Evidence Based Practice Research On Drug Abuse And Stress Disorder Among Veterans. SOCW–6500 Social Work Field Education I INTRODUCTION A social worker needs to understand the community he or she is operating in, in order to help the community members solve their problems. A community is a complex setting comprised of numerous sectors in social, cultural, and political sectors. These sectors define and determine the activities that go on in a community. In most times the community members suffer from various problems which when not taken care of in time can lead to negative outcomes. In order for a social worker to be able to know the problems that a particular community is facing, he or she needs to carry out research in the community. The accuracy of the research method used determines the accuracy of the research findings. The research methods used can be qualitative or quantitative depending on the nature of information needing to be collected (Lampard, 2016). The qualitative research methods are used when the information being gathered cannot be measured easily in numerical terms for example feelings. These methods include individual and group interviews, observations, holding large community meetings, and interpretation of records among others. The quantitative research methods are used when data to be collected is to be in the form of numbers. They tend to answer the questions how much? How many? And how often? This method can be used in cases where doing a comparison is needed. The quantitative method is also less biased. Is this page POPULATION RESEARCHED? In this case, the population researched was the veterans. The veterans were chosen because they were found to not be as productive in the community as expected. The veterans are the most vibrant and active people in the population and are expected to be at the forefront of contributing to community development. However, in this case, the veterans were lazy and unproductive though most of them are learned. The research, therefore, was to find the root cause of their un-productivity. After analysis, it was found out that most veterans were alcoholic. Some of the veterans were not only alcoholic but were also found to be suffering from stress disorders. The stress disorders were the main reason as to why most veterans had become alcoholic. Most veterans who were found to be battling with drug addiction and stress disorder had had traumatizing experiences. In some other cases, causes of the stress had been caused by battle fatigue. Sexual abuse is also another reason why veterans are affected by stress, especially in the case of female veterans. The female veterans in the military sometimes are sexually assaulted during their time of service in the military. As time goes by, the veteran becomes more used to drugs as they see them as a way of relieving stress. This leads to addiction and they develop withdrawal symptoms. However, when a veteran is noticed to be a drug addict he or she is released from the military for good. Therefore, because it has been a big problem facing most military forces, ways are sought on how to help them overcome their addictive behavior. Is this same as modalities uses ? METHODS USED TO DO RESEARCH? The methods used to do research in the veteran population were several. The research was done in five stages. The first stage was known as the connecting stage. This stage is important as it helps the researcher to get to know his or her population better (Stoecker, 2005). In this stage, the social worker concentrated on making a relationship and building trust which involved interacting with the population in question. It involved the researcher going to camping sites of the veterans and in the night clubs that they attend. This is in order for the researcher to do away with the misconception and misunderstandings that can arise among the veterans about the research being carried out. In the connection stage, the methods used are qualitative. They can involve informal interviews, observation, reading of community's journals of past findings of the veterans(Maxwell, Abrams, Zungu & Mosavel, 2015). In addition, the researcher also engaged the community members to a stakeholder. In this stage, the researcher needs to be very careful with his or her approach to avoid scaring away the veterans who can be very reluctant to give information. Cont. METHODS USED TO DO RESEARCH? The second stage was the diagnosis stage. In this stage, the social worker did an exploration of the population in order to identify their sole problems and where possible find solution to them (Stoecker, 2005). This stage involved the researcher using qualitative methods to collect data. These methods involved preparing questionnaires, both closed and openended and giving them to the veterans to answer. This was a bit easier because the rapport had already been created. Other research methods involved holding veteran meetings in camps (SPECIAL ISSUE: Applied Research Methods in Social Work, 2013). This provided the veterans with a platform to express themselves, their struggles and their take on their various addictions. In this stage, the social workers used their qualitative research findings to form the quantitative data. The data also helped in coming up with the solution to reduce or end drug abuse and stress disorder among the veterans. Cont. METHODS USED TO DO RESEARCH? The third stage is implementing and prescribing stage. This stage involved involving the veterans into suggesting what can be implemented to help them be free from alcohol and stress. This involved advising the veterans who are stressed because of the service workload to take a break ???. In cases the veteran was facing depression, he or she was advised to see a counselor regularly to help cope with the situation. In cases where the veteran had been stressed due to traumatizing experiences, the veteran in question was advised to take a break too. In addition, cases where the female veterans were stressed due to sexual abuse, they were advised to seek for therapy. Cont. METHODS USED TO DO RESEARCH The fourth stage is the evaluation stage. In the evaluation stage, assessing the intervention impact on the veteran population was carried out. The main reason for evaluation is to ensure that the implemented strategies of helping the veterans cope with stress and drug abuse, are effective and working (Stoecker, 2005). Data