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Ore Reserve Estimation Assignment - Geology

Department of Geology
GLY 352
Assignment 2
Ore reserve estimation
Due: 24 August 2020
30 Marks
NB: Please show all calculations and remember to use suitable conversions when needed
Question 1 (3)
An ore deposit has a concentration of 2.3% Cu and 3.0 g/t Au (average grade).
Deposit dimensions: length (horizontal) = 640m, width (horizontal) = 300m, depth (vertical)=
Specific Gravity (Density) = 2.1g/cm3 (or tonne/m3);
Metal value: Cu= $2.86/lb and Au = $1944/ounce (as of 16 August 2020)
1a) The tonnage of the mineral deposit.
1b) How many tonnes of Cu and Au are present in the ore deposit?
Question 2 (8)
A diamond drill hole has been sampled and assay values are in table below.
Average Grade formula:
2a) Calculate the average grade of the drill hole at 2.8% Cu cut-off grade (do not calculate sections below
cut-off) (4).
Assay values on tin in a drill hole are in table below.
2b) Calculate the average grade of the intersection at 3.0 % Sn cut-off grade (do not calculate sections
below cut-off) (4).
Question 3 (3)
The average grade in a drill hole is 2.7% Ni (per tonne, as average), and assuming a nickel price of $6.5
per pound, calculate the Ni value per tonne (for that specific drill).
Question 4 (3)
Estimation of the value of a deposit
(for the conversion: 1 ton=2000 pounds; 1 tonne=2200 pounds, so 1 tonne = 1 ton x 1,102)
Calculate the gross value of a deposit (in $/ton and $/tonne) in a copper orebody averaging 0.90% by
weight Cu if the market price of Cu is $2.4/lb, assuming that the cost of mining and processing is $9,00/ton.
Overall recovery, based on metallurgical testing, is expected to be 85% of the copper.
Question 5 (13)
In the feasibility study, the total value of the placer mine has to be determined. In the study these data have
been estimated:
operational costs (OPEX) = 650 USD/tonne;
average Sn grade = 4.5%.
The commodity (Sn) value corresponds to 7.5 USD/lb.
Planning to open the mine around the dimensions of the initial mine will approximately be: width = 500m,
length = 800 m, depth = 200 m. Specific gravity of 2.5 g/cm3.
5a) Cut off. Also, report if mining is viable or not (Commodity value = 7.5 USD/lb) (2)
5b) Tonnage of the deposit (2)
5c) Total tons of Sn (2)
5d) Total value of the mine (2)
5e) Calculate the total monthly costs (3)
based on:
Personnel costs (75 employees at average daily salary per worker = 120 USD)
Equipment costs (based on a n.1 forty- ton excavator and n.1 thirty-ton bucket; each machine
works 24 hours/day, 7 days a week at a cost of 60 USD/hour)
Water and electricity expenses: 5000 USD/day
5f) If the total revenue from mining is estimated at around 10% of the total costs, calculate how many
years will be needed to recover for the initial investment of 5 000 000 USD (2)