240 20 240 20 400 20 150 200 20 400 20 600 Room 02 ceramic tiles Room 04 Room 01 ceramic tiles ceramic tiles 400 ceramic tiles 20 20 400 Room 03 400 20 ceramic tiles ceramic tiles Room 02 ceramic tiles open to sky courtyard open to sky courtyard 20 1,210 3 ROOM HEALTH POST Room 03 400 2.0m wide covered verandah ce ramic til es 4 ROOM MCH / HEALTH CENTRE Room 01 200 200 150 20 ceramic tiles 400 200 2.0m wide covered verandah 2.0m wide covered verandah open to sky paved walkway precast co ncrete p aving s 1,240 Room 03 ceramic tiles Room 02 ceramic tiles Room 01 400 3 ROOM MODULAR HEALTH FACILITY ceramic tiles 20 400 20 20 ce ramic til es open to sky courtyard 20 Report 12 20 20 20 420 420 420 620 CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES FOR HEALTH FACILITIES SOMALIA Authors: Austen Davis Moyiz Ebrahimjee (Architect) Ali El-Amine (Engineer) Joseph Aduda (Architectural Assistant) This document was written by and produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. 2 Contents Acronyms...................................................................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 1: Introduction....................................................................................................5 CHAPTER 2: The Modular Health Centre.........................................................................7 2.1 2.2 Health Centre: Floor Plan.................................................................................................................... 7 Health Centre: Elevation..................................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER 3: The Primary Health Unit (PHU) or Health Post.........................................9 3.1 The PHU: Floor Plan............................................................................................................................ 9 3.2 The PHU: Elevation............................................................................................................................. 10 CHAPTER 4: The Health Centre - OPD.................................................................................11 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 The OPD Block: Floor Plan.................................................................................................................. 11 The OPD Block: Elevation................................................................................................................... 12 The Maternity: Floor Plan.................................................................................................................... 13 The Maternity: Elevation..................................................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER 5: The Health Centre – IPD..................................................................................15 5.1 5.2 The IPD: Floor Plan............................................................................................................................. 15 The IPD: Elevation.............................................................................................................................. 16 CHAPTER 6: Shower Block...................................................................................................17 6.1 6.2 Shower Block: Floor Plan.................................................................................................................... 17 Shower Block: Elevation..................................................................................................................... 18 CHAPTER 7: Toilet Block......................................................................................................19 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Toilet Block: Floor Plan........................................................................................................................ 19 Toilet Block: Elevation......................................................................................................................... 20 Latrine (Pit) Block: Floor Plan.............................................................................................................. 20 Latrine (Pit) Block: Elevation............................................................................................................... 