Uploaded by Jude Bogusz

Film Analysis: Health Claims and Persuasion

1. List six facts described in the film that impressed you and explain how each fact
relates to the film's premise or theme.
● Worldwide approximately 350 million people with diabetes it relates
because of health
● Each 50 gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk
of colorectal cancer by 18% because that is a health problem
● In the U.S 1 out of every 4 deaths is from cancer because that talks
about health problem
● The cancers are affecting about 70% of deaths because of cancer
● Meat increased risk of developing diabetes by 51 percent because it is
talking about health
● Eating one egg a day can be as bad as smoking five cigarettes per day
because its talking about health
2. Did you learn anything from this movie? What was it?
I learned a quote: “ Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
3. Nonfiction can enrich viewers in several important ways. Describe any aspect of the
film that showed you something you hadn't seen before, caused you to think in a
new way, or helped you understand something more thoroughly than before. In
addition, describe how it changed your thinking.
It said, “worldwide approximately 350 million people with diabetes” this is
probably true
4. Was there anything that you saw or heard in the film that was unconvincing or which
seemed out of place?What particularly appealed to you in the cinematic presentation
of the film, such as the way in which particular scenes, images, or sounds were
It said eating 1 egg per day is like smoking 5 cigarettes per day, that made
me laugh so hard and it did not change my thinking
5. If someone asked you whether you would recommend this film, how would you
respond? Fully explain your reasons.
I would say don't waste your time watching this, i think mostly the movie is
tell is lies
6. How did the filmmakers try to convince you of the position that the film supports?
Look for appeals to logic, emotion, and prejudice.
It did not convince me whatsoever because when they said 1 egg = 5
cigarettes, i gave up and said to myself that this movie is a lie