was collected to show how the veterans had been coping with their situations. At this stage, quantitative research methods are applied. The number of veterans who were improving was collected, the number of those who had completely stopped drunkards and the ones who found it difficult to change was also collected. According to the findings, the majority of the veterans were improving slowly, only a few were finding it difficult to quit alcohol, few were free from drug abuse. Cont. METHODS USED TO DO RESEARCH The fifth stage is known as the dissemination stage. This stage involved the degree to which the veterans had been influenced by the study. The social worker interacted with the veterans and tried to find out what difficulties they are facing in their transition stages In the case of difficulties, the social worker tried to provide a solution where possible and also encouragement. In the process of doing dissemination, the researcher used some questionnaires and qualitative interviews in order to investigate the impact of their implemented strategies. By doing this both qualitative and quantitative data were collected in order to assess the veteran population better in all sectors. MODALITIES USED BY AGENCY In order to help the veterans deal with stress disorders and drug abuse, the agency used several modern modalities. Some of which are commonly used in therapy sessions. One of the modalities used was cognitive behavioral therapy (Persons, 2016). This is an effective method and most commonly used for treating addictions, anxiety, and depressions. In this method, the veterans were made to the kind of thoughts and feelings that had an influence on their behavior. This method helped the veterans to realize that they cannot be in control of all aspects that happen around them but they can change their interpretation and attitude towards the things happening around them. By helping the veterans change their thinking to positive thinking, they were able to change their unrealistic thoughts that were making their feelings and moods dump. They started to engage in more healthy patterns of thinking. Cont. MODALITIES USED BY AGENCY Another modality used in the agency was the motivational interviewing modality. This method involved approaching the veterans and talking sense into them, especially the ones affected by drug abuse. According to William Miller who is the founder of motivational interviewing modality, the purpose of talking sense into the individual is to boost the individual’s own motivation and his or her commitment to changing their attitudes and behaviors according to the client’s values. In this method, the social workers went to meet the veterans in their respective residences and engaged them in a friendly conversation. The conversation was to help the individual veteran to move forward into achieving his/her goal by building his/her readiness to change. This method helped the veteran choose what they need instead of forcing or imposing the changes to them, which can be disastrous. Cont. MODALITIES USED BY AGENCY The other modality e used was the rational emotive behavioral therapy. This modality focuses on emotional wellbeing and the individual’s achievement of goals. It is almost similar to cognitive behavioral therapy because just as cognitive behavioral therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy helps the individual to change their negative and destructive thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. In this method, the therapist should qualify. He/she asks the individual some questions. For example, why should everybody like you? Why should you have everything? And many more. As the individual answers these questions, he or she realizes that there is no need for them to be stressed over things they have no control of. The rational emotive behavioral therapy helped the veterans to accept the reality of life even if it is highly unpleasant. The individual goes through three types of acceptance. The first is selfacceptance, the second is others acceptance and the third is life acceptance. Cont. MODALITIES USED BY AGENCY Dialectical behavioral therapy modality was also applied in the agency. The core purpose of using this method was in order to help the veterans suffering from stress disorder to regulate their emotions. It was also to help them to healthily cope with stress and to improve their relations with other people. Dialectical behavioral therapy modality is closely related to cognitive behavioral therapy. In this method, the treatment sessions are offered in terms of weeks where the veterans learned skills of acceptance, tolerance, regulations of emotions and skills of mindfulness. Evidence-based Practices Applied in the Research Several evidence-based practices can be applied in the research process on drug abuse and stress disorder among veterans. These methods are used to evaluate the progress of an individual in terms of improvement. This is because after implementing ways of coping with stress and drug abuse, there are expectations of the victim showing signs of improvement. Evidence-based practices can be implemented by using different approaches. One of them is the method is multifaceted implementation method. This method is based on facts researched and pieces of evidence to make decisions. It involves implementing corrective measures to a number of people at the same time. In this method, advanced training and research are required. This is because the results of the research should be applicable or made applicable by the critical evaluation of the findings of research. CONT. Evidence-based Practices Applied in the Research Another method of implementing evidence-based practices is the use of mono-facet implementation method that is also known as a single subject method. This method is proved to be the best because it involves handling the problems of one individual at a time. People have different factors that affect them hence use of this method helps handle someone's problems at an individual level. In order to apply this method, the researcher can use interactive questions in order to get to know the victim better. This helps in knowing what kind of corrective measures the victim needs to avoid biases. CONT. Evidence-based Practices Applied in the Research In our case, both of these methods were applied in the research on drug abuse and stress disorder among the