IP Basic Training w/ ENS Schaeffer JIST = Joint Integrated SATCOM Tool Submit SAR and GAR on JIST For DSCS and WGS satellites SAR = Satellite Access Request GAR = Gateway Access Request Permission to enter the DODIN Path of approval for SAR and GAR = Example: o IKE > CCSG2 > C5F > CENTCOM > RSSC (SAR) or DISA (GAR) SAA = Satellite Access Authorization Viewed in JIST GAA = Gateway Access Authorization Viewed in JIST RSSC = Regional SATCOM Support Center Model the mission based on: o Beamwidth o Gateway o Satellite PIM = Plan of Intended Movement DISA = owns the DODIN GCIB = Global Communications Information Bulletin Example: IP Services Request CTF 1010 = NAVNETWARCOM CTG 1010.1 = Global NOC CTG 1010.2 = NMCI CTG 1010.3 = NCTAMS PAC CTG 1010.4 = NCTAMS LANT CTG 1010.5 = NCTS Bahrain CTG 1010.6 = NCTS Naples CTG 1010.7 = NCTS Far East CTG 1010.8 = NAVSOC SOC = Satellite