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Assignment UIUX Maheshika PearsonNo Reg 11179.docx

Higher Nationals
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Unit 40: User Experience and Interface Design
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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
Unit Title
Unit 40: User Experience and Interface Design
Assignment Number
Submission Date
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Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Research what aspects of User Experience and Interface Design are necessary and
appropriate to satisfy end-user emotions, desires and attitudes when using a user interface concept.
Pass, Merit &
Distinction Descripts
LO2 Plan an appropriate User Experience map and Interface Design for a User Interface concept
with a specific target end user in mind and also outline the tests you mean to conduct.
Pass, Merit &
Distinction Descripts
LO3 Build a User Interface concept and test it with users to see if it satisfies their emotions, desires
and attitudes as planned.
Pass, Merit &
Distinction Descripts
LO4 Evaluate user feedback, test results and insights gained from end users interacting with your
User Interface concept to determine success or failure and steps to improve in future versions.
Pass, Merit &
Distinction Descripts
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Feedback: Student to Assessor
Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 40: User Experience and Interface Design
Assignment 01 of 01
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2. The entire assignment brief should be attached as the first section of your assignment.
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4. The assignment should be word processing in an A4 sized paper.
5. Allow 1” margin on top, bottom and right sides of the paper and 1.25” on the left side (for
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9. If you are caught plagiarising, your grade will be reduced to a REFERRAL or at worst, you could
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Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number
Unit Number and Title
Unit 40: User Experience and Interface Design
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title
User Experience Design for e-music cloud
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date
Submission format
The submission is in the form of an individual written report about. This should be written in a
concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use
of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of
references using the Harvard referencing system. Please note that this is an activity-based
assessment where your document submission should include evidences of activities carried out
and of team working. To carry out activities given on the brief, you are required to form groups,
comprising not exceeding 15 individuals.
The recommended word count is 4,000–4,500 words for the report excluding annexures. Note
that word counts are indicative only and you would not be penalised for exceeding the word
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1. Research what aspects of User Experience and Interface Design are necessary and
appropriate to satisfy end-user emotions, desires and attitudes when using a user interface
LO2. Plan an appropriate User Experience map and Interface Design for a User Interface
concept with a specific target end user in mind and also outline the tests you mean to
LO3. Build a User Interface concept and test it with users to see if it satisfies their emotions,
desires and attitudes as planned.
LO4. Evaluate user feedback, test results and insights gained from end users interacting with
your User Interface concept to determine success or failure and steps to improve in future
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
e-music cloud (EMC) is an emerging, cloud based, online music platform developed in Sri
Lanka by a tech start-up founded by a group of young graduates. EMC’s vision is to “become
the Sri Lanka’s No1 online music provider” with a mission set to “Create a seamless user
experience for discovering and immersing in music’s that beat with you and your heart no
matter who you are and where you are or what device you use”. EMC team will be bringing
Sri-Lankan & International music online and available to all registered EMC users.
EMC team is hiring you as the Chief User Experience Officer, putting you in-charge with
designing UI for the various faces of the service and creating a seamless experience to EMC’s
users which is superior to any similar services available throughout the globe.
Chief Technology Officer of EMC has following outline of the services available within the
EMC, which represent core functionalities of the platform and be available to relevant users of
the service.
EPN: e-music producer network: Section of the e-music cloud where music produces
can register, sign up their latest work for distribution, publish or un-publish their work,
monitor the distribution of their published songs, view their account balance and use a
button to withdraw the balance through a cheque.
eMusic Discovery: Section of the service where registered users can look up artists,
albums, generals to find music they like. Once the discovery is made, the user has
options to
Rent the song for 3 months: Song will be available in My Library for 3 months.
o Own the song: Song will be available in My Library until user cancels the
Within eMusic Discovery section, an integrated AI service will automatically
recommend songs and singers based on the songs already available in My Library and
the user has the option to turn on/off the visibility of this service at any given time.
Regardless if the AI recommendations section is visible or not, the user will be notified
when the AI has new recommendations for the user.
My Library: Include all music’s, music videos & playlists available to the user at that
time. User has options to view and sort by Artist, Album, Genera, Year, Source (Rented,
Own, Gifted) and etc. User has options to select a song and
o Preview it
o Add it to a playlist
o Gift it to a friend (for a week, Permanently, just one listen) (* When gifted, it
will be greyed out from My Library for the ‘Gifted duration’. If it is a
permanent gift, clicking on it will bring user back to the eMusic Discovery with
the song in discussion already selected”)
o Find “Music Like This” which will take the user to discovery section to find
similar music’s, artists and albums.
eM Player: When user plays a song or a list, the user will be brought to the eM Player
which gives play controls and allow different playlist manipulations. It also contains
records of previous play-lists and gives user to rate the presently playing music. In
addition, player also contains the previously discussed “Music Like This” and “Gift”
options which can be applied to the selected song or selected play-list.
Settings: Will give user the options to manage visual appearance, language settings,
payment options and options to manage devices connected to user’s EMC account.
EMC is open to new innovative additions to its feature set and gives a reward to the staff
members who suggest such features.
Traditionally minded tech-engineers and management at EMC believes having a solid feature
set is more important than a “fancy interface” and therefore have allocated only a small
fraction of its budget towards the interface development.
Activities / Tasks:
Activity 01: Research what aspects of User Experience and Interface Design are necessary
and appropriate to satisfy end-user emotions, desires and attitudes when using a
user interface concept.
Write an elaborative report to the board of directors of EMC to convince them why they
need to increase their focus on the user interface and user experience in addition to the
system’s feature set to achieve the company’s corporate goal. This report should include
following areas,
 Different forms of user interfaces and their features.
 Different forms of user experience and their features.
 Impact of UX & UI development in Software Development life Cycle.
 Tools available in UX UI Development.
 Methods available for testing for user requirements against the UX-UI design.
 Importance of using multiple different forms of experience and interface design in
building EMC services.
Activity 02: Plan an appropriate User Experience map and Interface Design for a User
Interface concept with a specific target end user in mind and also outline the tests you
mean to conduct.
2.1 : Review different end users of EMC using standard user categorizations, classifications
and behavior modelling techniques.
2.2 : Select a specific und user from those identified in 2.1 & appraise & develop user
‘Persona’ for the identified user. Present your empathy map, experience map, customer
journey map & service blueprint.
2.3 : Choose a suitable development methodology to develop interaction / interface for the
Persona developed in 2.2 and justify your selection.
2.4 : Develop the user interface / interaction concept for the selected persona based on the
selected development methodology.
2.5 : Plan end user testing for the selected persona based on the standard testing
Activity 03: Build a User Interface concept and test it with users to see if it satisfies their
emotions, desires and attitudes as planned
3.1 : Examine appropriate tools to develop the interface/ interaction designed in activity 2
3.2 : Develop the user interface using tools discussed in 3.1
3.3 : Conduct a user experiment and collect feedbacks
3.4 : Evaluate feedback received in 3.3 and build a new iteration if the interface based on the
outcome of the evaluation.
Activity 04: Critique the overall success of your User Interface concept and discusses your
insight using prototyping.
4.1 : Collect feedback for the new interaction of interface developed in 3.4 and evaluate
feedbacks across all iterations of the interfaces developed.
4.2 : Critically review the final version of the interface and test results comparing against the
original interface/ interaction plan.
4.3 : Critique the overall success of your User Interface concept and discusses your insight
using prototyping.
Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria
LO1 Research what aspects of User Experience and Interface Design are necessary and appropriate to satisfy end-user
emotions, desires and attitudes when using a user interface concept.
P1 Recognise specific forms of User Experience and
Interface Design and end-user testing requirements.
P2 Assess standard tools available for use in User
Experience and Interface Design.
M1 Evaluate the impact of common User Experience
and Interface Design methodology in the software
development lifecycle.
