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Online Learning Impact on College Students: A Research Study

Research Topic:
How Do the Online Learning Platforms Affect DWCSJ’s College Students in the
New Way of Learning?
Herday M. Dizon and Marjorie Anne E. Burao
Given the new circumstances and problems facing the world today, there is indeed a change
in everyone's lives. Since the pandemic began, adjustments and adaptations are serving that
affects student learning processes. Today, college students of Divine Word College of San
Jose are still adjusting and adapting to the new way of learning. The lack of physical, visual
presence of both the teacher and fellow course mates is a big adjustment. In its multiple
ways, the phenomenal development of distance learning has had a profound effect on the
education environment and becomes a challenge for college students in their new way of
learning, online learning. According to Greenberg (1998, p.36), contemporary distance
learning is a planned teaching/learning experience that uses a wide spectrum of
technologies to reach learners at a distance and is designed to encourage learner interaction
and certification of learning. Distance education reaches out to students wherever they live
or wish to study (Guri-Rosenblit, 2005). This kind of flexibility gives students more
freedom to actively participate in learning (Guri-Rosenblit, 2005; Daniel, 2016). Students
learn even if they are separated from their instructors by space and time (Edge and
Loegering, 2000).
After the start of the pandemic, college students had begun to use online learning platforms
in their studies. An online learning platform is an integrated series of interactive online
sites that offer content, tools, and resources to trainers, learners, and those engaged in
education to enhance and improve instructional delivery and management. In the education
of college students today, online learning platforms play a significant role. There is a
requirement of a quick shift to online learning mode; therefore, the products by Google can
be really useful under such problematic situations; they are (a) Gmail, (b) Google Forms,
(c) Calendars, (d) G-Drive, (e) Google Hangouts, (f) Google Jam board and Drawings, (g)
Google Classroom, and (h) Open Board Software (not a Google product, helps in recording
meetings in the form of files). These tools can successfully be used as an alternative for
face-to-face classes (Basilaia et al., 2020). These online learning platforms include
providing college students with access to additional learning resources, the opportunity to
access courses, the creation of a room where teachers can interact, assess online, and
connect students to evaluate their data and set learning goals.
Statement of the Problem
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Sex:
1.2 Course and Year Level:
1.3 What online learning platforms you are using:
2. What are the possible challenges of using online learning platforms of college
3. What are the effects of online learning platforms to the studies of college students?
4. How do the online learning platforms improve students’ studies?
Research Methodology
The participants of this study are the college students of Divine Word College of San Jose.
The researchers use semi-structured questionnaire wherein this will be done through survey
questionnaire using google form to gather data. We will use to connect with our
respondents via messenger to disseminate questions and receive their returns and they will
answer the questions and provide feedbacks.
The researchers use stratified sampling to gather data.
E-mail Address*
Course and Year Level*
1. How is your learning this current situation?
2. What online learning platforms do you use?
Google Classroom
Google Meet
Microsoft Teams
Other/s: ______
3. Are you having trouble using these online learning platforms? __
In what way? ___________________________________________
4. Are these online learning platforms help your studies? __
How? ________________________________________________
5. What have been the main challenge for you in switching to online/distance
6. What skills you develop from online learning?
7. What are the effects of using these online learning platforms to you?