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Step 1
Describe a situation (from your semester project) which could create an interesting focus
Focus: Restaurants in the Pandemic lockdown and reopening. How does this create
uncertainty and anxiety for restaurant workers in job security, new team members, layoffs,
emotional uncertainty of future in the organization.
Does this create changes in inclusion and exclusion for restaurants employees within new
Remembering that problem should also be relevant to a leadership perspective, Ex. How
leader's decision affect employees and what leaders did to minimizing uncertainty /
What makes your situation / theme an interesting problem? (in bullets; what kind of arguments,
questions, hypotheses, theories, documentation could you include in the problem area?)
Arguments / questions: Looking at how a reopening strategy will affect employee’s
perception, of the strategy. Future environment of restaurant organization’s unknown and
especially considering how leaders’ have the power to fire employees if the situation does
not improve?
Hypothesis: Assumptions that employees are uncertain/ insecure about the organization’s
future after /during openings, and what this will mean for them?
Theories: CRP and two other theories tbc
Options VUCA, sensemaking, purpose driven leadership
Documentation: Interview with 1-2 restaurant employees in one restaurant. Possibly a
focus group? We will be cautious of employee’s bias towards the power relationship
between leaders and them.
Try to describe the situation focusing toward: Employees response in terms of exclusion
and inclusion within the opening process.
What/who is creating the processes? Leaders are shaping the process with gestures on how
their strategy will develop, but employee’s response and shadow themes will affect the
dynamic within the organization.
What is emerging? Response or understanding of the situation.
How does novelty emerge?
Step 2
Choose relevant concepts from the responsive process perspective and use them to analyze the
selected situation
Focus on Inclusion & Exclusion, shadow themes, gesture & response, anxiety, and
uncertainty, power relation, communication, ideologies. (Depending on what we discover
through the interview.)
Interesting to know how they sent home the personal after #1 and #2 lockdown, what did
they say and what was he communication on this, and how it felt for the employee and
how the managers handled these emotions.
Reflect on a specific situation, local interaction, ex. sent home/fired or others that they are
telling us about.