M2 Review specific forms of User Experience and
Interface Design and advantages and disadvantages of
end-user testing requirements for appropriateness to
different testing outcomes.
D1 Evaluate specific forms of User Experience and
Interface Design and justify their use in a User Interface
LO2 Plan an appropriate User Experience map and Interface Design for a User Interface concept with a specific target end
user in mind and outline the tests you mean to conduct.
P3 Review different end-user categorisations, classifications
and behaviour modelling techniques.
P4 Appraise a specific end user and an appropriate
User Experience and Interface Design methodology to test
with this user type.
M3 Apply end user classification and behaviour modelling to
select an appropriate Interface Design methodology.
M4 Devise a plan to use appropriate User Interface Design
methodology and tools to conduct end-user testing.
D2 Make multiple iterations of your User Interface concept
and modify each iteration with enhancements gathered from
user feedback and experimentation.
LO3 Build a User Interface concept and test it with users to see if it satisfies their emotions, desires and attitudes as
P5 Examine appropriate tools to develop a user interface.
P6 Run end user experiments and examine feedback.
M5 Employ an appropriate set of tools to develop your plan
into a user interface.
M6 Reconcile and evaluate end-user feedback and build a
new iteration of your user interface modified with the most
important feedback and enhancements.
LO4 Evaluate user feedback, test results and insights gained from end users interacting with your User Interface concept
to determine success or failure and steps to improve in future versions.
P7 Evaluate end-user feedback from multiple iterations of
your user interface.
M7 Undertake a critical review and compare your final
user interface and your test results with the original
D3 Critique the overall success of your User Interface
concept and discusses your insight using prototyping.
Maheshika Wijesinghe
Reg.No: 11179
User Interface and User Experience Designing
Assignment 01
Batch No: 26
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I am further happy to mention that as it really provides me with a massive opportunity to
upgrade my skills and to exhibit creativity where needed as I faced with challenges such that
I had to investigate and write things that I’ve never heard of, as if I were very familiar with
them. However, I do certify that I have not in any case included wrong information or
anything that could harm the organization I selected. Finally, I would like to thank all of the
lecturers including the HND Coordinator at ESOFT, and my teammate who helped me a lot
in making this assignment a success.
In preparation of my assignment, I had to take the help and guidance of some respected
persons, who deserve my deepest gratitude. As the completion of this assignment gave me
much pleasure, I would like to show my gratitude Miss. Danya, lecturer, on ESOFT Metro
Campus, for giving me a good guideline for assignment throughout numerous consultations. I
would also like to expand my gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided
me in writing this assignment.
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Activity 01..................................................................................................................................7
Different forms of user interfaces and their features.............................................7
1. Command line interface..............................................................................................7
2. Menu-Driven interface..............................................................................................10
3. GUI interface.............................................................................................................12
4. Gesture interface........................................................................................................14
5. Form Based interface.................................................................................................15
6. Natural-Language Interfaces.....................................................................................16
7. WIMP Interface.........................................................................................................17
8. Other User Interface..................................................................................................19
Different forms of user experience and their features.........................................20
Physical Experience.........................................................................................................20
Mental Experience............................................................................................................20
Emotional Experiences.....................................................................................................20
Social Experiences...........................................................................................................20
Virtual or Simulated Experiences.....................................................................................21
Other Factors of Experience.............................................................................................21
Impact of UX & UI development in Software Development life Cycle...................22
1. Usability.......................................................................................................................22
2. Lower costs..................................................................................................................22
3. Faster development time..............................................................................................22
4. More revenue................................................................................................................22
5. Better customer retention.............................................................................................22
Why UX design is so important in software development.........................................23
Why UI design is so important in software development...........................................23
Tools available in UX UI Development.....................................................................24
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Methods available for testing for user requirements against the UX-UI design27
Moderated usability testing..............................................................................................27
Unmoderated usability testing..........................................................................................28
Card sorting......................................................................................................................29
Tree Testing.......................................................................................................................30
AB Testing........................................................................................................................31
Eye tracking......................................................................................................................32
Keystroke Level Model (KLM).......................................................................................33
1.6. Importance of using multiple different forms of experience and interface design in
building EMC services.........................................................................................................35
Activity 02................................................................................................................................36
2.1. Review different end users of EMC using standard user categorizations, classifications
and behavior modeling techniques.......................................................................................36
2.2. Select a specific und user from those identified in 2.1 & appraises & develop user
‘Persona’ for the identified user. Present your empathy map, experience map, customer
journey map & service blueprint..........................................................................................39
Empathy map for selected user........................................................................................40
Experience map................................................................................................................41
Customer journey map.....................................................................................................42
Service blueprint..............................................................................................................43
2.3. Choose a suitable development methodology to develop interaction / interface for the
Persona developed in 2.2 and justify your selection............................................................45
LUCID Methodology.......................................................................................................45
2.4. Develop the user interface / interaction concept for the selected persona based on the
selected development methodology.....................................................................................48
2.5. Plan end user testing for the selected persona based on the standard testing
Testing Methodologies.....................................................................................................49
Usability Test Plan............................................................................................................50
Activity 03................................................................................................................................51
3.1: Examine appropriate tools to develop the interface/ interaction designed in activity 251
3.2: Develop the user interface..........................................................................................54
Table of figures
Figure 1: Command line interface.............................................................................................8
Figure 2:ATM...........................................................................................................................10
Figure 3: Menu-Driven Interface.............................................................................................11
Figure 4: GUI Interface...........................................................................................................12
Figure 5: Gesture Interface......................................................................................................14
Figure 6 : Form Based Interface..............................................................................................15
Figure 7: Natural-language interface......................................................................................16
Figure 8: WIMP Interface........................................................................................................18
Figure 9: Sketches Example.....................................................................................................26
Figure 10: Wireframes Example...............................................................................................26
Figure 11: Card-sorting Example............................................................................................29
FFigure 12: A/B Testing Diagram (Source: Smashing Magazine)..........................................32
Figure 13: Empathy Map.........................................................................................................40
Figure 14: Experience Map.....................................................................................................41
Figure 15: Customer Journey Map..........................................................................................42
Figure 16: LUCID Methodology..............................................................................................47
Figure 17: LUCID Design.......................................................................................................48
Figure 18:home........................................................................................................................51
Figure 19:discovery..................................................................................................................54
Figure 20:code..........................................................................................................................54
Figure 21:code..........................................................................................................................54
Figure 22:code..........................................................................................................................55
Figure 23:code..........................................................................................................................55
Figure 24:code..........................................................................................................................55
Figure 25: E-Music Cloud Login Page....................................................................................56
Figure 26: Sign Up Form.........................................................................................................57
Figure 27:feedback...................................................................................................................64
Figure 28:feedback...................................................................................................................65
Figure 29:feedback...................................................................................................................66
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Activity 01
Research what aspects of User Experience and Interface Design are necessary and
appropriate to satisfy end-user emotions, desires and attitudes when using a user
interface concept.
1.1. Different forms of user interfaces and their features.
Command line interface
Menu-Driven interface
GUI interface
Gesture interface
Form Based interface
Natural-Language interfaces
WIMP interface
Other user interface
1. Command line interface
A command line interface (CLI) is a text-based user interface (UI) used to view and manage
computer files. Command line interfaces are also called command-line user interfaces,
console user interfaces and character user interfaces.
Before the mouse, users interacted with an operating system (OS) or application with a
keyboard. Users typed commands in the command line interface to run tasks on a computer.
Typically, the command line interface features a black box with white text. The user
responds to a prompt in the command line interface by typing a command. The output or
response from the system can include a message, table, list, or some other confirmation of a
system or application action.
The MS-DOS operating system and the command shell in the Windows operating system
are examples of command line interfaces. In addition, programming languages can support
command line interfaces, such as Python.