veterans. In order to help them cope with their situations and to adopt other healthy behavioral responses. This was based on the pieces of evidence collected during the research process. Monitoring of their progress was not let out as it helped to know whether the research and implementation process was of any help to the veterans. CAUSES OF STRESS DISORDERS AND DRUG ABUSE The veteran population, which was the main area of research was found to have been deeply affected by drugs and stress. The main causes of stress disorders and drug abuse were because of various reasons. One of them was as a result of peer pressure(Stanwood, 2015). Most veterans had entered in use if drugs because they had seen their fellow veteran friends do so.. In addition, some veterans also involve themselves with drugs so that they can be accepted or fit in the social circle of their veteran friends who are drug abusers. Other veterans enter into drug abuse in order to feel better. Most veterans suffer from stress disorders and depression(Stanwood, 2015). They also face social anxiety due to any happenings around them which they do not fully understand. As a reason to do away with the depression and the stress they are facing, they engage themselves in drug abuse. In most cases, stress is usually the main drive to the veteran beginning to abuse drugs. This leads to addiction level where it is almost impossible for them to survive without drugs. CONT. CAUSES OF STRESS DISORDERS AND DRUG ABUSE Some other veterans decide to (USE or take)? drugs with believing that the drugs will help them feel better. Today's world is very competitive and for anyone to make it to the top he or she should perform well. The desire of the veterans to perform better in battle fields is one of the reasons why veterans abuse simulative drugs. This is because they believe that stimulants will improve or boost their performance. ?? In addition, other veterans engage in drug abuse in order to experiment(Stanwood, 2015). They engage in drug abuse in order to have knowledge of how it feels like to be drunk. This experiment behavior sometimes leads to them being addicted and hence their lives end up getting ruined. In addition, social media also contributes to a good percentage of drug abuse among the veterans. This is because some songs put praises on marijuana hence making it look cool to use. CONT. CAUSES OF STRESS DISORDERS AND DRUG ABUSE Lack of quality education among veterans is also one of the reasons as to why they abuse drugs ??? Are you sure about this. Most veterans do not know how drug abuse can have negative effects on their bodies and lives at large. They have the mentality that taking drugs is cool and normal because it is advertised on television channels ??? (this is not accurate statement). The fact that their favorite musicians sing songs praising the drugs, they end up feeling that there is nothing wrong with taking drugs to ‘feel good'. However, the drugs abused have negative consequences to the veterans. According to our research, most veterans had developed health complications due to drug abuse Their heart rates were found to be abnormal their chances of experiencing heart attacks were high. This is because the drugs taken through injection had led to collapsing of their veins and also the valves of the heart had been affected. CONT. CAUSES OF STRESS DISORDERS AND DRUG ABUSE In addition, drug abuse had led to an increase in the rate of contracting of sexually transmitted diseases( Stanwood, 2015). This is because of the high rate of unprotected sex which was a cause of lack of proper reasoning. The drugs are taken through injections also led to the veterans contracting hepatitis diseases also HIV. Furthermore, drug abuse had resulted in veterans being financially broke (Stanwood, 2015). Most drugs are expensive and when someone is addicted spends a lot of money to satisfy the urge. The productivity of the veterans was also affected because instead of focusing on practicing, most time was spend looking and taking the drugs. Drug abuse also affects the chemistry of the brain. After taking the drug, the brain tends to produce a chemical by the name dopamine. This chemical makes one want more and more of the drug. When the drug substance gets low in the body system, the person tends to change their behavior, attitudes, and personality. This leads to addiction. CONT. CAUSES OF STRESS DISORDERS AND DRUG ABUSE The veterans who were experiencing stress disorder also were affected negatively. They had a tendency of oversleeping and were always withdrawn from other people. Stress had also led to the experiencing of severe headaches and stomach upset. It also affected the blood pressure of the victims and resulted in chest pains CONCLUSION In conclusion, we find that the veterans in one way or another they are vulnerable to being victims of drug abuse and stress disorders. There are various reasons that lead to them being trapped in the world of abusing drugs, most of which are discussed above. These include peer pressure, social media, stress, depression and many more. They, therefore, become unproductive futile citizens in the country. In order to remove from the abyss of drug abuse, we need to apply some techniques and methods to help the veterans to correct their behaviors. This will help the veterans to be more productive. DID YOU WRITE THIS FOR YOUTH AND JUST CHANGE THE YOUTH AND PUT VETERANS THERE ? BECAUSE THIS DOESN’T MAKE CLEAR SENSE IM SORRY REFERENCES Lampard, R. (2016). Practical social investigation. [Place of publication not identified]: Routledge. Maxwell, M., Abrams, J., Zungu, T., & Mosavel, M. (2015). Conducting community-engaged qualitative research in South Africa: memoirs of intersectional identities abroad. Qualitative Research, 16(1), 95-110. doi: 10.1177/1468794114567495 Persons, J. (2016). Science in Practice in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Cognitive And Behavioral Practice, 23(4), 454-458. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpra.2016.01.003 SPECIAL ISSUE: Applied Research Methods in Social Work. (2013). Australian Social Work, 66(3), pp.472-472. REFERENCES Stanwood, G. (2015). Developmental causes and consequences of drug abuse. Neurotoxicology And Teratology, 49, 111. doi: 10.1016/j.ntt.2015.04.041 Stoecker, R. (2005). Research methods for community change. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.