21 CHAPTER 8: Waste Disposal................................................................................................22 8.1 8.2 Incinerator: Floor Plan......................................................................................................................... 22 Incinerator: Elevation.......................................................................................................................... 23 Annex (diskette) Bill of Quantities and detailed drawings 3 Acronyms ANC BoQ EPHS HC HP IPD JNA MCH MoH NEZ NGO NWZ OPD PHU RHC SCZ UN UNICEF UNOPs Ante Natal Care Bill of Quantities Essential Package of Health Services Health Centre Health Post In-Patient Department Joint Needs Assessment Maternal and Child Health Clinic Ministry of Health North East Zone Non Governmental Organization North West Zone Out-Patient Department Primary Health Unit Referral Health Centre South Central Zone United Nations United Nations Children’s Fund United Nations Organization for Project Services 4 1 Introduction The Somali health sector has been characterized as under-funded, fragmented and ineffective. Government, UN, NGO and community providers struggle to provide services with limited and unpredictable inputs and a lack of centralized and strategically directed financing or direction/policy. In the South Central zone, NGOs and local community organizations typically run health facilities broadly in line with three tiers of service provision. In the 2 Northern zones government is also a main provider of primary health care services. Health posts (HPs) are the lowest tier of service provider: They typically consist of one or two semitrained staff without formal salaries or supervision – operating out of a 1 -2 room facility or a local house or shop (no formal facility). Maternal and Child Health Centers (MCHs) are the inter-mediate tier of service provider: they are highly variable. They have from 1 – 12 staff some with professional nurses and midwives, others with no professional higher than an auxiliary (especially in rural areas). The range and quality of services varies enormously with some MCHs seeing 3,000 patients a month and others seeing less than 50! Hospitals are the highest tier of service provision: they are also highly variable with 10 – hundreds of staff – and most with a medical doctor and some professional nurses or midwives. However, even hospitals lack 5 professional staff and especially the diversity of technical staff necessary to run a full hospital service. With the extreme diversity of facilities and the variability in range of services – extent of support and type of support offered (UN agency, NGO, government) it is no wonder there is little uniformity in the quality and range of services offered between facilities and within a tier of service level. Recognizing the extremely dilapidated state of much of the Somali health infrastructure, The Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) for Somalia determined the need for the development of standardized blueprints for health facilities as an important technical task to allow a move towards the standardization of services offered within a particular tier of service delivery. Standard building guidelines also offer the potential for costing construction and infrastructure elements of health system development and therefore are an important component of planning for a future health system. In a workshop in 2007, representatives from the health sector came together and agreed to try and establish operating norms and standards for what levels of care each tier should follow. The UNICEF health systems strengthening programme developed a process of extensive consultation and review and eventually produced an Essential Package of Health Services (EPHS). The EPHS defines the range of services (and therefore supplies and staff competencies) necessary to offer at each tier level. Projecting from the range of services and staff required, it is possible to define the level of facility needed to house each tier of service provision. Previous Tiers of Service Health Post (HP) Maternal and Child Health Centre (MCH) District Hospital Regional Hospital Referral Hospital The “new” names of EPHS facilities have been changed to disconnect levels of service provision from political administrative boundaries/unit names (districts/ regions) so that facilities can be planned for according to need and not political calculus. And to highlight the need for real change as in each case, significant changes in focus are prescribed for each tier of service. This cannot be created piecemeal and is essential to start generating real performance and returns on investment I the health sector. This report presents concepts for standard health facility design at each tier of service. The design concept is modular. In consultation with health authorities we agreed a basic PHU/HP. The PHU building is used as part of the MCH/Health Centre and this HC facility is used as part of a referral centre etc. so that any building can be upgraded to a higher tier of service and to keep overall construction costs and the types of buildings required as simple (and cheap) as possible. All buildings have been designed to use simple but high quality building techniques with simple roof structures and external corridors etc. While all designs are simple – relatively cheap and locally appropriate, it is not expected that all facilities 6 This also means we can develop standard blueprints for health facilities at each level. The EPHS defines a standard: Standardized EPHS Tiers of Service Primary Health Unit (PHU) Health centre (HC) Referral Health Centre Hospital will follow specifications to the letter. All facility blueprints need to be adapted to the site and conditions of the site at hand – rural MCHs may have to be constructed on relatively small sites. Rural facilities will need to take into consideration soils, water supply, drainage and ventilation. However basic designs, floor layout plans and indicative Bills of Quantities are developed for each structure and these BoQs can be modified to allow adaptation to the local site and needs. Furthermore, innovations are encouraged (for example in areas where there is more regular rainfall throughout the year, constructors may wish to include submerged tanks to collect roof run-off). Lastly these plans can be developed over time as experience grows with construction and planning. This report presents basic floor plans and elevations – however there are a large range of detailed drawings to guide constructors that should be printed out on A3. In addition there are BoQs that can easily be adapted to promote professional construction in any setting adapted to the local constructions challenges (soil type, drainage, water availability, ventilation, coastal/inland). The detailed booklets for each building type are available on diskette or through the health coordination bodies and at MoH offices. 2 The Modular Health Centre The modular Health Centre is depicted in the 2 drawings that follow PINK = HEALTH POST/PRIMARY HEALTH UNIT PINK + GREEN = BASIC OPD PINK + GREEN + BLUE = OPD + maternity services PINK + GREEN + BLUE + YELLOW = FULL HC OPD/IPD 2.1 Health Centre: Floor Plan Proposed sketch layout for a full scale MCH master plan with 8 bed Inpatient ward 240 20 240 20 400 20 150 200 20 400 20 600 20 600 20 Room 04 Room 01 ceramic tiles ceramic tiles REFERAL HEALTH CENTRE 600 20 200 20 180 20 TOILET BLOCK 240 20 ce ramic til es 400 400 8bed inpatient ward 480 240 20 ceramic tiles ceramic tiles open to sky courtyard open to sky walkway ceramic ti les 310 150 200 200 20 open to sky paved walkway precast co ncrete p aving s 1,240 420 7 420 FURTURE DEVELOPMENT ceramic tiles 420 420 SHOWER BLOCK 400 Room 01 20 ceramic tiles gents ce ramic til es 620 20 Room 02 ladies ce ramic til es 310 20 ceramic tiles dhobi sinks staff room ceramic ti les shwr 320 20 Room 01 staff room shwr pre ca st concrete pa vi ngs open to sky courtyard 20 400 ceramic tiles 200 Room 02 410 WC ce ramic til es Room 03 WC whb ladies 2.0m wide covered verandah 3 ROOM MODULAR HEALTH FACILITY WC whb ce ramic til es open to sky courtyard 4 ROOM MCH / HEALTH CENTRE cess pool WC gents ce ramic til