WEEKLY LESSON PLAN EDUCATOR: Mr. Jonathan F. Batac WEEK 3 Week: October 19-20 TIME: 7:00- 10:05 MELC: ORAL COM: Differentiates the various models of communication. EAPP: Identify the purpose contained in the given academic text 21ST CENTURY LITERATURE: Describes the geographic, linguistic and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from Spanish period MONDAY During teaching schedule: ORAL COMMUNICATION Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown EAPP Identify the thesis statement of a particular text ST 21 CENTURY LITERATURE Discusses 21st Century literature After teaching schedule: Attends learner’s queries about modules Checks learner’s classwork on Google classroom TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SUBJECT TEACHING AND ACTIVITY IMPLEMENTATION Continuation During teaching schedule: Explain why there is a breakdown of communication Paraphrase a given text using one’s own words Explains 21st century representative texts and authors from regions 1-6 focused on the elements of literature After teaching schedule: Attends learner’s queries about modules Checks learner’s classwork on Google classroom During teaching schedule: Recognize the barriers and strategies to effective communication Outline reading texts in various disciplines Discusses 21st century representative texts and authors from regions 7-12 focused on the traditions After teaching schedule: Attends learner’s queries about modules Checks learner’s classwork on Google classroom Attends learner’s queries about modules Checks learner’s classwork on Google classroom FRIDAY During teaching schedule: Demonstrate scenarios to avoid communication breakdown Make an outline of an academic text Makes a creative adaptation of the 21st century representative texts and authors from NCR After teaching schedule: Attends learner’s queries about modules Checks learner’s classwork on Google classroom REMARKS REFLECTION As an Educator, I have to holistically attend the needs of my learners and encourage them to continue to be optimistic despite new normal learning challenges and struggles. I should also adjust on learner’s capabilities in the sense of meeting deadlines of module submission and other online classwork.