'.. Dependent vs lndependenl Varlable lndependent Variable: The one and only way in which the two groups ditler. lt is this factor that might atfect the oulcome or result you Dependent Variable: The result or outcome ol the experiment. This tells whether or not the independent variable has had 7n etlec| atfec! the outcome. These should be we absoluteiy ioenticat for all ol the groups.that are being compared, othenrise in-theexperimentallesufts_would_Lloi know_which_facnrnasiaufu any diflerences Controls: Any and all other lactors that might . -a paper to practice determination of Directions: Use the scenarios on the back ol this your ansers On i"O"p".Oent variable, dependent variable, and contrOlS, then enter the data sheet. Experiment lndependent Variable Dependent Variable 1 2 \ 3 4 tr b 7 I 4OVER€ Thrde Controls - Minnie Mouse lood is compared by measuring increase in mouse body weight over time' 1. The quality ol Mickey MoUse food vs. Z. Better I Boy tomatoes vs. Ace tomatoes are compared for number ol lruits produced. \ An experiment is conducted to determine if sa$arine causes cancer in laboratory ,"t.. Varying doses are admini$ered to 100 anirlals. 3. \ \' 4. Speed ol maximum travel ol four land mammals ib to be determined. a ;t"dirh ;ffiffi \_ arriliciai Growlitef, and with no light to delermine arnount of germination' "Growlite", and with Radish seedlings aie germinated under natural light, artiliciat no light to determine rate ol germination' 6. "Growlite', and with Radish seedlings are germinaled under natural light, artilicial plants after 1 week' no light to determiie nebht of the germinated 7. experiment, and lill in the chart with your own independent and dependent variables and three controls' g. write an \ I