Problem Set 1, due Feb 10 1) Consider a magnetic field of 11.7 T. Calculate the chemical shift on a ppm scale for proton nuclei whose frequency is 1340 Hz higher than for the reference compound TMS (=0 ppm). Are those nuclei shielded or deshielded by the surrounding electrons? 2) Based on the Bloch equations, which direction does the vector d M point with dt respect to M and B? 3) Why is the chemical shift of alpha H of amino acids much larger than for aliphatic methine groups? 4) What is the ratio of populations between the up and down energy states of a 1 H spin ½ placed in a magnetic field of 23 T at 300 K? At what temperature will the ratio be 0.9? 5) The chemical shift of water protons moves by 0.01 ppm per ºC. At a field of 7T, by how much does the frequency move if the temperature is changed by 10ºC? 6) Consider a one-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging experiment. If the applied magnetic field gradient is of size 0.1 T/m, what is the resonance frequency shift between proton spins that are separated by a distance of 1 cm? How many ppm would that be if this were done at 1.5 T static magnetic field (a common MRI field strength)? Consider an MRI image taken of some part of the human body. Considering that the human body contains various substances with a variety of chemical shifts different from the one of water, the signals of those may overlap with water signals some distance away. Considering a chemical shift of 4ppm, what distance would this correspond to? In other words: the signal shows up in the wrong location in the ‘image’. By how much is it displaced? (assume 1H spins) 7) Show the coupling pattern for the 13C spectrum of a –CHD2 group. Include coupling to both 1H and 2D (note: for 2D I=1). Additional problems (not required, but highly recommended) are: Hore book: Exercises 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.8 3.3, 3.6, (3.7)