Samuel Bensimon: Gr. 3 1- The ceremony is outside Jerusalem; more specifically in Gihon. 2-Adoniahu called up all his brothers, the King’s son, all the men of Judah’s tribe, and the king's servant. However, he forgot to invite Nathan and Benaiahu the prophets, and Solomon! 3- King David asked Nathan, Benaiahu, and Zadok to take the servants with them, and to tell Solomon will ride his own donkey to Gihon. After they will anoint (put oil) on Solomon there as king over Israel, and blow the horn and say: long live King Solomon .: וַיִּ ַקח צָ דֹוק הַ כֹּהֵ ן אֶ ת ֶק ֶרן הַ ֶש ֶמן ִּמן הָ אֹּהֶ ל וַיִּ מ ַשח אֶ ת שֹלמֹּה וַיִּ תקעּו בַ שֹופָ ר וַי ֹּאמרּו כָל הָ עָ ם י ִּחי הַ ֶמלֶ ְך שֹלמֹּה4This passage means that Tzadok took the horn the was inside the tabernacle, and put it on Solomon and he said . After all the people were full of joy, playing instruments, "long live the king 5- The Declaration was: Long live King Solomon. It was said after they anointed Solomon 6- The people of Bnei Yisrael brought Solomon to the Sedan (carriage carried by 2 horizontal polls), making him the new king of Israel. He is going to replace his father David. 7- The ceremony ended, when Solomon told Adoniahu to go back to his home. Solomon is now the king(they crowned him); not Adoniahu . וַיִּ שלַ ח הַ ֶמלֶ ְך שֹלמֹּה וַיֹּ ִּרדֻ הּו ֵמעַ ל הַ ִּמזבֵ חַ ַויָב ֹּא וַיִּ ש ַתחּו לַ ֶמלֶ ְך יתך ֶ ֵֹּאמר לֹו שֹלמֹּה לֵ ְך לב ֶ ָשֹלמֹּה וַי: 8-"Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who has given this day one to sit on my throne, and my eyes seeing (it).'" 48 is the blessing King David gave to his son Solomon. This passage means that David is ready to give his power to his son, Solomon.