Uploaded by Christopher D. Dean

persuasive speech score sheet

Persuasive Speech Score Sheet:
Name: _____________________________
Topic: _____________________________
In addition to being judged according to NWs 6-Trait Writing Rubric (see reverse),
speeches will be graded on the following:
_____ Opinion is clear and unwavering
_____ Anticipates & refutes counter arguments (Objections & responses to objections)
_____ Includes effective introduction that clearly states position
_____ Include a strong conclusion that restates your position & recommends action
_____ Include 3 of the 5 rhetorical techniques below:
_____ Repetition
_____ Parallelism
_____ Rhetorical question
_____ Ethical appeal
_____ Emotional appeal
_____ Include 3 of the 5 Supporting Details below, and cite as needed:*
_____ Facts & Statistics (Must include at least ONE)
_____ Examples
_____ Anecdotes
_____ Observations
_____ Expert Opinion
_____ Include annotated copy of speech with 3 rhetorical devices highlighted, and 3
Supporting Details highlighted
_____ Organization is logical and thoughtful
_____ Language is appropriate to audience
DELIVERY – (25 Points)
_____ Balances eye contact with notes
_____ Projects voice so that all can hear
_____ Enunciates clearly
_____ Uses appropriate pacing, pausing for effect & emphasis
_____ Uses appropriate body language & animation
_____ Demonstrates preparedness
_____ Watches all other speeches attentively & respectfully