es ceramic tiles 400 1,210 3 ROOM HEALTH POST Room 03 400 ce ramic til es 2.0m wide covered verandah 200 2.0m wide covered verandah 620 620 280 ceramic tiles 240 Room 02 410 ceramic tiles 400 Room 03 20 400 20 20 20 septic tank 2.2 Health Centre: Elevation 3 ROOM HEALTH POST 3 ROOM MODULAR HEALTH FACILITY 4 ROOM MCH / HEALTH CENTRE REFERAL HEALTH CENTRE TOILET BLOCK Perspective View from rear side FUTURE DEVELOPMENT REFERAL HEALTH CENTRE SHOWER BLOCK TOILET BLOCK SHOWER BLOCK 4 ROOM MCH / HEALTH CENTRE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 3 ROOM HEALTH POST 3 ROOM MODULAR HEALTH FACILITY Perspective View from front Courtyard 8 3 The Primary Health Unit (PHU) or Health Post Centre and will then serve as one wing of the U-shaped compound. The building is envisaged to have the central room as main stores and the end room (left) as another temporary store with dispensing window to serve as a dispensary. The end room to the right would be the lab and is well lit with maximum number of windows. Indicative Construction Cost (see BoQs): 14,500 USD The PHU is the lowest tier of service provision. The building is produced as a single block with a simple A-frame roof and covered external passage. The block has 3 rooms which can be used inter-changeably. One room is designed to serve as a store and will have no windows (most likely the middle room with less external walls for lighting. This building is to be incorporated into a full health PINK = HEALTH POST/PRIMARY HEALTH UNIT 3.1 The PHU: Floor Plan A B A C 02 D 960 step up beam above 60 90 170 90 Covered verandah cera mi c tile s beam above step up 80 150 +0.15 145 60 beam above step up 20 240 20 240 20 400 20 20 240 20 240 20 400 20 260 260 420 960 A B A 01 C Ground Floor Plan scale 1:100 9 04 640 +0.30 420 150 cera mi c til es 125 90 60x60x5cm precast concrete paving slabs laid to falls Consultation Room 100 145 180 100mm dia PVC RWP 130 beam above step up 20 180 180 20 1 20 200 20 2 3 20 125 145 150 D 2 200 90 +0.30 125 400 210 Store ce ramic til es cera mi c til es 150 440 400 420 60 640 03 40 20 Consultation Room 100 100mm dia PVC RWP 145 180 40 20 150 180 70 245 20 100 100 400 20 70 130 20 125 100 420 240 beam above step up 90 20 5cm thick conc shelves 20 260 240 145 3 20 150 260 100mm dia PVC RWP 0.00 100mm dia PVC RWP 1 10 60x60x5cm precast conc. paving slabs laid to falls GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch 3.2 The PHU: Elevation Perspective View 4 The Health Centre - OPD Indicative Construction Cost (see BoQs): 22,000 USD In upgrading a PHU to an MCH – OPD it is envisaged there is a need to add 2 blocks GREEN – Main Consultation Block BLUE – Maternal and Reproductive Health Block 4.1 The OPD Block: Floor Plan The OPD block has 4 standard rooms and a covered external passage. All rooms are designed to be used for consultation. The PHU building is now converted for use as a laboratory and medical store with dispensary. A B 02 C 640 150 60x60x5cm precast concrete paving slabs laid to falls 5 80 20 145 420 300 +0.3 0 (g round floo r l evel) 0.0 0 (g round l evel) 150 420 GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch hw timber fascia board painted sliding aluminium window to schedule textured paint finish to external plastered walls elevation 01 scale 1:100 A +0.30 1,700 400 20 270 60 60 ceramic tiles C 200 30 150 ceramic tiles 400 Room 03 Covered verandah B 420 150 20 4 20 270 20 90 step up +0.30 90 step up pitch = 15.0 deg. A 80 step up beam above 3 150 ceramic tiles 420 Room 02 400 150 04 30X30cm box frame with steel wire mesh for ventilation of the roof 80 step up beam above 400 0.00 20 1,700 20 420 30X30cm box frame with steel wire mesh for ventilation of the roof +3.3 0 (ri ng bea m le ve l) Room 04 03 400 125 400 150 ceramic tiles +0.15 20 20 420 400 400 A 125 150 20 60 20 step up beam above 420 180 400 400 20 beam above 4 3 20 145 47 400 145 80 20 180 130 5 180 20 90 20 100mm dia PVC RWP 420 98 200 20 20 180 20 145 180 150 20 400 200 145 20 420 640 A B 01 C Ground Floor Plan scale 1:100 11 line of roof overhang above C 420 0.0 0 (g round l evel) GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch 80 47 98 +0.3 0 (g round floo r l