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The CLI was the primary means of interaction with most computer systems on computer
terminals in the mid-1960s, and continued to be used throughout the 1970s and 1980s on
OpenVMS, UNIX systems and personal computer systems including MS-DOS, CP/M and
Apple DOS. The interface is usually implemented with a command line shell, which is a
program that accepts commands as text input and converts commands into appropriate
operating system functions.
Figure 1: Command line interface
Features of command line interface
1. Command History
History option enables TL1 Agent to record all the commands, which are executed in
the history list. You can use Up-arrow or Down-arrow keys to traverse the history
list. You can traverse the history list and modify or execute the command.
2. Command Completion
Typing a letter-starting starting letter of the command) and pressing Tab key
completes the TL1 command code. If more than, one command code is registered
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starting with the typed letter, then all the matching ones are listed. Pressing the Tab
key after entering the full command code displays the command syntax.
3. Command Line Editing
Commands can be edited from command line using LEFT arrow key, RIGHT arrow
key, and <DEL> key.
4. List of Commands
Pressing "?" lists all the commands available for accessing the Agent. Pressing a
command and "?" lists the matching command codes.
5. Complete Command Syntax
Typing a command and pressing Tab key lists the complete command along with the
usage for the command.
6. Escape Key
Typing a command and pressing ESC key clears the current line of text and returns
to TL1 Prompt
Programs with command-line interfaces are generally easier to automate via scripting.
Command-line interfaces for software other than operating systems include a number of
programming languages such as Tcl/Tk, PHP, and others, as well as utilities such as the
compression utility WinZip, and some FTP and SSH/Telnet clients.
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2. Menu-Driven interface
A menu-driven interface is, simply, an easier way of navigating the devices
and programs we interact with on a daily basis. It employs a series of
screens, or ''menus,'' that allow users to make choices about what to do
next. A menu-driven interface can use a list format or graphics, with one
selection leading to the next menu screen, until the user has completed the
desired outcome.
Menu-driven interfaces are preferred for their simplicity and user-friendly properties.
Similar to the Choose Your Own Adventure books, menu-driven interfaces let you choose
one-step that leads to another until you have finished all the steps and gotten what you
needed. This allows you to accomplish such tasks as getting cash from an ATM machine,
getting information from a kiosk or arriving at the proper section of your smartphone
properties to connect to a coffee shop's Wi-Fi.
Figure 2:ATM
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Menu-driven interfaces differ from something known as a command line interface, which
uses prompts into which a user must enter a response or command. Users then have to wait
for the system to respond to the command entered and be prompted to enter the next
command. It is sort of like having an instant message conversation with your computer!
This type of interface is particularly common among computer programmers who use a
Windows-based computer's ''Command Prompt'' or a Mac's ''Terminal'' application to tell the
computer what to do.
Figure 3: Menu-Driven Interface
3. GUI interface
Graphical user interfaces (GUI) are sometimes also referred to as WIMP because they use
Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers. Operators use a pointing device (such as a mouse,
touchpad or trackball) to control a pointer on the screen which then interacts with other onscreen elements. It allows the user to interact with devices through graphical icons and
visual indicators such as secondary notations. The term was created in the 1970s to
distinguish graphical interfaces from text-based ones, such as command line interfaces.
However, today nearly all digital interfaces are GUIs. Xerox developed the first
commercially available GUI, called “PARC” It was used by the Xerox 8010 Information
System, which was released in 1981. After Steve Jobs saw the interface during a tour at
Xerox, he had his team at Apple develop an operating system with a similar design. Apple's
GUI-based OS was included with the Macintosh, which was released in 1984. Microsoft
released their first GUI-based OS, Windows 1.0, in 1985.
Figure 4: GUI Interface
The key to graphical
user interfaces (GUIs) is the constant feedback on task accomplishment that they provide to
users. Continuous feedback on the manipulated object means that changes or reversals in
operations can be made quickly, without incurring error messages.
The creation of GUIs poses a challenge, because an appropriate model of reality or an
acceptable conceptual model of the representation must be invented. Designing GUIs for use
on intranets, extranets, and on the Web requires even more careful planning. Most users of
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Web sites are unknown to the developer, so design must be clear-cut. The choice of icons,
language, and hyperlinks becomes an entire set of decisions and assumptions about what
kinds of users the Web site is hoping to attract. The designer must also adhere to conventions
that users now expect to encounter on Web sites.
Features of GUI
A graphical user interface contains six important features, including a pointer, pointing
device, icons, desktop, windows and menus. A GUI denotes a collection of computer
programs that utilize a computer's graphics capabilities to make programs easier to use.
Graphical interfaces obviate the need for users to learn programming languages and
command codes through a keyboard.
A pointer refers to a symbol on a display screen that a user moves to select commands,
programs and objects. A typical pointer is a slanted arrow. In word processing programs, the
pointer turns into an I-beam shape. A pointing device is the computer hardware that moves
the pointer. On larger desktop computers, this pointing device is called a mouse, whereas
laptop and tablet computers have mouse pads or touchscreens. A pointing device moves in
synchronicity with the pointer program.
Icons denote small pictures that represent computer programs, files and commands. Moving a
pointer over an icon and selecting the icon activates the program. The desktop is the display
area of the screen that allows users to view various programs. Desktop icons can be moved,
organized and labeled to fit the customer's needs.
Windows divides a computer screen into different areas. Each window displays a different
computer program, or the same program performing different functions. Menus allow users to
select various programs to run.
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4. Gesture interface
Figure 5: Gesture Interface
Gesture recognition is a topic in computer science and language technology with the goal of
interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms. Gestures can originate from any
bodily motion or state but commonly originate from the face or hand. Current focuses in the
field include emotion recognition from face and hand gesture recognition. Users can use
simple gestures to control or interact with devices without physically touching them. Many
approaches have been made using cameras and computer vision algorithms to interpret sign
language. However, the identification and recognition of posture, gait, proxemics, and
human behaviors is also the subject of gesture recognition techniques. Gesture recognition
can be seen as a way for computers to begin to understand human body language, thus
building a richer bridge between machines and humans than primitive text user interfaces or
even GUIs (graphical user interfaces), which still limit the majority of input to keyboard and
mouse and interact naturally without any mechanical devices. Using the concept of gesture
recognition, it is possible to point a finger at this point will move accordingly. This could
make conventional input on devices such and even redundant.
Gesture recognition features:
More accurate
High stability
Time saving to unlock a device
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5. Form Based interface
A form-based interface uses text-boxes, drop-down menus, text areas, check boxes, radio
boxes and buttons to create an electronic form, which a user completes in order to enter data
into a system. This has commonly used on websites to gather data from a user, or in call
centers to allow operators to quickly enter information gathered over the phone.
Figure 6 :
Form Based
In it, the user interacts with the application by selecting one of a number of possible values,
and by entering text into the fields that accept it. A word processor, which is used to write
documents, might offer settings for the font size, the font to use, and the alignment of the
paragraph on the page. Many databases support a technology called query by example:
Users who do not know SQL can easily select database records, which are similar to the
information entered.
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6. Natural-Language Interfaces
Natural-language interfaces are perhaps the dream and ideal of inexperienced users, because
they permit them to interact with the computer in their everyday, or natural, language. No
special skills are required of the user, who interfaces with the computer using natural
Figure 7: Natural-language
The subtleties and irregularities residing in the ambiguities of English produce an extremely
exacting and complex programming problem. Attempts at natural-language interfacing for
particular applications in which any other type of interface is infeasible (say, in the case of a
user who is disabled) are meeting with some success; however, these interfaces are typically
expensive. Implementation problems and extraordinary demand on computing resources
have so far kept natural-language interfaces to a minimum. The demand exists, though, and
many programmers and researchers are working diligently on such interfaces. It is a growth
area, and it therefore merits continued monitoring
Features of Natural Language Interface
 The user does not need to be trained in how to use the interface
 More flexibility than a dialogue interface
 Suitable for physically handicapped people
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7. WIMP Interface
There exist many types of interaction styles. They include but are not limited to command
line interface, natural language, question/answer and query dialog, form-fills and
spreadsheets, WIMP, and three-dimensional interfaces. The most common of the foregoing
interaction styles is the WIMP. WIMP is an acronym for Windows, Icons, Menus and
Pointers. Alternatively, it is an acronym for Windows, Icons, Mice and Pull-down menus.
