Uploaded by Tabitha Meglich


Ms. Meg’s Physical Science
Physicist: Your Name Here
Thinking Aloud (Sound)
An iThink Activity
Draw a picture of a sound wave and label it Wave #1. Label the following: amplitude, wavelength, trough, crest
In the following boxes, draw a new wave to show the changes below. You will compare all waves to Wave #1
Draw a sound wave that is louder than the one in box #1.
Draw a sound wave with a higher pitch.
Draw the sound wave a whisper might produce.
Draw a sound wave with a very low pitch.
Label this wave ‘Loud Sound’
Label ‘High Pitch’
Label ‘Whisper’
Label ‘Low Pitch’
Answer the following, using your diagrams:
What part of a wave changes when the pitch changes? _______________________________________________
What part of a wave changes when the amplitude changes? __________________________________________
The period of a wave is ________________________________________________________________________
What parts of a wave change when wave velocity changes? ___________________________________________
Finish the arrows to complete the following comparison so that it is scientifically correct:
When wave frequency goes
the wave period goes
and the wavelength goes
Behavior of Waves: Explain the science behind the behaviors of sound energy (waves) in your own words
Destructive interference:
Constructive interference:
Doppler Effect Resonance Echo Sonar –
Challenge Questions: Choose any question on the back, and write a 1 paragraph answer using proper terms and clearly
showing that you understand the science behind the behavior.
Ms. Meg’s Physical Science
Sound always travels at the same (constant) speed in the same kind of material. What happens to the speed
of sound in different materials?
Explain how sound recording and reproducing devices work
Why does a whip snap when the wave reaches the end?
Why is there a time delay between a flash of lightning and the clap of thunder heard?
My Explanation: