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Hospital Emergency Response Policy for Non-Clinical Staff

Policy Statement Assignment- LAW6856-0001.su19
This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for:
Astrid Monroig – Compliance Officer
Statement of General Policy
Prevent delays in responding to emergency
situations in which administrative non-clinical staff
its required to act and perform on behalf of the
safety of other employees or patients
Provide clear instructions and information, and
adequate training, to ensure employees are
competent in an emergency situation at the hospital
level to support the clinical staff with tasks that can
be performed by non-clinical staff members.
Hospital Emergency Response Training For Non-Clinical Staff
Has direct responsibilities for ensuring this policy is put into practice
Responsibility of:
Astrid Monroig
Relevant risk assessments completed and actions arising out of those
Compliance Officer assessments implemented. (Risk assessments reviewed when working
habits or conditions change.)
Non- Clinical Areas
Managers given the necessary tools and provided with appropriate training.
Which includes working in emergency situations, awareness and protocols
for safely handling emergency situations as well as personal protective
equipment. We will ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to
provide employees engaged in work at the hospital level rather than the
corporate offices are trained.
Staff routinely consulted on health and safety matters as they arise but also
formally consulted at regular health and safety performance review
meetings or sooner if required.
Engage and consult with employees on day-to-day
safety measurements to escalate emergency
situations and providing them with appropriate and
detailed protocols.
Implement emergency procedures – evacuation in
case of emergency situations such as: fire, active
shooting, dangerous patients or colleagues and other
significant incidents.
Non- Clinical
Assistant Managers
Signed: *
Astrid Monroig (Compliance Officer)
Non-Clinical Areas
Managers &
Escape routes well signed and kept clear at all times. Evacuation plans are
tested from time to time and updated as necessary.
May 30th, 2019
Policy Statement Assignment- LAW6856-0001.su19
Procedures for Implementing Corporate Policy- Hospital Emergency Response Training - Non-Clinical Staff
As part of the hospital efforts to train and educate non-clinical staff on how to respond during emergency situations a corporate policy stating that all administrative
employees must complete a specific training to be provided by the organization as part of their hiring process. Emergency training programs for all employees ensure
that everyone its aware of the specific protocols to follow during the event of an emergency in order to serve the patients that trusts us with their care. It also ensures
consistency and will reduce the potential for chaotic business practices during unforeseen situations.
Examples of emergencies are: natural disasters, active shooter, physical altercations, smoke, smell of smoke, unusual heat, or any other indications that could
result in physical harm to anyone within the hospital facilities.
Activating Hospital Emergency Plan
Employees are required to active the emergency procedures in any circumstance in which they feel one or more individuals are in any type of physical danger. For nonphysical emergencies such as a privacy violation or any breaches of this nature please refer to the appropriate policy.
1. All administrative or non-clinical staff can activate the emergency protocols by first dialing 1234 or utilizing the different color codes depending the nature
of the emergency. The official color codes with its meaning can be founded in the employee handbook.
2. Upon the alarm initiation, visible as well as audible alarms will be signaled throughout the building where the alarm was activated.
3. In areas with annunciation capabilities, occupants will hear only the color of the code rather than a description of what’s happening until, once the hospital
employees are alerted then the patients will be next.
Proper Communication
Employees are allowed to adapt according to the situation, however, the level of clarity must be maintained.
1. Announce twice: “May I have your attention please!
2. Name three times the color of the code accompanied by this message: “A condition has been detected in the building, initiate Code Green procedure at once”.
Emergency Steps
All employees and staff response personnel, must follow the steps below to the best of their knowledge. Adaptions are allowed as the emergency situation.
Follow R.A.C.E acronym:
R: Rescue all patients, visitors, employees, staff and volunteers from immediate danger. (The limitations and restrictions to this rules varies. *Please see employee
A: Alarm by following the Activating Hospital Emergency Plan and Proper Communication procedures stated in this policy.
C: Confine the area by closing all doors if by doing so the state of emergency will be mitigated. If not, then the opposite must be performed.
E: Evacuate patients from the area if instructed to do so by officials or hospital leadership.
*(The acronym RACE it’s a real process followed by different Fire departments, it was adapted for purposes of this assignment”)