kar Hoe,
Senior Manager, Financial Services, PwC Malaysia, April 2020,