IAS 38-INTANGIBLE ASSETS Learning Objectives Upon completion, you should be able to: Explain the nature and accounting treatment of internally generated and purchased intangibles Distinguish between goodwill and other intangibles Describe the criteria for initial recognition and measurement Explain subsequent accounting treatment of goodwill Explain the principle of impairment test in relation to GW Define research and development expenditure according to IAS 38 Explain the requirement of IAS 38 for research and devt Discuss disclosure requirements of IAS 38 SW-COM401S IAS 38- Objective Prescribe accounting treatment for Intangible Assets not dealt with in other standards Deals with how to measure the carrying amount of Intangible Assets Specified disclosures SW-COM401S IAS 38 - Scope Shall apply in the accounting of IA except: IA within the scope of another standards Financial Assets under IFRS 9 Exploration and evaluation assets (extractive industries) Expenditure on the devt and extraction of minerals, oil and gas, etc SW-COM401S IAS 38 – Key Definitions IA - identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance Research- original and planned investigation undertaken with the prospects of gaining new scientific and technical knowledge and understanding Development - application of research findings or other knowledge plan or design for the production of new or substantially improved to materials, devices, products, processes, systems or services before the start of commercial production or use. SW-COM401S IAS 38-Intangible Assets Examples May be acquired by by separate purchase computer software patents copyrights motion picture films customer lists mortgage servicing rights licenses import quotas franchises customer and supplier relationships marketing rights SW-COM401S as part of a business combination by a government grant by exchange of assets by self-creation (internal generation) IAS 38 – Intangible Assets Critical Attributes of Intangible Assets: Identifiable Is capable of being separated from the entity and sold, transferred, licensed, or rented either individually or in combination with a related contract, asset, or liability; or Arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of whether those rights are transferable or separable from the entity or other rights or obligations SW-COM401S IAS 38 – Intangible Assets For Recognition, entity must demonstrate that the item: Meets IA definition Meets asset recognition criteria SW-COM401S IAS 38-Initial recognition once criteria are met, initial recognition is at cost Cost as determined earlier under IAS 16 If cost cannot be determined reliably, expense FV if acquired in a business combination FV is easier in an existing active market if expenditure does not meet criteria, add to goodwill on acquisition Does not allow reinstatement of expenditure written off SW-COM401S IAS 38-Internally Generated Intangibles Generally internally generated intangibles are not recognised as assets. These include goodwill, brands, masthead, publishing titles, customer list No intangible asset arising from research shall be recognised. Expenditure on research shall be recognised as an expense when it is incurred SW-COM401S IAS 38-Internally Generated Intangibles An intangible asset arising from development, or from the development phase of an internal project, should be recorded only if an undertaking can demonstrate all of the following: (i) the technical feasibility of completing the asset, so that it will be available for use or sale (ii) its intention to complete the asset and use or sell it (iii) its ability to use, or sell, the asset (iv) how the asset will generate future benefits. (v) the resources to complete the development and to use, or sell, the asset (vi) its ability to measure the expenditure on the asset. SW-COM401S IAS 38 – Development Expenditure (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Probable future economic benefits from IA Intension to complete the asset and use or sell it Resources available to complete the development Ability to use or sell the IA Technical feasibility of completing the IA so that it will be available for use or sale (vi) Expenditure its ability to measure the expenditure on the asset. PIRATE SW-COM401S IAS 38 Subsequent measurement: Cost Model Revaluation Model FV with reference to active market Homogeneous Willing buyers and sellers anytime Prices available to the public SW-COM401S IAS 38-Amortisation Finite Useful life – limit to benefits Amortise over life, normally SL method No residual value Charge to income statement (or cost of an asset) Amortisation period reviewed annually Indefinite useful life – no foreseeable limit to benefit Should not be amortised Test for impairment annually (IAS 36) SW-COM401S IAS 38-Intangible Assets and Goodwill Purchased Goodwill Arises when one business acquires another Includes goodwill arising on consolidation Recognised in the financial statements Non-purchased Goodwill Also known as inherent goodwill Has no identifiable value Is not recognised in the financial statements SW-COM401S