See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in soils of Bratislava (Poster presentation) Conference Paper · September 2009 CITATIONS READS 0 81 3 authors, including: Benjamin Bandowe Wolfgang Wilcke Max Planck Institute for Chemistry Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 88 PUBLICATIONS 1,664 CITATIONS 336 PUBLICATIONS 11,755 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: RESPECT View project Impact of drainage on soil evolution View project All content following this page was uploaded by Benjamin Bandowe on 20 November 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL ETHERS (PBDE) IN SOILS OF BRATISLAVA U.R. Mueller 1, B.A.M. Bandowe1, W. Wilcke1 1Geographic Institute, University of Mainz, J. J. Becher-Weg 21, 55128 Mainz, Germany 1. Introduction 3. Results & Discussion: Method application Concentrations in soil PBDEs are used as flame retardants in polymeric products to prevent fires. Concentrations of mono to hepta brominated congeners (Σ14 PBDEs) ranged from 25 to 634 pg g-1 with an average of 178 pg g-1 for all horizons of the Bratislava soils They are persistent, toxic and bioaccumulate in the environment like other persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Concentration of Σ14 PBDEs in the surface soils ranged from 87 to 627 pg g-1 with an average of 311pg g-1 Soils are major sinks for PBDEs, but limited studies are reported for this compartment as compared to others. Concentration of BDE-209 (only found in surface soils) ranged from 100 to 999 pg g-1 with an average of 529 pg g-1 The aim of our study was to develop and optimize an analytical method to investigate PBDE concentration in soils. The surface soil in Mainz contained higher concentrations than the surface soils in Bratislava for the Σ14 PBDE and BDE- 209 at 764 pg g-1 and 1191 pg g-1, respectively More intensive use of PBDEs in Mainz than in Bratislava 2. Materials & Method Soil samples: 2 forest soils: Luvisol (Mainz) and a Ferralsol (Manaus, Brazil) for method development 9 soils from Bratislava, Slovakia for method application The depth distribution shows a decrease in concentration with depth (Fig.3). The pattern of the different congeners shows same relative abundances like technical mixes (Fig.4). 20g soil + internal standard 3. Results & Discussion: Method application Depth distribution pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) 0 gel permeation chromatography (GPC) -20 solid phase extraction (SPE) -20 -40 Recovery standard GC-MS quantification with electron ionisation (EI) or -40 Depth [cm] Depth [cm] PLE (ASE-200) 0 -60 -80 -80 -100 negative chemical ionisation (NCI) -100 District: Bratislava IV -120 GC-MS -60 Fig. 1: Flow chart of the analytical procedure District: Bratislava V Use: Garden -140 2. Materials & Method -120 0 Analysis (Fig. 1): The first procedure involved pressurized liquid extraction (PLE; ASE 200; CH2Cl2) followed by solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up (SiO2/Al2O3). A second procedure (optimized method) used gel permeation chromatography (GPC; BioBeadsSX-3) pre clean-up before SPE. Separation and quantification with GC-MS using both EI and NCI Best method was used for method application to soil profiles from Bratislava Use : Arable land 100 200 300 400 500 0 S PBDE [pg g ] 50 100 150 200 S PBDE [pg g ] -1 -1 Fig.3 : Depth distribution of sum of PBDE Congeners in two soil profiles fof Bratislava,Slovakia 3. Results & Discussion: Method application Congener patterns of surface soils and technical mixtures 3. Results & Discussion: Method development 7 3.1 First procedure (SPE clean-up) 6 Recoveries in NCI ranged from 87 to 284%, relative standard deviation (RSD) ≤ 17% for both soils matrix enhancement This study DE-71 70-5DE 5 4 Mainz soil had higher matrix enhancement for the same clean-up than the Manaus soil Analytical procedures needs testing for soils with different properties 3 Recoveries in EI (same clean-up) were similar (49-119%, RSD ≤ 20%) for both soils. 2 The limit of detection for NCI (17-101 pg g-1) was lower than for EI (36-410 pg g-1) 1 3.2 Second procedure (GPC and SPE clean-up) 0 BDE-47/100 Recoveries in NCI for both soils improved significantly (74-126 %, RSD ≤ 20%, p ≤ 0.01; Fig.2) BDE-99/100 BDE-153/100 BDE-154/100 Fig.3 : Congener patterns in surface soils of Bratislava,Slovakia & two technical PBDE mixes DE-71&70-5DE The LODs for NCI (3-53 pg g-1) were lower than for EI (11-231 pg g-1) Linearity of the analytical methods was almost perfect ( mean R2=0.999) Conclusions: GPC pre clean-up led to significant improvements in recovery and LOD in both ionisation methods Method development Comparison of the two soils used for method development showed different recoveries: The same analytical procedure achieves different results depending on the soil type and soil properties. Recovery [%] 200 GPC decreases the matrix effects of the different soils and the different ionization methods 150 The optimized procedure can be applied to a broad range of different soils 100 Final procedure: PLE-GPC-SPE -GC-NCI-MS with13C labeled internal std. (CDE-141) 50 Method application -2 09 BD E -1 90 BD E -1 83 BD E -1 38 BD E -1 53 BD E -1 54 BD E -8 5 BD E -9 9 BD E -1 00 BD E -6 6 BD E -4 7 BD E -7 1 BD E -2 8 BD E -1 7 BD E BD E -3 0 Concentrations in the Bratislava soils were in the range of European background soils Depth distribution shows: PBDEs are strongly sorbed to soil organic matter (SOM) Congener Fig.2 : Recovery of PBDEs from Manaus soil (green bars) and Mainz soil (orange bars) in NCI Ionisation mode measured with the optimized procedure . View publication stats Congener pattern demonstrate technical mixes are the sources of PBDEs in Bratislava soils