Examples of user interfaces that are based on the WIMP interaction style include Microsoft
Windows for PCs, Mac OS for Apple Macintosh, and various X Windows-based systems for
UNIX, etc.
Features of WIMP Interface
Windows: Areas of the screen through which a particular software or data file may be
Types of WIMP Interface Windows
1. Single Document Interface (SDI)
They open new primary windows for each instance of an application
document. E.g. Notepad
2. Multiple Document Interface
Windows resides under a single parent window
Multiple Documents to be simultaneously visible
E.g. Visual Basic, Photoshop
3. Tabbed Document Interface
E.g. Firefox
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Small images or symbols that represent files, commands or windows, a good design
of icons is important. It should be,
1. Concrete and familiar
2. Visual and conceptually distinct
3. Simple-unnecessary information is not needed
Some Kind of Menus
Pull Down menu: A menu that has pulled down from the menu bar and that remains
available as long as the users hold it open
Drop Down menu: A menu that drops from the menu bar when requested and remains open
without further action until the user close it or chooses a menu item.
Usually look like arrows and are used to select icon the option found in the menu. WIMP
style relies on pointing and selecting things. The pointer moved around the screen via mouse.
The shape of the pointer can sometime change depending on the application you are using at
that time.
8: WIMP Interface
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8. Other User Interface
Other less common user interfaces are growing in popularity. They include pointing devices
such as the stylus, touch-sensitive screens, and speech recognition and synthesis. Each of
these interfaces has its own special attributes that uniquely suit it to particular applications.
The stylus has used with handwriting recognition software for mobile phones and PC devices.
They have been a success because they integrate many functions and are easy to use.
Additionally, they are portable and sell for a comparatively low price. There has been an
explosion of fun and useful applications written for these mobile devices, including popular
programs for restaurant reviews such as Zagat, popular utilities such as “To Do” lists for
work and personal use, and for popular games such as Sudoku. Data entry has also facilitated
with a docking cradle so that data has be synchronized with your PC.
A tablet PC is a notebook computer with a stylus or touch-sensitive display. It can be
equipped with built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth communication. Touch-sensitive displays allow a
user to use a finger to activate the display. Touch-sensitive displays are useful in public
information displays, such as maps of cities and their sights posted in hotel lobbies or car
rental facilities. They can also be used to explain dioramas in museums and to locate camping
facilities in state parks. Touch-sensitive displays require no special expertise from users, and
the screen is self-contained, requiring no special input device that might be broken or stolen.
Touch sensitive screens for mobile phones such as the iPhone and the BlackBerry are making
this alternative user interface familiar to users and widely used. Current research is examining
how to make pressure-sensitive touch pads commercially viable. These interfaces can be used
with both large and small touch screens and are practical for applications such as virtual
painting or sculpting, a simulated mouse and for musical instruments such as a piano
keyboard where the intensity of the pressure applied is critical to the output.
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1.2. Different forms of user experience and their features.
Physical Experience
The physical experience depends on a change in the objects we interact with or in the
environment where we are interacting. In general, you would expect to be able to observe a
physical experience relatively easily.
Mental Experience
This is far more complex than physical experience. Mental experiences involve intellect,
awareness, thought, emotion, memories, previous experiences, will, and imagination. It
would be fair to say that in many cases two participants in the same event will have very
different mental experiences of that event.
Emotional Experiences
Emotional experiences are a subgroup of mental experiences. How does falling in love feel to
you? Is it the same as it feels to me? Are we likely to be more or less empathetic with those
who experience emotions in a similar manner to us? Emotional experiences are complex and
can very much shape the way we perceive an event.
Social Experiences
If you saw me on the street and I just cleared my throat and spat on the ground next to you;
how would you feel? If the answer is “unsurprised” you are probably from Mainland China
where this is a common habit and culturally unsurprising. In much of the rest of the world
“disgust” would be nearer to the mark. Our culture and society can very much shape the way
we experience certain events.
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Virtual or Simulated Experiences
If you play video games, like me, then you will be intensely familiar with experiences that are
not real (at least in any meaningful way) they can still feel very much real. Virtual
experiences are perceived in a different way to many real-life experiences but the experience
is still relevant to the person undergoing that experience.
Simulated experience is often relying on ‘fooling’ sensory organs of humans by means of
sounds and visuals. The experience may deliver as immersive or no immersive experience.
Popular mobile game Pokémon Go is the best example of non-immersive simulated
Other Factors of Experience
It is also important to realize that there are other ways to experience events that can make our
experiences very different too.
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1.3. Impact of UX & UI development in Software Development life Cycle
There are five reasons why UX and UI design are important in application development
1. Usability
An application that works is great. However, if it is not user-friendly, people are not likely to
use it. Time spent upfront on UX and UI design ensures your application has built in a way
that will attract and retain users.
2. Lower costs
Identifying potential problems and roadblocks in the user experience before development
saves you from having to rewrite code. User experience design can often find potential
problems from simple paper sketching. This is a much cheaper alternative than having to fix
code for functionality that just does not work well.
3. Faster development time
Good UX and UI design saves time in the development cycle. Mockups and prototypes iron
out issues before lengthy development time has spent. You stay on track with your release
date, as you are less likely to have to go back and redo development work.
4. More revenue
People are more likely to pay for something that fits into their workflow well and is easy to
use. Taking time for UX and UI design increases the chances that your application will be
well receive and worth purchasing and/or downloading.
5. Better customer retention
Deploying an application with a poor user experience leaves a lasting impression. You
should identify and solve problems before deployment so your first impression is a good
A user-friendly application keeps people coming back. Your application becomes a part of
their everyday process. New users will draw to your application, as it becomes known for its
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Why UX design is so important in software development
The objective of UX design is to create a frictionless and enjoyable experience for the
user. UX designers boost customer satisfaction by providing better usability,
accessibility and pleasure in the interaction with every aspect of a product. As user
expectations continue to rise, UX designers need to have an eye for detail to proper
guide them through an interface, while developers must ensure they create the best
functionality and features. For instance, a one second has delay in page response results
in a 16% decrease in customer satisfaction and the headline is responsible for about
80% of conversion rates. Companies rely on software to interact with their customers
and executives realize the importance of integrating design and engineering skills, to
create the software and services, which will drive their business forward.
Why UI design is so important in software development
If you are one of the many millions that depend on the Internet throughout your day-to-day
operations, then you understand how important website design and usability is. The
popularity and convenience of Internet-based-living is undoubtedly here to stay and if you
have not accepted that yet, it is time to face the facts. If you rely on the Internet for your
business, it’s more important than ever to ensure you are up to speed with your competition.
The more efficiently that you use the technology available, and the stronger your website is,
the more success you will see. Companies who master these realms gain a huge advantage
over their competitors.
If you have ever found yourself on a website and do not understand either what they’re
offering, or can’t seem to navigate the page, chances are you close the window and try
another one. This is more than likely because the website did not have a strong User
Interface Design. It tailors to the idea that the customer is always right and makes sure
that that statement has mirrored in all of the details of your site.
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1.4. Tools available in UX UI Development
Prototype is an early sample of design used to get feedback and rapid experiments with new
Limit the expenses of development
Test the design concepts
Test the usability of the product
Prototypes typically created with a mixture of sketches, wireframes or mockups, prototypes
depending on the project timelines and these are representations of the design. This can use as
a mechanism to get user feedback early and quickly on your design where you can iterate on
making your product a better one.