evel) 1 B 200 hw timber fascia board painted 130 125 A sliding aluminium window to schedule 90 150 30 125 145 60 150 +0.30 beam above 20 20 100mm dia PVC RWP 20 300 ceramic tiles 180 1 150 Room 01 420 80 +3.3 0 (ri ng bea m le ve l) 400 step up step up beam above +0.15 2 20 270 pitch = 15.0 deg. 90 20 20 400 420 400 20 2 20 90 step up +0.30 textured paint finish to external plastered walls elevation 02 scale 1:100 12 GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch Perspective View 4.2 The OPD Block: Elevation 60x60x5cm precast conc. paving slabs laid to falls 4.3 The Maternity: Floor Plan Indicative Construction Cost (see BoQs): 18,000 USD The maternity block is designed to house an observation room and a delivery room. The third room (not interconnecting can be used inter-changeably (i.e. for ANC services). This block can also be used to house a surgical theatre. 400 20 400 20 400 20 400 20 400 20 beam above step up beam above Covered verandah +0.15 +0.15 cera mi c tile s 60 150 80 90 step up 100 150 80 90 step up 60 90 step up 80 150 60 3 2 20 20 step up beam above 60x60x5cm precast concrete paving slabs laid to falls 20 125 150 125 110 125 420 150 04 +0.30 20 125 150 125 20 20 1 150 ceramic tile s +0.30 +0.30 125 Room 01 ceramic tile s 400 Room 02 ceramic tile s 100mm dia PVC RWP 145 20 150 400 270 20 420 150 400 270 20 420 150 400 100mm dia PVC RWP 145 20 420 1,280 A A B 01 C Ground Floor Plan scale 1:100 13 line of roof overhang below 145 Room 03 400 440 420 290 640 640 145 20 2 180 200 180 03 20 step up beam above 3 420 20 200 0.00 20 420 400 beam above 100mm dia PVC RWP D 20 420 20 C 1,280 20 02 180 B 180 A A D 1 14 GI corrugated roofing sheets 15o degrees roof pitch 4.4 The Maternity: Elevation. Perspective View 60x60x5cm precast conc. paving slabs laid to falls 5 The Health Centre – IPD Indicative Construction Cost (see BoQs): 21,000 USD The ward is to be added to all Health Centres or MCHs to allow them to offer Basic Emergency Obstetric Care and minimal in-patient services (depending on a full compliment of professional staff). More wards can be added to the HC as it grows or as it is upgraded to a Referral Health Centre (RHC) (see expansion plans 2.1, 2.2). YELLOW = HEALTH CENTRE/IPD The ward is generic it has room for 6 beds, a staff room and a storage room or isolation room. 5.1 The IPD: Floor Plan A B 02 640 620 60x60x5cm precast concrete paving slabs laid to falls 20 245 5 140 120 120 20 5 140 20 150 A +3.3 0 (ri ng bea m le vel) 310 310 B GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch 47 600 245 98 20 100mm dia PVC RWP hw timber fascia board painted 300 150 410 150 150 150 1,200 255 4 0.0 0 (g round l evel) elevation 01 scale 1:100 400 255 8bed inpatient ward 150 255 150 150 400 03 1,200 255 4 textured paint finish to external plastered walls +0.3 0 (g round flo or l evel) +0.30 30 150 410 600 ce ramic til es 325 325 325 325 1,560 1,560 04 3 3 B A 100mm dia PVC RWP 20 310 290 320 310 01 B Ground Floor Plan scale 1:100 15 1 98 300 sliding aluminium window to schedule +0.3 0 (g round flo or l evel) textured paint finish to external plastered walls 0.0 0 (g round l evel) 30 100mm dia PVC RWP 20 640 A 47 180 +0.00 20 115 95 20 75 290 A +0.30 75 20 GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch hw timber fascia board painted 2 20 95 150 ceramic tiles +3.3 0 (ri ng bea m le vel) 300 180 staff room ceramic ti les +0.30 1 step up 20 150 staff room 150 75 75 180 step up 20 +0.00 150 320 A 300 20 2 115 180 410 410 620 elevation 02 scale 1:100 5.2 The IPD: Elevation 5 4 15.0 deg. 2 400 1 410 320 GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch 98 +3.3 0 (ri ng bea m le vel) 3 410 hw timber fascia board painted sliding aluminium window to schedule 300 +0.3 0 (g round flo or l evel) textured paint finish to external plastered walls 0.0 0 (g round l evel) elevation 03 scale 1:100 5 +3.3 0 (ri ng bea m le vel) 4 320 3 410 2 400 1 410 GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch 98 15.0 deg. hw timber fascia board painted sliding aluminium window to schedule 300 +0.3 0 (g round flo or l evel) textured paint finish to external plastered walls 0.0 0 (g round l evel) elevation 04 scale 1:100 GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch sliding aluminium window to schedule Side / Front Perspective 16 Front / Rear Perspective 60x60x5cm precast conc. paving slabs laid to falls 6 Shower Block Indicative Construction Cost (see BoQs): 7,000 USD The shower block is a wash place for people, clothes etc intended for all facilities with an in-patient capacity. 