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IT Governance: Redefining Your Enterprise with Effective Strategies

IT Governance
properly and
executed right,
this business/IT
can help
your enterprise
it governance. It’s one of those concepts that everyone is talking about. Indeed, many technology vendors and consultants have
latched on to IT governance as the hot new sales category. Yet,
based on the range of products and services being sold, a variety
of IT Governance definitions have emerged, creating confusion
in the market.
So, where can business and IT leaders turn for a single, comprehensive definition of one of today’s key enterprise initiatives?
Leading analysts are stressing the use of a new three pillar IT
governance framework, based on work by the IT Governance
Institute* (ITGI), emerging industry standards, customer best
practices and thought leaders. This framework emphasizes
the importance of ensuring that IT supports business goals,
optimizes business investment in technology and appropriately
manages IT-related risks and opportunities.
Among CIOs and IT leaders, the three pillar model and its
corresponding IT governance maturity model is rapidly gaining momentum, as it finally offers a clear route out of the endless cycle of spending,
stretching, patching and paying that their organizations have struggled
with for far too long. With this definition of IT governance, IT executives
can finally gain an understanding of the value their technology investments will provide, as well as a clear means to link their investments to
business needs and goals. With increasing pressure from executive teams
and boards of directors, IT organizations can’t afford to rely on theories
– they need governance that works.
Framework for IT Governance
The Three-Part Governance Framework
The emerging IT Governance framework
is applicable for any organization seeking
to seize the benefits offered by this comprehensive, forward-looking approach
to IT. The framework consists of three
major components, which incorporates
the “plan/build/manage” lifecycle, and
enables IT transformation through an
ongoing feedback loop connecting the
three elements. The Three Pillars are:
enterprise architecture planning,
which focuses on:
• Enteprise architecture modeling
and management
• Strategic IT planning and
• Standards management
portfolio rationalization,
which focuses on:
• Application and infrastructure
• Project-portfolio analysis
• Merger and acquisition/
operational integration
service alignment,
which focuses on:
• Service-delivery management
• Business-relationship
• Vendor and outsourcer
• IT financial management
• Sarbanes-Oxley and other
regulatory compliance issues
• Business-continuity planning
Once IT leaders understand these
three pillars, they typically gain a better
understanding of why IT governance
ITGI was established in 1998 to
advance international thinking
and standards in directing and
controlling enterprise information technology. Based in Rolling
Meadows, Illinois, the Institute
o�ers events, research and electronic resources designed to help
enterprise leaders understand
and have the tools to ensure
e�ective IT governance. For more
information, please visit www.
META Group Sees Critical Role for IT Governance
“To the CIO, IT governance means organizational structures, decisionmaking processes and an information foundation for driving controls
across the enterprise,” says Val Sribar, an analyst for Stamford, Conn.based Meta Group.
A major step toward IT governance is “the development of an information foundation upon which critical asset, financial, and compliance
decisions can be confidently made,” Sribar adds. “Visibility into both the
business and technology architectures is critical for growing and managing the enterprise.”
Fortunately, there’s help for IT
Bottom line: Good
executives with governance goals:
IT governance is a
“Vendors like Troux have emerged to
key to organizational
fill the gap between governance prosuccess.
cesses and IT operations,” Sribar says.
matters – and which solutions can best
help them achieve their governance
goals. Typical vendors, for example, in
the area of project portfolio management
(PPM) or systems management, only
address a portion of the overall framework. There is an emerging need for a
comprehensive solution to the overall IT
governance problem.
Introducing Troux Technologies
Troux is the only company that provides
a complete IT governance system that
links process and workflow automation,
automated policy management, and the
robust information foundation required
for effective IT governance across the
lifecycle. To solve the most challenging
IT governance issues CIOs face today,
Troux’s solutions leverage this foundation and across three domain areas:
enterprise architecture: Enables
Enterprise Architects to fully model the
desired future state architecture, and
provides the capabilities to create and
manage standards and roadmaps aligned
with this architecture.
portfolio rationalization:
Provides IT executives the visibility and
tools needed to ensure application, infrastructure, service and project portfolios
are aligned with the business and optimized for cost.
service management: Enables IT
organizations to automate the definition
and management of business services,
and ensures that critical performance,
compliance and business continuity
objectives are met.
With each of its solutions, Troux
brings deep domain expertise, best practices and maturity models needed to help
CIOs and IT executives make IT governance a reality
Just as IT governance has come to the
forefront of the CIO agenda, executives
have found that a standard set of best
practices and approaches haven’t been
defined – until now. Troux Technologies
provides the solutions and best practices
required for CIOs and IT executives to
effectively govern the planning, building and management of their IT operations. For more information on Troux’s
breakthrough products and solutions for
IT governance, please go to www.troux.
An Invitation From Architecture &
Governance Recently, Troux launched
Architecture & Governance, a new magazine dedicated to the smart, rational
and cost-e�cient use of IT resources to
achieve corporate business objectives. If
you are interested in learning more about
IT governance, emerging best practices
and tools and techniques that can truly
change the way you do business, visit
www.architectureandgovernance.com for
details on our free subscription o�er.