Sketching is a drawing, which you could easily with a papers and pens with less cost. Mostly
sketching has used in the early stages of the design process to get new ideas for the product as
well as use to identify the users pain point. Low fidelity sketches can mostly use identifies
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user pain points and gets new ideas for the product at early stage. With sketches, you can
rapidly iterate the design with a low cost to make the product more useable.
Sketch is a very popular tool within the design community that enables you to create hi-fi
interfaces and prototypes. One of the great features is Symbols, where you can design UI
assets and elements for reuse. This helps create design systems and keep your interfaces
consistent. From there, you can easily export your design into a clickable prototype. If you are
an In Vision user, make sure you check out the Craft plugin.
Figure 9: Sketches Example
Wireframes are representation of layouts and mostly focused on the layout of the content.
Mostly use gray scale or black and white.
In low fidelity wireframing, you can use tools to create gray scale wireframes, which is richer
way than sketching at the beginning of the design process.
Figure 10: Wireframes
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1.5. Methods available for testing for user requirements against the UX-UI
Moderated usability testing
Moderated usability testing is a usability testing technique that involves the active
participation of a trained facilitator or moderator, and has usually performed in a lab or
corporate setting. Moderated usability testing facilitators need expert knowledge of the
product being tested. They are in charge of administering tasks, guiding test participants
through each task, recording behaviors and comments they make, answering their questions
and replying to their feedback about the test all in real time.
Moderated usability testing can be done either in-person or remotely. If done remotely,
participants will need to share screens with the moderator so that the test has be conducted in
real time. Participants has often asked to think aloud as they complete tasks as this helps
moderator follow their train of thought and how they would get from touch point A to touch
point B.
Usability testing is an important part of the user experience as it helps UX teams to
understand how their target users interact with their product. Moderating usability
 Benefits of moderated usability testing
Having a moderator in the room with the participant can help to provide clarity as
well as make sure that tests get completed even when a task has been derailed
Observing participants allows for follow up questions and exploring unexpected
This technique also yields a richer understanding of target users as well as an
understanding of the feature from a broad range of perspectives.
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Unmoderated usability testing
Unlike moderated usability testing, unmoderated usability testing has completed by test
participants in their own environment without a facilitator present. This technique is
typically quicker and cheaper than moderated usability testing (although not always! See
our Usability Geek guest post on guerrilla usability testing), making it a good choice for UX
projects with tight deadlines and budgets.
As the Nielsen Norman Group explains, there is no real-time support and no opportunity for
the participant/facilitator to ask detailed questions unmoderated usability testing. This is
why this technique has usually used to test a few specific elements of a product, rather than
an overall review
How do you conduct unmoderated usability testing?
As always, start your usability study by defining its specific objectives, and then designing
the questions and tasks. Note that when performing remote unmoderated usability testing, it
is important that tasks are simple and clearly written. You will not be able to steer
participants in the right direction if anything goes wrong so obtaining useful data relies on
you setting clear instructions. You will need to an online tool designed for remote
unmoderated usability testing, such as Loop11, User Zoom and MUIQ. These tools will
enable you to record user sessions and show the time taken on each touch point. Participants
will also be able to leave feedback for the UX team to look at once the test is complete.
Benefits of unmoderated usability testing
Sessions are shorter than moderated usability testing and results are instant
You can recruit participants from a wider geographic area for a larger sample of
behavior data
There’s less chance of human error or bias and so results are generally more accurate
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Card sorting
Card sorting is a type of study for assessing and designing the navigation and structure of a
website or app. In card sorting, participants have presented with a list of items and they
have asked to group the items in a way that makes the most logical sense. Depending on the
type of card sorting study, participants can also choose names for the groups they have put
together, forming the potential categories and subcategories of a website. All of this will
hopefully create an easier, more logical and user-centric way of navigating your site
Card sorting is a technique that involves asking users to organize information into logical
groups. Users have given a series of labeled cards and asked to organize and sort them into
groups that they think are appropriate. Card sorting helps you to design an information
architecture, workflow, and menu structure or website navigation paths.
Figure 11: Card-sorting Example
Benefits of card sorting
 As mentioned earlier, card sorting is a test you can run to validate the effectiveness of
your site’s organization, structuring and labeling.
 It will also help you decide how to label your categories and navigation, arrange the
subcategories underneath parent categories, decide what needs to go on a homepage
and figure out where users are getting lost or confused.
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 The ultimate benefit is that you will be building and improving your navigation by
observing how real users will navigate your site and its information architecture,
rather than just guessing yourself.
 Just because you assume that people will find the ’Fruit and Vegetables’ subcategory
under a ‘Fresh’ category, it does not mean people will not also go looking under
 Card sorting is also simple to arrange, the materials needed are cheap to produce and
it does not take too long.
Tree Testing
Tree testing is a way of evaluating a proposed site structure by asking users to find items
based on the sites organization and terminology. This online test only displays the navigation
links and removes any additional clutter.
Tree testing allows you to show a menu structure to users in its most basic form without
worrying about the layout and design. Users have asked to complete a series of tasks looking
for items using the site structure. Typically, tree-testing sessions are quite short so only last
about 15-20 minutes. On average you would have about 15-20 tasks per session as users tend
to lose concentration if the tasks go on for too long. By using this method to evaluate your
site structure you have a way to measure how easy it is for users to find items.
Tree testing has normally conducted early on in the design process using online tools like
Treejack. This part of your research could be after a card sorting session to confirm that your
findings from the card sorting are correct.
Advantages of Tree Testing
Sessions are short which make recruitment much easier
The testing can be conducted remotely so reduces the cost
Analyzing the data is quick and results can be acted upon quickly
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Disadvantages of Tree Testing
As the site structure is in its basic form there are no visual elements that might help
users to navigate the site
Most tree testing is conducted remotely so researchers cannot observe or discuss
decisions with users as to why they made those choices
AB Testing
A/B Testing is a website optimization technique that involves sending half your users to one
version of a page, and the other half to another, and watching the web analytics to see which
one is more effective in getting them to do what you want them.
To improve your website conversion rates using A/B Testing, you must first learn and
master the technique. While there are different means to test alterations made to a website,
none of these methods are easier and simpler as A/B Testing. However, it is important to
realize that A/B Testing is not suitable for each and every website, regardless of its diverse
positive attributes. In fact, it has advised by experts that you should first identify if it has the
proper Testing strategy to employ for the corresponding circumstances you are working
Benefits of A/B Testing
As a technique, A/B Testing is highly useful when it comes to testing alternative variations
in your website like, for example, different types of buttons utilized for call to action,
alternative images or headlines. It can also be used to evaluate the impact that trade
association logos and icons have on generating user trust. However, other parts of your
website that are not included in the above recommendations can still benefit.
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FFigure 12: A/B Testing Diagram (Source: Smashing Magazine)
Eye tracking
Eye tracking can provide you with information that is impossible to glean without the
technology. Knowing rather than guessing exactly where people are looking when using your
app or website is like gold to a UI designer, and UXers.
Eye tracking gives you insights into sub-conscious movements and behaviors, and helps
identify usability glitches that otherwise might have lain hidden. Including eye tracking in a
usability research study can help you figure out.
Where eye tracking fits into the UX process
If you and your UX team do decide to dabble in eye tracking, take into account that you
cannot just fire up an eye-tracking system and carry on as normal. Your UX research process
will have to change to accommodate eye racking and ensure its effectiveness.
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Eye tracking can be a great accompaniment to user testing, to identify how users are
interacting with a UI. However, remember that eye tracking is not a replacement for good, oldfashioned user testing to determine why users behave the way they do. The why data tells you
what you need to adjust in your designs in order to improve the user experience.
