Uploaded by Qazi Ahmed

LNG Storage Analysis: Master's Thesis Proposal

Annex ‘A’ FORM TH-1
National University of Sciences & Technology
1. Name: Qazi Ahmed
Reg. No:
2. Department/Discipline: PROCESS SYSTEM
3. Institute:
4. Thesis Topic: Comparative analysis of LNG storage alternatives by Modelling and
5. Brief Description/Abstract:
Energy has assumed an unprecedented importance due to perennial
dependence of the world on it for manufacturing and others. It runs the engines of
economy by fueling the powerplant and other industrial processes. With the everincreasing impact of climate change, the world has shifted from traditional fuel like coal
to relatively clean fuel like natural gas. However, maintaining the critical supplies is
crucial and difficult task due to difficulty handling, storage, and transport of natural gas.
However, the price fluctuation during winter greatly affects the price for consumers,
with the storage in summers this bulwark can be eliminated. Moreover, the developed
world has employed many means to store this gas in the underground wells or by other
means. Our focus will be to exploit various storage alternatives in explaining the
operating, capital and other benefits accrued to each alternative.
6. Level of Research Already Carried Out on the Proposed Topic:
There are numerous ways for storage and transportation of gas after the birthing of
ship according to Saeed et. Al(2014).Firstly, the floating storage and regasification unit
are versatile and inflexible temporary storage have been studied by J. Ali et. Al (2017).
secondly, the onshore on ground storage facilities near the offloading points are also
common and economical for heat integrations in process industry. Thirdly, the
transport through road trips and pipelines i.e. line packing storages as described by H.
Aghajani et.al. Fourthly, the underground natural gas storage of natural gas is also
studied utilizing the depleted gas fields. To Roger Z. R´ıos-Mercado et. Al, these all
methods are complex depending upon environmental characteristics, demand supply
gap, technological sophistication, and others. They have a variation in capital cost and
operating cost module with further changing safety and impacts.
Much has been done on research on individual subject but has lacked previous
comparative analysis despite the economics dominating the paradigms. Our focus here
will be to study the computational and simulative model to analyze them.
Subsequently, a diverse research is included, which includes the safety of the process
and the environmental concern.
7. Reason/Justification for the Selection of the Topic:
Pakistan is an energy deficient country and it relies upon import to meet the
domestic needs. These condition greatly the cripple the economic resilience and ability
to counteract any international setbacks to the supply chain. It’s a relatively new concept
in Pakistan with enhanced application to the domestic industry. This storage ability will
meet the critical supply along with the saving of billions. The purpose here is to increase
retention time of gas to secure necessary supply for peaks.
8. Objectives:
The object of the said project involves:
● Capital and Operating cost analysis of underlined alternatives
● Studying Environmental impact, safety analysis and operational flexibility of various
9. Relevance to National Needs:
The primary motivation for this is to save billions in import bill by the storage of the gas
in non-peak seasons. These supplies also will supplement the domestic gas shortage
during the winters due to the condensation of higher carbon molecules. The primary
motivation is to supplement the knowledge pool along with the promotion of most
feasible alternative. This project will establish technical and economic feasibility of the
underground natural gas storage in depleted oil wells.
10. Advantages:
The prospective project has wide ranging advantages:
● It will establish the technical understanding of this process.
● The utilization of this project could save billions to the national
● The critical energy needs will be supplemented
● Utilization of already developed infrastructure for gas storage.
11. Areas of Application:
● Natural gas supply and distribution companies.
● Industrial dedicated use for meeting their needs.
● further research corroborating the development of process and its