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Child-Centered Social Work Assessment Marking Guide

Marking guide: Assessment 2: Being Child Centred
Demonstrated understanding of
the concept of child- centred
social work (30%)
Clearly defines the concept and
accurately identifies the core
issues. Demonstrates an in- depth
understanding of critically
informed child centred social work
including challenges.
Discussion of child- centred social A sophisticated critique of critically
work using theory and knowledge informed child- centred social work
and application of case study
is provided using referenced
examples (30%)
material and case study examples.
Key arguments are synthesised using
refereed publications. References
are contemporary. Evidence of wide
research evident and engagement
with case study. References
Demonstrated understanding
Essay displays an in-depth
of social, legal and political
understanding of child centred
context influencing child
social work and influences of social,
centred practice (30%)
legal and political context on safety
and wellbeing of children and their
Organisation of ideas and quality Essay is organised in logical
of writing expression (10%)
sequence of ideas and key points.
Provides concise introduction
displaying approach and plan.
Discussion and development of
argument easily understood, and
language is appropriate and
inclusive. Conclusion encapsulates
main arguments and summarising
main thrust of the work.
Defines the concept but does not
fully explore the depth and
breadth of critically informed
child centred social work.
Child centred social work is poorly
defined and its definition is
predominantly individualistic,
superficial and narrow in depth and
There is no clear definition of child
centred social work. Does not
recognise and/or explore the concept
in any detail.
Child-centred social work is
explored and informed by a critical
theory, however there are gaps in
the synthesis of knowledge and
critical analysis and some use of
case study examples. Evidence of
reading however more synthesis of
information and breadth of
knowledge would strengthen the
work. References provided.
The essay displays some
understanding of the social, legal
and political context that
influences child centred social
work practice.
Some key elements of child-centred
social work identified. Discussion
predominantly individualistic,
descriptive and superficial with little
reference to publications or case
study examples. Wider reading and
use of refereed academic resources
would strengthen discussion. Some
references provided.
Discussion predominantly
individualistic, descriptive and
superficial with little reference to
refereed and independent publications
or links with case study. Poor scope of
resources. References not provided or
gaps in references.
Essay displays some emerging
knowledge of social, legal and political
context that influences child centred
social work practice however it is
extremely limited and predominantly
individualistic in focus.
Structure and key points are
identifiable, but more work is
required to improve logical flow of
ideas and presentation. Paper starts
with an introduction, but more
thought required development.
Substantial grammatical errors but
meaning remains. Language needs to
be more appropriate and inclusive as
per social work convention.
Conclusion fails to summarise key
points and lacks clarity.
Essay does not adequately display
satisfactory knowledge of social, legal
and political context that influences
child centred social work practice.
Evident discussion and
relationship of key points but
not always logical or sequential
resulting in some structural
errors. Re-ordering of points
would enhance clarity. Clear
introduction. Some grammatical
errors but meaning is not lost
and language is appropriate and
inclusive. Clear conclusion
restating main thrust of work.
Lack of logical, sequential flow of ideas.
Paragraphs are either too long or too
short. Lacking in a
unified approach. Introduction absent,
unclear or irrelevant. Numerous
grammatical errors impacting clarity of
discussion. Language not clear and lack
of appropriate use of language and not
inclusive. Format is hard to
comprehend. Conclusion missing,
significantly brief or poor.
Marking guide: Assessment 2: Being Child Centred
Final Mark