Do not skimp on the qualitative or quantitative testing. Integrating your usability studies with
prototyping can save time and reduce the opportunity for errors further down the line in
software development. You can easily incorporate your testing process at the start, middle and
end of your project without risking timelines or blowing budgets. You can test your early
concepts with low to mid-fidelity wireframes and then test the core usability with high-fidelity
Keystroke Level Model (KLM)
Just how fast is using a unified text field and location the traditional approach of using
multiple form fields? The best way to find out is to analyze the time it takes for users to
complete each step in the process and compare each approach. To do this, we will use a hard
science approach known in the field of human-computer interaction as the Keystroke-Level
Model (KLM). KLM is a widely used method for predicting how long it takes users to do a
task on a user interface. It uses estimated times for basic, routine user actions. These
predictions come from a study by Card, Moran & Newell involving extensive tests with
To compare the efficiency of each approach, we will analyze the time it takes users to enter
an address into a system. We will assign each user action in the task a duration that represents
the average amount of time an experienced user would take to do it.
The model allows a designer to ‘predict’ the time it takes for an average user to execute a task
using an interface and interaction method. For example, the model can predict how long it
takes to close this PPT using the “close” menu option.
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In KLM, it has assumed that any decision-making task is composed of a series of
‘elementary’ cognitive (mental) steps that has executed in sequence.
The method of breaking down a higher-level cognitive activity into a sequence of elementary
steps is simple to understand, provides a good level of accuracy and enough flexibility to
apply in practical design situation.
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1.6. Importance of using multiple different forms of experience and
interface design in building EMC services
A good User Interface is important in the sense that it makes it easier for your target audience
to clearly see what your products are. It has designed in a way to display the services that you
offer without ambiguity, in order to draw your visitors’ attention and keep them on your site.
Simply put, a good User Interface is important because it can turn potential visitors to buyers
as it facilitates interactions between the user and your website or web application.
When you scratch beneath the surface, you realize that UI is quite an intricate field that
involves anticipating the user preferences and then creating an interface that understands and
fulfills those preferences. The UI not only focuses on the aesthetics but also maximizes
responsiveness, efficiency, and accessibility of a website.
An interface is a point where a user interacts with the software they are using. A good User
Interface Design presents a seamless blend of visual design, interaction design, and
information architecture.
Visual Design
Visual design improves a site’s ornamental value by strategically implementing elements
such as fonts, colors, and images among other things. When professionally done, visual
design makes a page elegant without compromising on its function or content.
Interactive design
The interactive design looks at how users interact with technology. It then uses the
understanding of such interactions to create an interface with behaviors that are well thoughtout. Excellent interactive design not only anticipates how a person interacts with a system but
also antedates and fixes problems in good time. It may also invent new ways through which a
system interacts and responds to users.
Information Architecture
Information architecture has designed to help users find the info they need to complete
various tasks. It, therefore, involves labeling, structuring, and organizing the web content in a
manner that makes it easily accessible and sustainable.
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Activity 02
2.1. Review different end users of EMC using standard user categorizations,
classifications and behavior modeling techniques.
End users
End users are those people whose jobs require access to the database for querying, updating
and generating reports. The database primarily exists for their use.
Categories of End Users
 Casual End Users
These are the users, who occasionally access the database but they require different
information each time. They use a sophisticated database query language to specify their
request and are typically middle or level managers or other occasional browsers.
 Naive or parametric end users
These are the users, who make up a sizeable portion of database end users. The main job
function revolves around constantly querying and updating the database for this we use a
standard type of query known as canned transaction that have been programmed and tested
The following tasks are performed by Naive end users
The person who is working in the bank will basically tell us the account balance and
post-withdrawal and deposits
Reservation clerks for airlines, railway, hotels, and car rental companies check
availability for a given request and make the reservation.
Clerks who are working at receiving end for shipping companies enter the package
identifies via barcodes and descriptive information through buttons to update a
central database of received and in transit packages.
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 Sophisticated end users
These users include engineers, scientist, business analytics and others who thoroughly
familiarize themselves with the facilities of the program in order to implement their
application to meet their complex requirement.
 Standalone users
These are those users whose job is to maintain personal databases by using a ready-made
program package that provides easy to use menu-based or graphics-based interfaces an
example is the user of a tax package that stores a variety of personal financial data of tax
purposes. These users become very proficient in using a specific software package.
Behavior modeling techniques
Behavior Modeling, a component of Social Learning Theory, is the act of guiding the
employees how to do something by showing them the standard modeled behavior. This
process is of the premise that people tend to inevitably learn things they see in a hands-on
Financial Institutions often use behavior modeling to find out the percentage or the number of
users who are likely to avail their services. For example, a credit card company may examine
the type of places where a credit card has normally used at and the amount of purchases to
find out future behavior. Retailers to estimate customer purchases can also use behavior
modeling. For example, a retailer may examine the types of products that a customer
purchases, both in-store and online, and the find out the likelihood that the customer will
purchase a new product based on his previous records.
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A persona in UX Design is the characterization of a user who represents a segment of your
target audience. On a project, you might create any number of personas to be representative
of a range of user needs and desires. The solutions you design must answer these needs in
order to deliver value to your target audience.
Typically, Personas has created at the definition phase of a project to better understand the
specific needs of your target audience. A persona has used as a reference throughout the
project lifecycle to ensure that every decision has made in service of the personas a need that
has been identified. If you are designing functionality that does not directly address a
personas need then you should not be designing it, or your personas are incorrect.
The details contained in personas should be formed from research with real/future users. It
can be too easy to simply fabricate a set of personas to exactly match internal project
requirements. Personas should also be updated occasionally as perceptions, opinions and
needs can change with time.
You would typically have more than 1 persona, but beware of creating too many. If a small
number of personas do not accurately represent your audience, consider segmenting them
into primary and secondary groupings, with most focus given to the primary.
Personas are typically created by a member of the design team responsible for requirements,
research or user experience. We use personas on most projects and often help define the
initial set of stories that we might explore.
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2.2. Select a specific und user from those identified in 2.1 & appraises & develop user
‘Persona’ for the identified user. Present your empathy map, experience map,
customer journey map & service blueprint.
I was selected Standalone user for develop user persona. Under that, I choose Mr. Ayesh
Indika Rathnayake as an end user.
Ayesh Indika Rathnayake
Graphic Designer
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Graphic Designer
Extrogene Software pvt ltd.
Social Networks
Online Shopping
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Empathy map for selected user
What else
am I
It should be
should I
It should
be easy to
I want
I want
Data usage
will be big
or not.
Is this user
Check the
web site
Unsure is
Check the
rules and
Figure 13: Empathy Map
Experience map
realize there is little
time for the download
a song
Search for the website
Brows categories
Download and
Share experience
with others
Downloaded songs,
i am listening lot of
Share it with friends
Found the song as
you want
Music are important
Lot of times I am
searching new songs
I am searching
different type of
songs in various
I want to create
unique playlist
Figure 14: Experience Map
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Customer journey map
Graphic Designer &
Music Lover
Research new music and
artist around the world
Research new websites
Goals and Expectations
“Making my own music web site”
Finding new music, different type of
music and web sites
Taking membership in useful
Become familiar with new
Collecting new audio and
video songs
 Listing and sharing
I need online support
or another person
I am ready to try some
real music
I feel like I am getting a
lot better. I am ready for
the next level
There are so much
songs, I do it step by
I am downloaded
many songs. I want to
choose the songs I like
Figure 15: Customer Journey Map
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Service blueprint
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(Keep space intentionally)
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2.3. Choose a suitable development methodology to develop interaction /
interface for the Persona developed in 2.2 and justify your selection.
LUCID Methodology
The LUCID Framework (Logical User Centered Interaction Design)
LUCID – Logical User Centered Interaction Design – began as a way of describing the
approach to interface design at Cognetics Corporation. It has evolved into a framework to
manage the process of designing an interface in a way, which incorporates the best industry
practices of user-centered design and usability engineering.
 The design process builds on
a strong conceptual model.
User Centered
Software has designed in the
Interaction Design
Interaction design has
context of the overall tasks
treated as distinct from
and workflow (including
technical design.
refinement includes user
both manual and
The scope of the design is
feedback at all critical stages.
computerized activities).
