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Special Education Teacher Checklist - SBCSC

Special Education Teacher Checklist
1. Contact Building Administrator about SBCSC Email (New Teacher specific).
2. Create Learning Connection Account (You need to have your SPN number from Human
Resources for this. Please note that this can also be found on your IN teaching license.) and
request access to your school’s community (New Teacher specific).
3. All Teachers: Please request to join the school communities for all of the schools at your
level of service. (Ex: A Jefferson teacher would request to join the communities for: Marshall,
Jackson, Edison, Navarre, Dickinson, Greene, Clay Intermediate, LaSalle, and Brown.)
3. Review The Online Manual
How to get to the site:
Go to the South Bend Website
Click on departments then Special Education Services
Then click on Special Education in upper left corner
Special Education Home Page comes up (Bookmark this page!)
Click on the teacher pull down menu
Click on IEP Manual (Bookmark this page!)
Make sure to read Teacher of Record Responsibilities
4. Set up Student Caseload in IIEP based on building level TOR assignment.
See the Online manual for instructions. This is under Getting Started Caseload set up.
5. Review IEPs
Check services
Check Behavior Plans (which include Elopement Plans and Safety Plans)
Check Health Plans
Check Evacuation Plans
Identify Methods of Data Collection for Goal Statements (See special ed forms page for
sample data collection sheets.)
6. Identify move-in student from outside the SBCSC district.
Email student information to special ed support team.
If the student is from another Indiana school
Ask the school secretary to request student’s cum file information from his/her
previous school.
Scan and send Pam Stanage Ascano, Special Education Data Secretary, an
SBCSC Special Education Enrollment form via email.
Ask the School Psychologist to review the IEP information to verify eligibility.
Revise the student’s existing information in IIEP as necessary.
If the student is from out of state
Ask the school secretary to request student’s cum file information from his/her
previous school.
Scan and send Pam Stanage Ascano, Special Education Data Secretary, an
SBCSC Special Education Enrollment form via email.
Get a copy of the student’s IEP and psych testing to your School Psychologist to
verify eligibility.
Enter all of the student’s information into IIEP.
7. Submit Enrollment and/or Withdrawal Forms to Special Education Services for students,
as necessary (See Special Ed Forms page.)
8. Contact parents: identify yourself as TOR and update parent names, address, phone
numbers, and email addresses in IIEP as needed.
9. Contact students: identify yourself as TOR.
10. Send IEP at a Glance to all of your student’s teachers via email.
See the Online Manual for instructions. This is under IEP process, and then IEP
Due To Your District Supervisor and Building Principal by September 1:
1. Completed Annual Case Conference Calendar Form/Google Spreadsheet [See Special Ed
Forms page. Can also be shared (after making a copy in your Google Doc account) as a view
only Googledoc with your Special Education Supervisor and Building Principal.]
2. Special Education Teacher schedule (See attached sample.)
3. Para-Professional Schedule(s) (complete with the names of the students being served
during those times…. See attached sample.)
4. Training Verification form for (See Special Ed Forms page.):
Behavior Plans (which moving forward will include Elopement Plans and Safety Plans)
Health Plans
Evacuation Plans