6.1 Shower Block: Floor Plan A A B 02 300 dhobi sinks 60 20 60 120 dhobi sinks 60 20 140 60 120 60 20 A 180 1 line of roof overhang above 17 240 90 B 140 140 A +2.7 0 (ri ng bea m le vel) B GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch aluminium windows to schedule +0.3 0 (g round flo or l evel) textured paint finish to external plastered walls 0.0 0 (g round l evel) Ground Floor Plan (Shower Block) scale 1:100 dhobi sinks B 300 A textured paint finish to external plastered walls 04 140 01 GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch elevation 01 scale 1:100 400 20 30 30 90 90 whb 0.0 0 (g round l evel) 200 20 +0.15 whb +0.3 0 (g round flo or l evel) 2 ce ramic til es +0.15 B aluminium windows to schedule 60x60x5cm precast concrete paving slabs laid to falls 280 0.00 280 200 20 160 50 gents ladies 20 1 60 20 sh wr ce ramic til es 180 B 80 sh wr 400 03 180 20 2 60 120 20 50 10cm dia PVC RWP 20 120 160 20 140 +2.7 0 (ri ng bea m le vel) 140 180 140 140 240 A elevation 02 scale 1:100 6.2 Shower Block: Elevation GI corrugated roofing sheets 15 o degrees roof pitch aluminium windows to schedule textured paint finish to external plastered walls dhobi sinks 60x60x5cm precast concrete paving slabs laid to falls 18 step gents front side perspective 7 Toilet Block The toilet block should be seriously considered for all levels of facility (even PHUs). The numbers of toilet blocks will necessarily rise or fall depending on patient volumes and IPD facilities/volumes. In this report we have detailed a toilet block served by running water and septic tank (toilet block) and a more simple option for pit latrines draining into a pit. 7.1 Toilet Block: Floor Plan Indicative Construction Cost (see BoQs): 16,500 USD A A B H 03 20 90 35 90 45 60 90 50 60 15 90 45 60 whb whb elevation 02 scale 1:100 G B 430 A 1 GI corrugated roofing sheets 460 2 80 ±0.00 460 ce ramic til es ±0.00 elevation 01 scale 1:100 02 gents ce ramic til es G -0.300 (g round l evel) 1 240 WC ladies lobby step up step up -0 .1 5 -0 .1 5 lobby 30 20 20 -0 .3 0 60X60cm precast paving slabs 30 450 20 195 30 20 195 20 -0 .3 0 aluminium windows to schedule +0.0 00 (g rond floo r le vel) H Ground Floor Plan (toilet block) 19 2 -0.300 (g round l evel) 450 01 +2.7 00 (ri ng bea m le vel) 80 step up 100 WC 60 15 160 20 WC 1 460 +0.0 00 (g rond floo r le vel) step up 480 WC 15 150 04 door to sche dul e textured paint finish to external plastered walls 20 35 30 20X20cm RC columns 60 20 2 +2.7 00 (ri ng bea m le vel) 430 15 B 430 scale 1:100 elevation 03 scale 1:100 elevation 04 scale 1:100 7.2 Toilet Block: Elevation Front Side Perspective of Toliet Block Rear Side Perspective of Toliet Block 7.3 Latrine (Pit) Block: Floor Plan Indicative Construction Cost (see BoQs): 8,000 USD A 60 90 50 60 15 90 45 60 20 ladies gents 02 70 slope slope 60X60cm precast paving slabs 20 195 20 195 20 430 450 01 H Ground Floor Plan (latrine block) scale 1:100 20 60 70 2 -0 .3 0 textured p aint fi nish to exte rn al pla ste red wall s door to sch edul e -0.30 0 (g round l evel) 1 elevation 01 scale 1:100 G ce ramic til es -0 .1 5 334 234 latrine 314 latrine 80 234 -0.30 15 160 20 314 latrine ce ramic til es -0 .1 5 80 120 20 G latrine 20 04 +0.0 00 (g round flo or l evel) sl ope of gutte r 1 open ing wi th mo squito gau ze textured p aint fi nish to exte rn al pla ste red wall s 15cm wide PVC rain water gutters 100mm dia PVC RWP 35 1 240 90 45 30 B GI corrugated roofing sheets 10 o degrees roof pitch 2 building line below Roof Plan showing slopes (latrine block) scale 1:100 elevation 02 1 A 430 scale 1:100 2 314 15cm dia.metal vent pipe +2.7 00 (ri ng bea m le vel) te xture d pain t finish to externa l p lastered wa lls aluminium windows to schedule +0.0 00 (g round flo or l evel) 240 15 450 2 314 15cm dia.metal vent pipe +2.7 00 (ri ng bea m le vel) 430 30 60 60 B B 430 B 240 90 35 450 430 20 A 314 A edge of underground pit walls 20 H 03 do or to sched ule -0.30 0 (g round l evel) elevation 03 scale 1:100 elevation 04 scale 1:100 7.4 Latrine (Pit) Block: Elevation 15cm dia.metal vent pipe GI corrugated roofing sheets 10 o degrees roof pitch removabe slab for pit emptying 60X60cm precast paving slabs step Front Side Perspective of Latrine Block GI corrugated roofing sheets 10 o degrees roof pitch 15cm dia.metal vent pipe window to schedule handle door to schedule removabe slab for pit emptying step 60X60cm precast paving slabs 21 handle Rear Side Perspective of Latrine Block 8 Waste Disposal Indicative Construction Cost (see BoQs): 700 USD Medical waste is a serious issue. During construction of any level of facility – plans must be made for medical waste disposal. For larger facilities producing large quantities of dangerous medical waste an incinerator is highly recommended despite the additional costs of construction. All facilities will need a waste pit to burry medical waste and this pit should not be open to the public/playing children. 8.1 Incinerator: Floor Plan flue and secondary combustion chamber 187 26 25 92 25 17 13 47 36 51 12 76 76 primary combustion chamber 100 170x250mm RC lintel to support bricks above 200 22 11 primary combustion chamber 150x230mm RC lintel to support bricks above 1 12 110mm wide fire clay brick wall for the main body of incinerator 11 1 11 11 1 11 26 110mm wide outer fire clay brick wall of the incinerator 54 3mm thick MS plate ash door on 30x30x3mm MS angle frame, oil painted to approval. 1 11 1 11 11 13 54 76 25 Floor Plan at 01 scale 1:25 fire clay bricks as the base for the incinerator 3mm thick MS plate box tunnel 15 11 100 54 1 11 11 200 11 110mm wide outer fire clay brick wall of the incinerator 100 12 11 13 flue and secondary combustion chamber 187 23 92 1 11 91 11 23 12 26 11 1 11 110mm wide outer fire clay brick wall of the incinerator 13 15 11 1 11 11 175 loading door of 3mm MS plate welded on 30x30x3mm MS angle frame, oil painted. Floor Plan at 04 scale 1:25 Floor Plan at 02 scale 1:25 12 MS hinges to site Engineer's approval 187 110mm wide fire clay brick wall for the main body of incinerator 200 Floor Plan at 03 scale 1:25 11 11 12 12 65 12 65 1 100 11 1 36 12 1 11 12 11 11 3mm thick MS plate cover with 114mm dia, 3mm thick MS pipe welded on 30x30x3mm MS angle frame to house the chimney 110mm wide outer fire clay brick wall of the incinerator 110mm wide fire clay brick wall for the main body of incinerator 8.2 Incinerator: Elevation 40x100x5mm MS channel section as the top frame 150mm dia,3mm thick MS pipe chimney welded onto the chimney base plate 110mm wide outer fire clay brick wall of the incinerator 16 5 17 33 3mm thick MS plate ash door on 30x30x3mm MS angle frame, oil painted to approval. 7 fire clay bricks as the base for the incinerator typical side elevation 150x230mm RC lintel to support bricks above 17 3mm thick MS plate ash door on 30x30x3mm MS angle frame, oil painted to approval. 33 114 51 51 51 114 17 loading door of 3mm MS plate welded on 30x30x3mm MS angle frame, oil painted to approval. 7 +0.000 (flo or l evel) 16 5 +0.075 (i ncine rator b ase level ) 33 +0.410 (4 course brick leve l) 110mm wide outer fire clay brick wall of the incinerator 7 +0.580 (2 course brick leve l) 5 4m height loading door of 3mm MS plate welded on 30x30x3mm MS angle frame, oil painted to approval. 16 +1.300 (i ncine rator top le vel) +1.090 (6 course brick leve l) 150mm dia,3mm thick MS pipe chimney welded onto the chimney base plate loading door handle rear elevation scale 1:25 scale 1:25 fire clay bricks as the base for the incinerator front elevation scale 1:25 More detailed and scaled drawings are available with BoQs on the attached diskette. Drawings should be printed on A3 format paper chimney rain cap the gaps between the brick joints as well as the gap between the inner wall and the outer wall can be filled with refactory cement 2 coats of anti-rust paint to inhibit corrosion to all the mild steel surfaces 2 coats of anti-rust paint to inhibit corrosion to all the mild steel surfaces Completed Incinerator 23 28