"everything but code" and
 Iterative review and
 Successive prototypes and
Design is based on user
team reviews allow
activity and employs the
 look and feel
opportunities for technical
user's language and context.
 language
review and ensure viability of
the design
 The design model fits the
 screen objects & layout
user's mental model rather
 navigation
than the technical
 user assistance
implementation model.
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Over the past 30 years, several techniques for managing software development projects have
been developed and documented. While these techniques have helped large software
development projects meet time, budget, and quality goals, they do not directly address
usability issues. Because most systems being developed today are interactive, software
development methodology must be expanded to include the design of the user interface. The
LUCID Framework has developed to fill this need.
LUCID has organized into six stages
Develop a clear, shared and communicable vision of the product. Decide on the usability
goals for the interface design. “UI Roadmap" to document the preliminary analysis and
concepts developed during these activities.
Conduct User and Task Analysis
Perform a comprehensive and systematic analysis of user task requirements through studying
users to understand needs, expectations, tasks and work process and determine implications
for the interface of this information.
Design and Prototype
Create a design concept and create a key screen prototype to illustrate it.
Evaluate and Refine
Evaluate the prototype for usability and iteratively refine expand the design.
Complete Detailed Design and Production
Complete the detailed screen design for the full program. Develop all user assistance material
included in the interface. Manage late-stage change.
Evaluate and Refine
Repeat usability evaluation activities with early versions of the program or an enhanced
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Release and Follow Up
Plan and implement the introduction of the product to users, including final usability
evaluations to ensure that the has met the goals established at the beginning of the project.
Create and monitor feedback mechanisms to gather data for future releases.
Figure 16: LUCID Methodology
Reason for choosing LUCID Methodology
 The design process
 The development of real scenarios and of social impacts coming from using
new systems
 Usability support
 Note the difficulties of users, their mistakes...
 evaluate performance data on interfaces developed with LUCID
 Development tools
 new instruments speed up the implementation and favor the design-testrefinement cycle
 Guidelines
Words and icons
Screen-layout issues
 Action sequences
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2.4. Develop the user interface / interaction concept for the selected
persona based on the selected development methodology.
Build The Business Case
Business plan
User journey
User personals
System Analysis
visual design or
Screen layout
Market analysis
Competitive analysis
Develop High Level
User Interview
Focus group
Online surveys
Conceptual Design
Usability Testing
Detailed Design
The product
Testing and
Figure 17: LUCID Design
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2.5. Plan end user testing for the selected persona based on the standard
testing methodologies.
Testing Methodologies
Software testing methodologies are the various approaches that can be used to test an
application to ensure that it behaves as expected. This includes everything from unit testing
to complete end-to-end testing.
The idea of using various testing methodologies in the development process is to ensure that
the software can successfully work in multiple environments and different platforms.
Broadly, this can be broken down into functional and non-functional testing. In functional
testing, the application has tested against business requirements and incorporates various test
types that has configured in a way that software behaves as expected to utilize the test cases
provided by the design team. The testing methods include the following:
Unit testing
Integration testing
System testing
Acceptance testing
Non-functional testing includes test that has focused on operational aspects of the software
application. This includes:
Performance testing
Security testing
Usability testing
Compatibility testing
They the key here is to have a robust testing framework that can ensure high-quality software.
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Usability Test Plan
Contact Details
E-music cloud (EMC)
Product under Test
The music web site
E-music cloud (EMC)
Test Objectives
Do peoples understand
the valid proposition?
The concept of an
online Concierge
Business Case
The test will address
several key questions
that the design team
need answers to for the
next iteration failing to
answers these questions
now increases the risk
of the developing the
wrong product
A mix of men and
All must own a
laptop or smart
Do peoples trust the
Test Tasks
Appearance of the
Login or Signup for
the service
Member profiles
Payment options
Admin panel
User privileges
Product quality
Do the emails help
through the various
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Ayesh Indika
Searching options
Product Quality
Payment Options
Download rules
Activity 03
3.1: Examine appropriate tools to develop the interface/ interaction
designed in activity 2
 Home page
I have created a prototype using appropriate tool for e-music cloud (EMC). I thought this
design should be different from other common music websites. Therefore, as a first step of
design I have created a home page prototype. There is no lot of things in home page. There is
only animated background and menu bar on the right side has included for users. Every user
who is visiting to the web site, need to be login using their user id and password to get a
better experience from site, If someone has not registered, they need to get a membership
using signup form.
For an appearance of home page, I have used company logo; selected background image has
based on music. In addition, Home page prototype as follows,
Figure 18:home
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 Login Form
In the scenario, they have mentioned several types of users in the website. First, one is EPN:
e-music producer network and other one is E-Music Discovery.
Therefore, in here I have designed login form for these two types of users. Users can login as
a producer or member selecting their user category in login area. Login form prototype as
 Sign up form
E-music producers and new members need to be register for access a web site. Every user
must provide their true details to web site.
The producers have to insert more details than normal users to get registration complete. User
sign up form prototype as follows,
 Music producers Dashboard
Registered producers have lot of facilities on their dashboard. They can publish or un-publish
their work, monitor the distribution of their published songs, view their account balance and
use a button to withdraw the balance through a cheque.
 Members Dashboard
Registered users can look up artists, albums, generals to find music they like. Once the
discovery has made, the user has options to
Rent the song for 3 months: Song will be available in My Library for 3
o Own the song: Song will be available in My Library until user cancels the
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3.2: Develop the user interface
Figure 19:discovery
Bootstrap Connection
HTML Coding
Figure 20:code
Figure 21:code
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Figure 22:code
Figure 24:code
Figure 23:code
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Login Page
Figure 25: E-Music Cloud Login Page
Login Form HTML
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Member Registration form
Figure 26: Sign Up Form
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HTML coding
3.3 : Conduct a user experiment and collect feedbacks
Whether I give my users access to a website usability testing before the launch will be of
utmost importance.
Usability means that something can be used
effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily.
In other words: I can achieve my goal using the application (effective). It takes as little
effort as possible (efficient).
And I’m happy with the action and the result (satisfactory).
Num. Action
Expected Actual Test
output browser result
EMC music
EMC music Microsoft
cloud Home cloud
Name,birthday,gender,phone number, email
Test comments
9/1/2019 03.
Home page
Email id-
Verification code-
code and click
Login success Login
Enter correct
Login button
Enter correct
Email id-
The site says The site
email &,
56p.m]: Invalid
Login attempt
Verification code-
Maheshika Wijesinghe| User Interface & User Experience| Assignment 01 |Reg.No 11179
9/2/2019 03.
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code and click
Login button
eM player
Click e-music discovery
Artist ,album, search
discovery Edge
9/2/2019 04.
Open you
Open you Microsoft
00p.m]: successful
want artist,
want artist, Edge
song album
Submit your
song album
message us
message us
9/2/2019 04.15.m]:
9/2/2019 04.25.m]:
3.4 : Evaluate feedback received in 3.3 and build a new iteration if the
interface based on the outcome of the evaluation.
Usability tests involve setting aside my own opinion and seeing how other people handle an
application. That way, I notice very quickly what works and what doesn’t. I can see which
problems users have and what they understand straight away. I might also see approaches or
possible uses that surprise I. In any case, every user test takes I a step further. I move away
from my gut feeling towards empirical bases for improving the application. And I move
away from discussions in the team based on assumptions about which solution is better,
which order is more logical or what ‘goes down better’ in general.
User experience testing follows the scientific method. I identify a question or need, generate
a hypothesis, set up the experiment, run the test, and analyze the results.
There are tons of tools available to help you better understand UX testing, but we’ll get to
those later. First, I want to share some of the most common methodologies for user
experience testing.
EMC music cloud encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and
maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design;
interface design; authoring, including standardized code and proprietary software; user
experience design; and search engine optimization. Often many individuals will work in
teams covering different aspects of the design process, although some designers will cover
them all.
