Uploaded by Christine Orlando

Introductory Crest Assignment: Faith Reflection

Introductory Crest Assignment
The purpose of this first assignment is to give me a better understanding of who you are. This assignment may
also give you a clearer understanding of where you are on your personal faith journey.
As we begin this course, I invite you to think about the role that religion plays in your life by responding to the
following questions honestly and openly. Be sure to use the format below, with correct spelling, grammar and
punctuation. Refer to the rubric provided to ensure you are meeting all expectations.
Part 1: Written Response
Answer the four (4) questions on the worksheet provided.
☐ Answers should be handwritten and completed in the space provided.
☐ Use FULL sentences.
☐ Remember to proofread for correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
☐ Ensure your name is in the top right corner.
Part 2: Create Crest
☐ Follow the instructions below and visually depict your responses to the questions
in Part 1 in the corresponding crest boxes. You must use the crest template I have
printed for you.
☐ Ensure your crest is colourful. Try to add several symbols or pictures to each box
of your crest to fill the space (think collage style). All images must be hand-drawn.
☐ Cut your crest out before submitting it to me.
☐ Submit your crest and written responses together (but do not staple them)
☐ Write your first and last name on the ribbon at the bottom.
☐ In the middle square, draw a picture (symbol or object) that represents who you are or something
about yourself.
☐ In the top left box, draw pictures and symbols that represent your 1st paragraph.
☐ In the top right box, draw pictures and symbols that represent your 2nd paragraph.
☐ In the bottom left box, draw pictures and symbols that represent your 3rd paragraph.
☐ In the bottom right box, draw pictures and symbols that represent your 4th paragraph.
Name: _______________________________
1. What religion do you practice? Why do you practice this religion? OR If you do not practice a major world
religion, where do your beliefs and values come from? Why do you practice these values and beliefs? (4-5
2. What do you already know about Jesus? Who is Jesus to you? (4-5 sentences)
3. How do you live out your faith (or values and beliefs) outside of school/at home? Hint: provide concrete
examples (4-5 sentences)
4. How do you live out your beliefs and values at in the Bishop Reding community (i.e. classroom and outside
of classroom)? Hint: provide concrete examples (4-5 sentences).
Introductory Reflection & Crest Rubric
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
degree of
creativity and
ary degree of
creativity and
demonstrates effort
and creativity in
responses. Relevant
examples are
Limited degree of
creativity and
Some degree of
creativity and
Proper sentence
structure, clarity,
spelling and
Neatness, colour,