Uploaded by amanda.leclere

Candy Bar Density Lab: Mass, Volume & Buoyancy

Candy Bar Density
Purpose:To invesitgate the principles of mass, volume, and density for 2-3 types
of candy bars--to relate the principle of buoyancy to candy bar density either
directly or indirectly
2-3 types of "fun size" candy bars per lab team(snickers, 3 musketeers,
and milky way)
Water containers
Plastic cutting utensils
1. Mass the candy bars and record as data (decide with your partners the
best, clean, safe way to do this in a lab setting)
2. Measure the length, width, and height of the candy bars and record as
3. Take the volume of the candy bars in a graduated cylinder and record as
Find the volume of the candy bars by using the formula: V = l x w x h =
_____ cm3
Find the density of the candy bars by using the formula: D = M / V =
______ g/cm3
Find the percent difference between the graduated cylinder volume and
the math volume by using the formula:
Cylinder answer - math answer x 100 = %
math answer
1. Define buoyancy
2. Explain how buoyancy and density are related:
3. Which volume determination do you trust more, the cylinder method or
the mathematical method?
4. Explain why some floated or some sank using your data to support your
answer (not ingredients).