Uploaded by Kalin Chen

LGBTQ+ Healthcare Disparities

Healthcare in the LGBTQ+ Community
Katelin Chen
When the topic of healthcare comes up in conversation, most people don’t give
it a second thought. But for millions of people across the United States, the
reality is grim.
For the past four years, the Trump Administration has been trying to make it
even harder for members of the LGBTQ+ community to get access to quality
healthcare. When it comes to something as basic as healthcare, Americans that
identify as LGBTQ+ have a significantly harder time with virtually all things
health related, especially if they are also a person of color, and/or transgender.
According to an article from americanprogress.org, there have been countless
cases of discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals in healthcare settings,
many even proving to be fatal to the victims of this discrimination. Shabab
Ahmed Mirza and Caitlin Rooney, the authors of this article, note that “a
nationally representative CAP survey conducted in 2017 show that LGBTQ
people experience discrimination in health care settings; that discrimination
discourages them from seeking care; and that LGBTQ people may have trouble
finding alternative services if they are turned away”.1
Another article written by Claire Gillespie brings up six major health disparities
that affect the LGBTQ+ community, including higher rates of sexually
transmitted infections, frequent mental health issues, and higher likelihood of
eating disorders and substance abuse.2 When these individuals seek healthcare,
but end up being discriminated against, this discourages them from getting the
care they need and deserve.
One of the main reasons for discrimination in healthcare settings is religion.
Although diversity training is becoming more common, it doesn’t fully address
the problem. Oftentimes, people’s religious and/or political beliefs override
"Discrimination Prevents LGBTQ People From Accessing ...." 18 Jan. 2018,
btq-people-accessing-health-care/. Accessed 31 Oct. 2020.
"6 Major Health Disparities Affecting the LGBTQ+ Community ...." 12 Jun. 2020,
https://www.health.com/mind-body/lgbtq-health-disparities. Accessed 31 Oct. 2020.
their obligation to provide service without discriminating3, which is not okay.
This discrimation, along with harmful stereotypes end up depriving individuals
all over the country of healthcare, even though something like that should be a
basic right.
Ryan Thoreson, an LGBT rights researcher at Human Rights Watch, says that
“Discrimination puts LGBT people at heightened risk for a range of health
issues, from depression and addiction to cancer and chronic conditions”.4 Now
more than ever, in the twenty-first century, with a civil rights movement in
place, inclusion and diversity need more awareness. The fact that
discrimination in healthcare spaces occurs disproportionately towards LGBTQ+
individuals as well as other minorities is something that needs to change.5
"Open the door for LGBTQ patients - LWW Journals - Wolters ...."
Accessed 31 Oct. 2020.
"US: LGBT People Face Healthcare Barriers | Human Rights ...." 23 Jul. 2018,
https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/07/23/us-lgbt-people-face-healthcare-barriers. Accessed 31 Oct. 2020.
"Anti-LGBT Discrimination in US Health Care | HRW." 23 Jul. 2018,
Accessed 31 Oct. 2020.