Compatibility with browsers: With the introduction of different browsers, we are
constantly facing the challenge of building a web site which is compatible with almost all
the major browsers. After designing a website, it should be tested on all browsers to ensure
that the website is completely functional.
Navigational structure: Navigational structure is one of the vital aspects of any website, as
the usability of the website is based on an excellent navigational structure. Hence, in order
to avoid any such issues, I have to ensure that they provide a proper navigational structure
to the users.
Positioning of content: Another prominent aspect of a website is that the users should find
it readable. While designing the structure of the website, the I should place the content in
such a manner that it enhances easy reading. In addition, use suitable colors when it comes
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The process of creating a website is a major challenge for its it involves a wide array of
devices, code frameworks, scripts, and of course, the constant need to work in an innovative
way with others to effectively manage the process.
When compared to a desktop site, building a website takes a significant amount of time.
In a website, the content should be prioritized for mobile use. For smaller screens, the
designer must know precisely what matters, the devices that people use, their circumstances,
and their unique goals.
Interaction in desktop sites and mobile devices are different.
When I calculate the cost needed to build a website, it isn’t unusual to see myself spending
to ensure my website is properly running.
The most important issue in my website creation is ‘readability’. Readability refers to the
practice of delivering the write up in a way that enhances ease of reading.
If people are unable to easily navigate through a website, they will leave as quickly as they
come. The navigational structure of the website is a big challenge for webmasters and web
designers. In fact, navigability is the most important aspect of website design. An effective
navigational structure of the website enhances usability.
In fact, this is the sum total of the other \ biggest challenges in website creation, mentioned
The success of website creation depends on whether or not it conforms to the usability
guidelines. In terms of usability, my website should be easy to use and the information should
be easy to retrieve for users. Websites that place restrictions (bookmarking not possible,
printing problems, disabled back buttons, emailing of link not possible etc.) on users simply
damage their website’s usability.
analyzed any technical challenges I faced in development.
I was able to use the plans I worked out to create this site. I was used HTML, CSS, PHP and
JS to design this site. Also, I have faced some challenges in the design and I was able to
manage it well.
As an example:
There were some issues between the web page and the MYSQL database. But I was able to
solve those problems successfully
Activity 04:
4.1 : Collect feedback for the new interaction of interface developed in 3.4
and evaluate feedbacks across all iterations of the interfaces developed.
I get independent feedback on my eMusic website solution from the non-technical users
and some developers.
I submitted a question paper to get feedback. They are listed below.
Figure 27:feedback
Figure 28:feedback
Figure 29:feedback
4.2 : Critically review the final version of the interface and test results
comparing against the original interface/ interaction plan.
E-music cloud (EMC) is my created new website.
It is great because an emerging, cloud based, online music platform developed in Sri Lanka
by a tech start-up founded by a group of young graduates.
EMC’s vision is to “become the Sri Lanka’s No1 online music provider” with a mission set
to “Create a seamless user experience for discovering and immersing in music’s that beat
with we and our heart no matter who we are and where we are or what device we use”.
EMC team will be bringing Sri-Lankan & International music online and available to all
registered EMC users.
EMC team is hiring me as the Chief User Experience Officer, putting you in-charge with
designing UI for the various faces of the service and creating a seamless experience to
EMC’s users, which is superior to any similar services available throughout the globe.
Chief Technology Officer of EMC has following outline of the services available within
the EMC, which represent core functionalities of the platform and be available to relevant
users of the service.
Mainly include here,
1 e-music producer network
2 eMusic Discovery
 Once the discovery is made, the user has options to
Rent the song for 3 months: Song will be available in My Library for 3
o Own the song: Song will be available in My Library until user cancels the
3 My Library
 User has options to select a song and
o Preview it
o Add it to a playlist
o Gift it to a friend (for a week, Permanently, just one listen) (* When gifted, it
will be greyed out from My Library for the ‘Gifted duration’. If it is a
permanent gift, clicking on it will bring user back to the eMusic Discovery
with the song in discussion already selected”)
o Find “Music Like This” which will take the user to discovery section to find
similar music’s, artists and albums.
eM Player: When user plays a song or a list, the user will be brought to the eM
Player which gives play controls and allow different playlist manipulations. It
also contains records of previous play-lists and gives user to rate the presently
playing music. In addition, player also contains the previously discussed
“Music Like This” and “Gift” options which can be applied to the selected
song or selected play-list.
Settings: Will give user the options to manage visual appearance, language
settings, payment options and options to manage devices connected to user’s
EMC account.
Good feature is that you can repeat a line of the song as often as you want, until you know
the missing word. Also, the website is very easy to navigate
One of the drawbacks is that some songs are not on the website. However, you can just
ignore it.
To sum up, I think this is an excellent website if you like music. You should check it out!
4.3 : Critique the overall success of your User Interface concept and
discusses your insight using prototyping.
I created this e-music cloud (EMC) is an emerging, cloud based, online music platform
developed in Sri Lanka by a tech start-up founded by a group of young graduates.
EMC’s vision is to “become the Sri Lanka’s No1 online music provider” with a mission set
to “Create a seamless user experience for discovering and immersing in music’s that beat
with you and your heart no matter who you are and where you are or what device you
EMC team will be bringing Sri-Lankan & International music online and available to all
registered EMC users.
I have following the services available within the EMC, which represent core functionalities
of the platform and be available to relevant users of the service.
1 e-music producer network: Section of the e-music cloud where music produces can
register, sign up their latest work for distribution, publish or un-publish their work, monitor
the distribution of their published songs, view their account balance and use a button to
withdraw the balance through a cheque.
eMusic Discovery: Section of the service where registered users can look up artists,
albums, generals to find music they like. Once the discovery is made, the user has options to
Rent the song for 3 months: Song will be available in My Library for 3 months.
Own the song: Song will be available in My Library until user cancels the
Within eMusic Discovery section, an integrated AI service will automatically .
furthermore Include all music’s, music videos & playlists available to the user at that time.
User has options to view and sort by Artist, Album, Genera, Year, Source (Rented, Own,
Gifted) and etc. User has options to select a song
Database application designed for; reduce the time and easy to give the good productivity.
Tangible benefits are easier to quantify and often take center stage in the process
improvement arena. They include reduced operating costs, higher revenues and improved
Stress consistency between web systems
I can — and should — use prototyping as part of various stages of Design Thinking.
I can use prototyping as an ideation method, as it allows I, as well as users, to explore
alternative solutions. This is possible because prototypes are physical representations of my
solutions, and thus prototyping allows me to think by doing. Adopting a ‘thinking by doing’
mindset is extremely helpful in letting I derive more value from researching, defining,
ideating, and testing.
I am happy about that overall success of my User Interface concept
Next delivery I have the future improvements successful well.
online. 2019. DNS server. [ONLINE] Available at:
https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/. [Accessed 20 January 2019].
Mr. Martin Fernandez. 2019. Seo. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.seo.com/. [Accessed
2 December 2018].
(blank page initially )
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Self – criticism
When I am doing this assignment, I had many difficulties in remembering the meaning of
technical words such as Keystroke Level Model, LUCID Methodology and many other
words. I dealt with such teams by classifying them and jotting them down to personal notes
through research on the area I was coping with, so that I would often remember them but
with the guidance from my lecturer and my positive attitude help me to complete this
assignment successfully.
It is also my fault that at certain points I have debated topics to my personal opinion even
though there were lack of evidence supporting my conclusions. Such points reflect my
inability to critically compare and highlights my inability to transcribe direct quotations.
I could always include the most timely, accurate and reliable information to support my
suggestions. Even though these things degrade the quality of my work, I found myself
pushed to be a critical and reflectivity learner through the experiences I had dealing the
trials raised upon completion of the assignment...
Figure 30:gantt chart
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